As versatile as plasticine is, it is no wonder that it is so popular as an employment for children. Children like to work with their hands and the soft texture of the plasticine enables them to make a wide variety of figures and even pictures. Regardless of whether you are for autumnMake kneading yourselfOr prefer to use you bought - with the help of our suggestions you can knead great things with children in autumn. Tinker autumn figures and motifs or design creative pictures to get into the right autumn mood.
Knead pictures with children in autumn
Certainly you have often have pretty, autumnalPictures with acrylic or water colorspainted. But have you ever got the idea of using plasticine to get pretty pictures? Sounds interesting, isn't it? And that's it too. If you want to knead with children in autumn, you need any elements in 2D shape, which you first make from plasticine. To do this, roll out a thin layer and then cut out the shapes with a blunt knife, a cake spatula or similar aids. Even cookie cutters for cookies with autumn motifs are ideal.
You then arrange the finished motifs on a sheet of paper. You can also have some elements freeKnead with the children- branches and branches, for example. The children can get really creative when designing such pictures. You are welcome to search for a few suggestions on the Internet from which the children can look at ideas.
Autumnal tree with a round crown
For kneading with children in autumn, they first shape small balls made of red, orange and yellow. For this purpose, take very small pieces of each of the three colors for each ball and roll them between your hands. An interesting marble effect will be created. For the time being, put the balls aside and form a long role for the trunk out of brown tub. Then press the roll on a sheet of paper (normal paper is suitable, but corrugated as in the example looks more effective and the plasticine remains better sticking).
Now arrange the balls in a circle around the top of the stem, leaving small distances between them. Then the balls are pressed flat with one finger so that they get oval -shaped leaves. Then repeat this inside the circle: Place the balls offset to the previous row, i.e. always between the leaves and when pressing the flat, each new row should overlap the previous one. Go on to the middle.
Mosaic pictures knead with children in autumn
No matter what motifs, pictures inMOSAI OPAlways look great. And getting a simple variant of such an optics is plasticine. If you want to knead with children in autumn, shape thin rollers, press them flat and cut off small pieces with scissors. Collect them by colors sorted in small containers. Then draw any picture on paper with pencil. Then distribute the plates made of plasticine on the motif to get a colored picture.
Leaves with template
Print a leaf leaf on paper and start “coloring” and kneading with children in autumn. To do this, place a piece of plasticine in any autumn color on the motif, press it flat and pull or push the plasticine into different directions. Then take a different color and repeat the whole thing in a neighboring place. Due to the pulling apart, interesting transitions between the colors result in those of those ofreal leavesvery similar. You can find a template for printing below.
Latt made of plasticine and acorn
This is a great idea that also promotes the motor skills of small children. Select a suitable surface such as a baking sheet, a large sheet of paper or baking paper, and put it on the work area. From plasticine you then form a thin, long roll, with which you can then design any motif. You decide whether it is a leaf leaf, an apple or another typical autumn motif.
On the lines designed in this way, the child can thenthe glans(or small chestnuts, dry berries, legumes, etc.).
Animals from pine cones and plasticine
With a little sensitivity you can evenCute animalsAnd other figures knead with children in autumn by using pine cones as the basis. The scales are perfectly suitable for fixing the individual elements and adding faces, arms and legs.
Fuchs and owl
Really cute and also easy are thissympathetic foxAnd owl. Roll out the plasticine and then cut out the individual elements. Cooker shapes in heart shape can be used for the faces and legs. With the fox, only press the curves together slightly to get pointed ears. Then tinker the other small elements, add them together and fix them at the pine cone.
Discover even more exciting kneading and handicrafts projectsIn our latest post- Ideal for the autumn season!
For example, how about such snails as an idea for kneading with children in autumn? Autumn usually goes hand in hand with plenty of rainy days. Snails of course appear in abundance. That's why they are also a great motive forHandicrafts in autumn. Tinker a pad in the form of a paper sheet or cardboard leaf and paint it. Then they form rollers that they once merged in a spiral for the snail shell, while a second roll is used for the snail body.
Spider with chestnuts
Anyone who likes to tinker with natural materials will find numerous options in autumn.Chestnuts are one of them. As with the cones, the chestnut can represent the body of an animal while kneading the remaining elements with children in autumn. In the example above you can see a really quick and easy idea that is also suitable for kindergarten children: a spider. It is the perfect motive for Halloween.
Form the legs in any color by forming them between the palms of your palms. Then only bend them and fix them below the chestnut. Since the latter has a very smooth surface, the plasticine will not stick very well. Therefore, such figures are only suitable for putting it.
Hedgehog with spiked dress kneading with children in autumn
For this idea, the plasticine is not the main material, but offers the best basis for designing the hedgehog's spiked dress by putting the materials into the plasticine. So they will knead with children in autumn anyway. Drawa hedgehogOn a sheet of paper or print out one. You can then color this with colored pencils, acrylic paints or water colors. On the area of the spiked dress, you then distribute a layer of kneading in any color. Now you can make the spines and put it in the plasticine. In the example you can see three variants:
Ideas for materials to design
- Straws: Cut the straws into smaller pieces. You should cut one of the two ends at an angle. In this way, the spines get an even more sympathetic look.
- Cotton swab: Halve the chopsticks and color the ends with the cotton wool with acrylic, water or food coloring. Use typical autumn colors such as red, orange, yellow, brown and purple. Let the colors dry and then distribute the cotton swabs in the kneading mass.
- Pine needles: If you still have Christmas decorations that you do not use and that consists of artificial pine needles, you can also use them. Just cut them off and then press it into the plasticine. Real needles are also wonderfully suitable.
No matter which of the variants you choose, start with the top row and then work your way down. After each row, add a new layer of plasticine and put the next row. In the example with the ear sticks, you can easily see what is meant. You are also welcome to come up with other materials. You can also add additional decorations as well ashomemade apples, Leaves as the background, raindrops and others.
Autumn picture with pressing leaves
Use real leaves for autumn pictures
Free template for hedgehogs
Ahorn leaf for design
Leaves and acorn
Instead of coloring colored with a plasticine
Birch tree to print - sheets made of plasticine tinker in autumn colors
Tree trunk to design with leaves made of plasticine
Template for oak leaf
Knette spider, pipe cleaner and pompom
Knette balls for trees