Autumn decoration for the living room: With these cozy trends for 2022, your home will be stylish in autumn

We can slowly say goodbye to summer and welcome the wonderful autumn. Even though it brings us many dreary and cool days, it also has its great sides. It's finally getting cozy in our four walls and we can enjoy warm treats like cocoa or tea in our cozy blanket. But to make it really comfortable, the right decoration is important. Which autumn decorations can you choose for the living room? What fits and what is currently trendy? We'll enlighten you!

The decoration in autumn 2022 – This is trendy

Which style?

Whether minimalist, rustic,Scandinavian, Japaneseor Mediterranean – as long as the autumn decoration for the living room radiates your personality, you are doing everything right. The exact style is irrelevant, it should just be decorated individually according to your taste.

Which colors?

Autumn colors of course, but don't just think about the warm yellows, oranges and reds. Purple, lilac and violet are also typical autumn colors that are usually forgotten, but form a wonderful contrast to the warm ones.Schimmerndes Metallicgives the autumn decoration for the living room shine and elegance. It is best to balance strong colors with neutral tones such as gray, beige or white.

Which materials?

Naturalness comes first, so all the things that can be found in nature are just perfect. branches,Pine and other cones, wood and rattan, but also reed and bamboo create the necessary warmth, while you can create an elegant contrast with cool marble. Don't forget about metallic decorations either, because, as mentioned above, metallic colors are simply perfect for autumn decorations for the living room.

Autumn decorations for the living room – ideas to imitate

We explained above what it should look like in theory. Now here are a few examples of how you can implement what has been said. Get inspired!

Put together autumnal table decorations

It probably couldn't get any easier than designing a tray. Obtainjust a tray, a decorative plate or a box and present any decorations from the decoration shop or from the park or forest on it. Dried flowers in cool shades of purple form a great contrast to a shiny metallic or glass vase, for example, while decorative pumpkins can be spread around them. Imagination is required for this autumn decoration for the living room and you can experiment until you find the perfect arrangement.

A tree disk is also ideal for the substrate, because anything made of wood is welcome in autumn!

Is it only green in spring and summer? Not at all! Just think of the forest where you are now collecting porcini mushrooms. For this reason, this color is also ideal as long as you combine it with the right autumn motifs, patterns and materials (here the pumpkins, for example) and choose a darker shade. And besidesthe round wooden discIncidentally, such elongated versions are also a great idea as a base.

It doesn't necessarily have to be flowers. There are also trees that impress with the color of their leaves and by that we don't just mean the classic maple or chestnut leaves, but the purple ones like in the example above. And they really come into their own in the white vase.

Make garlands and decorate in autumn

Garlands are exactly the right idea to use the collected materials. Pine cones, acorns, leaves or even dried mushrooms are perfect and can be complemented with glittery or metallic beads, ribbons or whatever else you can think of. It doesn't necessarily have to be collected either. Of course you can also use artificial materials for oneautumnal garlanduse.

They are perfect in various areas as autumn decorations for the living room. For example, you candecorate the mantel, the curtain rod or hang directly in front of the window as an autumn decoration for the window. It can also meander along the dining table.

Autumn decoration for the living room - elegant velvet skilfully staged

Velvet is a very striking material and should therefore not predominate in furnishings and decoration, but ratherused as an accentbe: for decorative cushions or pumpkins, for example. If you have a velvet sofa, you can complement it with a few other accents made from this material.

Pumpkins are easy to make yourself and can then be presented in a variety of ways. Here, for example, a vintage-style porcelain bowl was chosen and filled with moss. The contrast of pink and green is really very appealing.

Autumn decorations in a minimalist style - leaves in picture frames

Autumn decoration ideas with dry leaves

Idea for an arrangement made of decorative pumpkins and feathers

Make your own acorns as fall decorations using decorative pumpkins and yarn