The first birthday is not only special for the birthday child, but for the whole family. This should also be celebrated accordingly. Of course, for the special occasion, the baby's first experiences and experiences must be recorded photographically. The photos should definitely not look boring, but rather put a smile on the faces of family and friends. That's why more and more parents from the USA are opting for a cake smash shoot. The idea is also enjoying growing popularity in Europe. You can find out in the article what is behind the concept and what you need to pay attention to when organizing a shoot.
What is the concept of a cake smash photo shoot?
A first birthday photo shoot can take place up to three weeks before or three weeks after the birthday. During the shoot, the child is given a small birthday cake and is allowed to play with it, destroy the cake, smear cream everywhere, etc. This creates funny photos that show off the child's personality. As fun as the idea sounds, it is difficult to implement. If you don't prepare for this, you will often be badly surprised on the day of the photo shoot. So that everyone really has fun and the end result is really worth the effort, we'll tell you a few tricks:
The cake plays the main role!
In contrast to other photo shoots, where the children are greeted in a colorful photo studio, the photographers advise against a decorated set for a cake smash photo shoot. Ultimately shouldthe cake plays the main role, and other toys or accessories may distract the child's attention. As a decoration, several balloons and perhaps a garland with the child's name are enough. The colors of the decoration should definitely be discussed with the photographer in advance. The color of the cake should also be coordinated with the overall concept.
When and where can the photo shoot take place?
When making an appointment with the photographer, particular attention should be paid to the children's needs. In the best case scenario, parents should bring the child during their intensive playtime. Otherwise, you risk an overtired, bad-tempered baby who is not at all interested in the cake.
Design a birthday invitation: Add a personal touch to the design
No matter whether it's an anniversary or a children's birthday: the birthday is always something special. If you want to celebrate with family and friends in a restaurant or club, you have to plan the party in detail. We will give you some tips on how to design the birthday invitation and
Where the photo shoot should take place depends on personal preferences - in summer it can take place outside, in winter - indoors. Most photographers like to travel to clients. In this case, you must provide a free corner in your own home with dimensions of at least 3 x 4 meters.
How long does the photo shoot take? As a rule, a photo shoot with a baby cannot exceed an hour. In any case, children have to get used to it first and it can take 10-15 minutes for the baby to relax. A favorite toy helps the little ones with this.
What can you wear and what do you need to bring?
It goes without saying that the baby gets his clothes dirty. But most parents are in for a nasty surprise on the day of the photo shoot - because they get dirty too. Small children are constantly moving, want to hug their parents, cry and suddenly need to be comforted.
The parents should also come in simple clothing and be prepared that they too will have to change after the photo shoot. The photographers also recommend a cake in light pastel colors - red and dark blue food coloring can be difficult to remove from clothing.
What the parents need to bring with them and what the photographer will provide should be clarified in detail in advance. Parents can definitely bring spare clothes and plenty of tissues.
How do the children behave?
The concept itself is super fun and is guaranteed to be fun for toddlers, right? Many parents are wrong about this. In fact, only a small proportion of children are fascinated by the idea and want to grab and eat the cake straight away. Most babies are less fond of the icing and handle the cake carefully. The photographers then resort to a few tricks - they smear cake on the child's face, eat the cake themselves, or ask the parents and siblings to join in.
That’s why some photographers recommend “practicing” with cupcakes at home – and giving your child the opportunity to touch, taste and play with them. The little ones then feel much safer on set and grab it quickly.
The baby likes to play with the cake, it supposedly tastes very good, but then the photo shoot is over. Of course she doesn't want to leave out the fun toy. In this case, parents can distract his attention with another toy.
And some children may not be dirty at all. In this case, you can give the little one a spoon.
A cake smash photo shoot is fun and leaves beautiful memories. When the parents prepare for the appointment with the photographer, they think about itabout the decorationand make the cake and play with the child during the photo shoot, then an adorable sweet end result is guaranteed. In the photo gallery you will find some ideas for sets, baby clothes and cakes. Get inspired!