Wercreative Easter eggswants to design, not only has to be satisfied with the normal colors. Instead, you can use a wide variety of materials instead and thus stick the Easter eggs. Whether fabric, springs, pearls, paper or even spices and kernels - if you want something new this year, you can try one of our ideas today. They are also super suitable if you are looking for Easter eggs with children or Easter eggs for kindergarten techniques.
Glue Easter eggs - try beautiful egg techniques with children and adults
When it comes to designing eggs with decorations and glue, you can use any types of eggs. That means that not only cooked andProzed Easter eggsare suitable, but also those made of plastic, styrofoam, wood or other materials. You have free choice!
Which glue?
Incidentally, this also applies to the choice of the adhesive. Adhesive pencil for paper and napkins thatPopular hot glueFor pearls or glitter stones, textile adhesive for fabrics or another you have at hand, all are suitable if you want to stick Easter eggs. It depends on what you like to work with and which material you want to fix on the eggs. Only if you want to decorate cooked eggs that are then consumed can be chosen an harmless water -based adhesive.
Glue Easter eggs with fabric
Would you likeEaster eggs decorate with children? Then our first idea is ideal.Use any fabric residuethat cut them into pieces or strips and then dress the eggs. Colorful fabric is of course best suited for children and also has Easter motifs, all the better! Adults can also get one of themVintage IdeeDare when you stick Easter eggs and combine linen with lace to get a unique decoration for the table.
There are also great patterned, self -adhesive fabric tapes that not only simplify the handicrafts. You can cut the strips into pieces as long as you like and then spread it on the egg. Such ligaments glue great on real and artificial eggs.
Or how about this idea for which you can use your old jeans? In addition, they see a trendy idea for which Marimekko fabrics were used. Cut out the patterns and motifs and glue them on the eggs. You can of course also do the same with Marimekko napkind by using the service technology (see below) and glue Easter eggs.
Decorate Easter eggs with paper - techniques and suitable paper types
Or how about if you stick the Easter egg with paper. Different types of paper are suitable for this purpose. As with the fabric, it is advisable to prepare smaller pieces. You can cut them with scissors or tear them very easily, which gives them an additional charm. But there are also other ways that you can stick to Easter eggs with paper. How about confetti, for example? Here are a few moreIdeas and techniques:
Glue Easter eggs with newspaper
Your eggs get a certain vintage charm when youUse newspaper for tinkering(Incidentally, the same applies to notes paper). This is also a great way to recycle part of the collected newspapers. The best thing is suitable as an adhesive. Cover the newspaper in pieces, distribute paste on the entire egg and then the paper. The individual pieces should overlap.
If necessary, you can add a second layer. At the end, seal everything with a Schich paste and either let them dry or add a few moreDecorations like feathers, Buttons, yarn, top ligaments and the like. You can also fix such additional decorative elements with glue after drying, i.e. after drying.
Easter eggs stick with tissue paper
You also get the option of designing colorful eggs with tissue paper if you want to stick Easter eggs instead of coloring. CutFrom the tissue paperSmall snippet. These can have any shape, but shouldn't be too small. Then spread the egg with paste or handicraft glue and start pressing the snippet onto the surface (see picture under transparent paper).
With a brush you canThe snippetThen smooth out. As soon as the complete egg is covered, you can cover it again with glue and stick a second layer of paper. Now the paste only has to dry and you can already use theEaster eggs decorate the house.
Ideas with crepe paper
Incidentally, you can also stick Easter eggs with crepe paper in the same way. Or they form from small pieces of paper, which they then glue on the eggshell (or the plastic or styrofoam), which is also a great variant when they areEaster eggs with small children. We also like the idea from the picture above, in which the egg was only wrapped with a long strip of crepe paper until it was completely covered and that can then be decorated with decorative crepe paper strips or other shapes (e.g. in waveform, zigzag, dots, etc.).
The Easter egg above should in turna Pinhata imitate. It is up to you whether you use plastic eggs for opening as in the example. Either way you need stripesCutpapier. Then cut one of the longer sides with the scissors to design fringes several times.
Then you can stick the Easter eggs: Start below and gradually work your way up. Apply glue to the non-franks half of the strip and glue it around the egg. The next row should always overlap the previous one.
