Make stars without gluing – create your own Christmas decorations

December is just around the corner and this means many people are starting to think about itMaking poinsettiasMost people prefer to make stars without gluing. Handcrafted Christmas decorations can add a special touch to your home during the holiday season, which is why they have become a tradition in many families. No other holiday has such a magical preparation time as Christmas. So that you can get inspiration for your next DIY projects, here you will find a collection of creative and handmade jewelry that you can make yourself and add to your Christmas decorations.

Ideas for star crafts without gluing

Bring the Christmas spirit into every room of your home by putting paper intransform unusual ornaments. Glue is not absolutely necessary. At first glance, we would never guess that these pretty stars are just made of paper. However, they are cleverly crafted from interlocking shapes that fit together perfectly like a puzzle.

In most cases, the decorations are very easy to make and, as already mentioned, you don't even need glue or tape. You can have oneFold starand use this not only to add texture to your Christmas tree, but also to spend more time with your children. You can also simply place several crafted paper stars in a decorative bowl and mix them with other decorations and ornaments to create a Christmas potpourri, for example.

Star making instructions

The ornaments shown here include making paper ornaments in the shape of white or colored stars with patterns. They are quick and easy to make following the folding instructions. Once you start making these, you can quickly end up with a huge pile of paper stars. Also make a few different colored stars that you can hang in different places in your living space, such as on tree branches and pendant lights, as colorful accents. The colored decorative elements are becoming an increasingly popular trend and for this reason you can try to incorporate them into your home for the upcoming Christmas days.


  • Cardboard box
  • thread
  • Wooden beads (optional)


  1. First, cut out two of the triangle shapes from the template shown above after printing them out.
  2. For each triangle shape, then fold the shape in half at each point, with the right side facing out each time. (3 folds in total)
  3. You will then get two triangular shapes that look a bit like pyramids.
  4. Connect the two triangles, paying attention to the notches in the middle of each side of the triangle. You will use these notches to hold the two triangles together and form the star.
  5. With wrong sides pressed together, place the point of one triangle between the center notch of the other triangle. Repeat for each point in the triangle. The notches on each of the triangles hold the star together.
  6. Take a string and make a loop. Attach the loop to one tip of the star.
  7. If desired, thread a bead onto the loop for a finishing touch.

Origami star folding instructions

Five-pointed origami stars without glue are also an easy and versatile option. This opens up further interesting possibilities for beautiful Christmas decorations. You can do thisChristmas decorations made from recycled materialsMagazines, paper or even sheet music and create whatever you have lying around. However, if your Christmas tree isn't ready yet and you haven't put it up yet, you can place the stars on the mantel or other furniture in your apartment, for example. These crafts also allow you to create pages with different patterns, such as old dictionaries or magazines, so that you can give your living space a cozy vintage flair. Try to position the origami stars where they can serve as a focal point or create accents.


  • Paper of your choice
  • Scissors

Make a pentagon out of paper

  • We think it will be much easier for you if you learn how to make stars without gluing by watching a video. First you need to cut a pentagon out of your sheet. You can either trace the Pentagon template or oneOrigami Faltanleitunguse. The guide can be used universally as it is suitable for any paper format and can also be implemented quickly. Once you have your pentagon you can fold the star. So above is a two minute video showing how the former is done:
  • However, if you prefer to follow steps according to photos, you can also follow the folding methods shown in the pictures.
  • First, fold the square in half. Fold up the bottom left corner and then unfold it again. Then do the same with the top left corner by folding it down and unfolding it again.
  • Start by folding the bottom right corner toward the center of the X-shaped fold and folding the top layer in half. Then fold up edge AB to lay it along edge AC.
  • Next, turn the sheet of paper over so you can fold it in half along this line.
  • Then cut along the edge of the top layer, opening the finished pentagon.

Fold origami star

Step 1

  • Start with your paper by turning it face down. Fold the pentagon in half through each of its points and unfold it again so that you get a series of folds like this.
  • Then fold the bottom edge so that the corners meet the folds you just made.
  • Unfold again and then make the same fold for all other sides of the pentagon so that you get a row of folds.

Step 2

  • Fold the left edge along one of the folds you just made. Then fold up the bottom edge and at the same time pull the corner of the pentagon out to the left as follows. Press the fold flat.
  • Unfold fully. Rotate the pentagon 1/5 of a turn so that the next side is at the bottom, then repeat the folds as in the picture above. Do the same for all other sides of the pentagon. When you're done, you'll have a new set of folds that look something like this.

Step 3

  • Start with the pentagon fully unfolded and pinch all corners toward the center. With a little pressure, the paper is given a star shape.
  • Then turn the star over and fold the right edge to the center line. Work clockwise around the star and do the same for all the other tips.

Make 3D origami stars without gluing

For this more complex DIY project you will need 30 pieces of origami paper. You can use any size you want. However, make sure it is a square. Have fun crafting this great 3D star. You could even go to thePoinsettia some LED lampsPut it in so that your Christmas decorations shine and become even more impressive.


  • Start with the paper color facing down and fold the sheet.
  • Then fold the corner towards the middle and do the same with the opposite corner.
  • Turn the paper and fold the folded edge toward the center line. Be careful not to fold the flap by simply letting it out.
  • Then turn the paper sheet over again and fold the wings in the middle. Do this with the other wing too.
  • Then fold your paper at an angle and clamp the top and bottom points. How to make a nice straight line.
  • Turn the wings over and fold them as in the previous steps.
  • Turn the folded paper over again and unfold the wings you just folded. Turn over and cut in half point to point.
  • Make 30 pieces this way and then put them together.
  • To do this, take your second piece and tuck it into the pocket of the purple piece, aligning the fold line. It may be difficult to hold the whole thing together, but you can use paper clips or double stick tape to do this. As you add more pieces, they stay together better.
  • Then add the third piece in the same way and slide it into the second pocket. Don't worry if these fall out and just take your time to try again.
  • Now close the triangle, take the tap from the first piece and put it in the pocket of the third piece. This can also take some time.
  • Then form another triangle using the same technique as the first time. Keep doing this until the3D Poinsettiastarts to look like a ball.