Which vegetables to plant in March: Varieties to grow on the windowsill or to sow in the bed

Even if the weather of the last few days doesn't exactly evoke spring feelings, the new gardening season is fast approaching. The first types of vegetables have already been sown indoors and are waiting on the windowsill to come into the garden in May, for others the last month of winter is the right time. In this article we summarize which vegetables you can plant in March. We'll list which varieties you prefer in the warm and which can go straight into the bed.

It is still too cold outside for some vegetables in March, which is why you should eat themprefer in the warmmust. However, this is not necessarily a disadvantage, on the contrary: as soon as the weather is warm enough to plant the plants outdoors, they have a good head start in growth and are therefore stronger.Which vegetables in March?Is it best to start by planting in pots on the windowsill?

What vegetables to plant in March – cauliflower, broccoli and kohlrabi

In theory, you could also sow these types of cabbage in the bed and they wouldn't freeze to death straight away. The real problem is that they simply require higher temperatures to germinate (15 to 20 degrees) and until it gets that warm you would lose valuable time. Hence thatPreferring vegetables in winteror the better choice in spring.

Some vegetables that you could sow in February

Varieties that you were able to sow indoors in February can now be sown in nursery pots at the beginning of the month. This includesfor example tomatoes. If you plant tomatoes in pots, you can leave some of them there, provided you have chosen suitable varieties. There are some that can also be grown wonderfully in pots - perfect for balconies and terraces! But chili and peppers should also be prepared for the windowsill now, just like the eggplant.

Pumpkin and zucchini can also be placed on the windowsill so that they still have enough time to get a good head start.

Various green vegetables

Salad in particular can always be donedrawn on the windowsillso it is actually no surprise that they are part of the suitable varieties for sowing in March. You can then leave some of them on the windowsill later and plant the others if you want. Either way, the undemanding salad will thrive wonderfully.

You can also sow cucumbers this month and the first herbs can begin their growth cycle indoors before they are added to the bed in warm weather.

Other vegetables to grow in March:

  • artichoke
  • Chinakohl
  • Eisbergsalat
  • Endivie
  • Garden cress
  • Green beans
  • potatoes
  • Pak Choi
  • Porree
  • Radicchio
  • Rhabarber
  • Römersalat
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Saddlery
  • asparagus
  • White cabbage
  • savoy

When should you plant vegetables in the bed?

As a rule, early plants are released outdoors at the end of May, during the Ice Saints, but this can vary depending on the region. In those with a mild climate you may be able to plant out a little earlier. It also depends on the types of vegetables. Some are less bothered by the cold than others. Therefore, inquire about the varieties you have chosen.

Which vegetables to plant in March – They can go straight into the bed

March isn't too warm yet, but there are still some vegetables that can easily withstand the March temperatures. Such varieties can be sown directly into the bed this month, although you should of course pay attention to the correct spacing (noted on the seed packaging). Also, find theright planting partner.

Sow salads and herbs at the end of the month

We have already mentioned that salads can be sown and cultivated indoors at any time. But you can do it as early as the end of Marchdirectly into the garden bedsow (or early April). More precisely, this applies to lettuce and lettuces such as spinach, chard and rocket. You can also sow the first herb plants in the bed as you wish, such as parsley, dill and chives.

Onion and root vegetables can be grown outdoors

There are already a number of varieties here that are suitable for outdoor use. For example, what vegetables do you plant in March? Radishes, carrots, radishes, beets, turnips and parsnips are already feeling comfortable in the soil despite the still low temperatures. With radish, you can use a protective film at the beginning. Bulbous vegetables such as onions, shallots and leeks as well as garlic are also good for youSowing outdoorssuitable.

Which vegetables to plant in March – pods for the garden bed

Peas and snow peas are also worth mentioning when it comes towhich vegetables you plant in Marchor can sow. Broad beans and broad beans as well as asparagus peas also tolerate the cold very well and are already feeling at home in the vegetable patch.