Carve melon shark – instructions and pictures for the recipe

Parents often try to surprise their children with original treats to make them happy. Whether for a child's birthday or other occasion, a culinary fruit creation is always well received by young and old alike. This means you can replace traditional sweets such as chocolate cakes or candies with a unique and healthy recipe idea. Using these instructions, you can prepare an unusual and attractive melon shark with fruits step by step. This will not only be tasty for adults and children, but will also be really fun and hopefully scare some people a bit. The Melon Shark is sure to be a tasty refreshment for everyone during the long, hot summer days.

How can you make your own melon shark with fruit salad?

Even amateurs can catch a melon sharkcreative cutting. Children and adults will like this tasty surprise. In addition, the fruit salad is aperfect summer souvenir, which will be the centerpiece of the table if you serve it in the form of the melon shark. It's surprisingly easy to prepare and requires just a few kitchen tools to carve.

Start by washing the watermelon. Then dab it and select the upper part with the most saturated colors.

Then cut off a slanted piece of it. It should make up about a third of the melon and look like a mouth opening. Then place the watermelon on its cut side and cut a wedge about 4cm wide. Keep this to make the fin later.

Use a knife to mark 2 strip lines across the watermelon about 3cm from the edge.

Now take the vegetable peeler and carefully remove the green peel from the two marked strips.

You can use a small paring knife to make finer details in theCarving melon peel.

Now it's time to remove the ruby ​​red fruit mass. Try to cut these out in straight pieces so that you can use them in the fruit salad. Once you've cut away most of the pulp from the rind, turn the watermelon over to the other side and remove the rest with a tablespoon or ice cream spoon. Place the melon shark on the serving platter.

Then use the paring knife again and use it to carve triangular teeth on the two peeled strips.

Take the wedge you cut out earlier and form a slanted triangle from the center to use as a fin.

Hold the fin next to the melon shark and examine the curve you need to cut out of it so that the fin conforms to the shape of the head.

When you're done, attach the fin to the bark using the toothpicks.

Once you have diced the pineapple, apples and watermelon pulp, mix them together in a large bowl and place everything in the shark's mouth. Then break a toothpick in half to attach the eyes to the blueberries on each side of the head.

It is recommended to drain the fruit salad in a colander if the dessert is eaten a little later. Otherwise your melon shark will have to swim in fruit juice.

Optionally, you can add a water motif, for example by applying blue jelly. This will make the melon shark look like it is coming out of the water. Simply prepare the jelly in a baking tray and store in a cool place until you pour it into the serving plate around the melon shark. In addition to the fruit salad, you can add grapes and let gummy sharks or other types of fish swim in the blue jelly.

You can do thisShark fruit creationPrepare a few hours in advance or the day before and then store in the refrigerator overnight.

Finally, a brief summary of all the steps:

Ingredients and accessories

  • an oval watermelon
  • a large chef's knife
  • a peeler
  • a dinner spoon or ice cream spoon
  • a paring knife and a vegetable peeler
  • a large serving platter
  • three toothpicks
  • 1 piece fresh pineapple
  • 3 large apples
  • 2 large blueberries or red grapes


  1. Rinse the watermelon well and pat dry.
  2. Cut off a third of the watermelon at a slight angle to make the mouth opening.
  3. Place the watermelon on the cut side and remove a 4 cm wide wedge from it.
  4. Mark 2 strips, each 3 cm wide, with a knife.
  5. Using a vegetable peeler, carefully remove the green peel from the two strips.
  6. Use the large kitchen knife to cut out the pulp. Remove the rest with a spoon.
  7. Carve the triangular teeth with a paring knife.
  8. Make the fin from the wedge, adapt it to the shark's head and attach it with toothpicks.
  9. Make the eyes using the blueberries and a toothpick broken in half.
  10. Place the diced fruit mixture in your mouth either directly or after approx. 30 minutes.