Transparent paper
In contrast to the tissue paper, transparent paper is thicker and it is also easier to make with it. So if you want to tinker with children, this paper is preferable to the tissue paper so that you can really enjoy the handicraft project. Otherwise you can also carry out the ideas mentioned above if you are Easter eggswith transparent paperwant to stick. This type of paper is great for kindergarten.
Service technology
Forget theGood old service technologyNot if you want to stick Easter eggs. If you want to stick Easter eggs with napkins, you need the following things:
- Owner
- Napkins with suitable motifs
- Scissors
- flat brush
- Glass or porcelain liver or special adhesive for service technology
- Acrylack for sealing
Glue with napkins Easter eggs - instructions
Cut out the desired motifs from the napkin and then carefully remove the top location (that with the motif) from the other layers. Then you can stick the Easter eggs. To do this, dip the brush into the glue, put the motif on the desired area on the egg and paint the glue over it. It is very thin paper, which is why you should be careful so that the paper does not tear or wrinkle.
Add as many motifs as you want and then let the glue dry. Then you can also cover the finished egg with acryllack and thus fix the motifs.
Idea with photos
By using the service technology, you can even stick the Easter eggs with photos. Like that? You need a printer and just have to print the desired photo on a napkin and this works as follows:
- Place the napkin on a sheet of printer paper and stick it along the edge with tape.
- Select the desired photo (on the computer or via scanner and copy function) and print it on this sheet with a napkin.
- When setting, make sure that the photo really comes to the napkin.
- Let the printer ink dry.
- Cut out the motif and carefully remove the top location of the napkin, on which the photo is also located.
- Use the instructions from the instructions to apply the photo to the egg.
You can glue plastic Easter eggs on this meadow, but also real eggs.
Springs as decoration
You can quickly and easily stick Easter eggs with feathers. It is a matter of taste Put a little glue on the egg, and only in the place where the smooth part of the pen should be. Press the spring there. In turn, fix the fluffy part with a drop of hot glue.
If you want to stick the whole Easter eggs, start at the top and work to the round egg end. Every new series should overlap. Such eggs make themselves wonderfully as a trailer for the Easter bouquet and can be designed with colorful and natural feathers. In general areFor the Easter decorations springsIdeal suitable.
Pearls for pretty Easter egg pattern
Regardless of whether you tinker with flusted eggs or with cooked, pearls are a great way to design wonderful patterns and motifs, which is not just like the girls. However, since it would probably be a shame to destroy the work of art after the egg has to be peeled, it is of course advisable to use flusted or artificial eggs if you stick the Easter eggs to use it again every year for the Easter decoration.
If you do theEaster eggs with pearlsWant to glue that are very small, you can first cover the egg with craft glue and then dive directly into the pearls so that they stick to the surface. Then you can handle them carefully. There are also self -adhesive, half pearls that are suitable for decorating.
Glue Easter eggs with eggshells
It is a now relatively well -known idea, but we would like itMosaic eggsMake a mention here, as it is so well suited when you stick Easter eggs with children: small pieces of egg shell of an ice cream are glued to an entire egg. A color contrast should arise. For example, you can glue brown egg shells on a white egg or vice versa. Craft glue, but also hot glue (not for small children!) With which they deal sparingly.
They can also color cooked eggs just as well, then peel the egg and this coloredShell for decoratingUse the Easter eggs so that you get colorful variants. Also, the entire egg does not have to be covered. You can just as well make patterns and, for example, only design a strip of shapes or points. Be creative!
Decoration with wool
You can also design beautiful patterns if you stick Easter eggs with wool. It is best to use a rapidly drying glue to tinkering, such as hot glue. Put a drop of it on the top or the lower side of the ice and stick the end of the wool thread. Now start the thread around thatTo wrap egg. All rows should be close together and the thread should be pulled slightly tight when they stick the Easter eggs with wool threads.
Here and there you fix the wool thread again with glue. If you stick the Easter eggs, you can play with the colors of the threads and design patterns. Simply cut off the thread and continue with the next one by sticking your end sticking and changing.
Or you do not wrap the entire egg, but only set an accent with a few revolutions or by shaping a flower, a sun and other motifs with threads. You can choose this idea for Easter eggs for children because it is relatively easy to imitate. However, hot glue is not suitable for smaller children!