Make your own window pictures for autumn with chalk pens: 40+ free stencils to print out

Bring romantic autumn into your four walls by not only putting up a few beautiful decorations and handing out tablecloths, but also attaching one or two window pictures to the windows. And by that we don't mean the relatively time-consuming pictures made from window paints, because it's easier and, above all, cheaper.

Have you ever drawn with chalk pencils? Or maybe you've had chalk pencil fever for some time now? With a few stencils you can quickly and easily create beautiful window pictures for autumn with chalk pens and even let the children help.

How to work with the pens and templates

Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

It couldn't be easierpretty autumn pictureto paint:

  • Choose any template you like.
  • Print them out.
  • Using tape, tape the picture to the outside of the window. The side with the picture should face inside.
    A notice:Make sure that the window is not too dusty or greasy, as the adhesive tape will not stick well and could fall off as you work.
  • Now you can paint the inside of the window pane by simply tracing the outline of the selected image.
  • Then remove the template again.
Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

By using templates, you don't have to have great drawing talent to bring beautiful motifs to the window. For the same reason this idea is so suitable for children.

Window pictures for autumn with chalk pens with free stencils

Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

At the end of the article you will find a PDF file with a large selection of designs that you can print out and use as stencils. Below you will findautumnal garlands, autumn trees and typical animals such as squirrels and hedgehogs, but also gnomes and autumn fruits such as pumpkins, acorns, chestnuts and leaves. You can use them separately by cutting them out and composing your own pictures on the window.

There are also stencils that you can put together like a puzzle to create images of any size and fill the entire window pane as you wish.

Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

Chalk markers come in different colors. If white is too neutral for you, simply use typical fall colors such as red, orange and yellow to give your window pictures even more expression.

Design windows, mirrors and showcases

Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

The window panes are not the only surfaces that can be designed in this way. You can also create fall window decals with chalk pens on other glass surfaces, including mirrors, glass cabinet doors, and even kitchen tile backsplashes that are made of glass. A picture frame with glass can also quickly be transformed into an autumnal decoration if you paint it.

And cleaning is just as easy as designing and can even be done completely without cleaning agents:

  • Spray the area with plain water.
  • Rub the area with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Complete!
Those:@raamtekening/ Instagram

The free onePDF filewith templates to print outcan be found here.

Cover photo:@raamtekening/ Instagram