Homemade Easter decorations in the garden: ideas for plant bowls, tree trunks and Easter wreaths

Sure, spring with all its colorful flowers and tree blossoms already creates wonderful decorations everywhere outside. Nevertheless, you would still like to decorate a little extra, especially for an occasion like Easter. How about a homemade Easter decoration in the garden?

Those:@thefrugalhomemaker/ Instagram

Wooden rabbit figurines or simple arrangements for the garden table, a few eggs hanging on the tree - it's really not difficult to create the perfect Easter atmosphere outdoors with your own hands. Shall we bet?

Decorate the garden table with a plant bowl with crosses

Those:@millstonenursery/ Instagram

A planted bowl with the three crosses as a homemade Easter decoration in the garden is perfect for honoring the martyr, because they symbolize the crucifixion of Jesus. Even beginners can do one of theseEasily design the plant bowl.

  • The base is of course the bowl, which you fill with soil.
  • Plant spring bulbs and any other flowers you like, or spread moss directly over them to cover everything.
  • Add any appropriate decorations: three crosses, small quail or Easter eggs, decorative stones, an Easter bunny, etc.
  • If you place a clay pot under the moss layer, you can imitate the cave where Jesus was resurrected. (It is also sufficient if you simply place the pot on top.)

Homemade Easter decorations in the garden – XXL bowl for the entrance area

Those:@millstonenursery/ Instagram

You can also design an oversized plant bowl for other areas in the garden. she canin the middle of the front yardor stand on the terrace, decorate the entrance area or any other place. The following instructions show step by step how you can plant an Easter bowl.

Those:@millstonenursery/ Instagram

These plants were used for homemade Easter decorations in the garden: daffodils, willowwith pussy willow, moss, Christmas rose, orchid, bluebell, cyclamen

A notice:Depending on the weather or which month Easter falls in, it could still be too cold outside for the orchid. In this case, leave them out for Easter decorations or replace them with another type of cold-resistant flower.

This might interest you:Crafts with pussy willows and eggs for spring and Easter

Those:@millstonenursery/ Instagram
  • Add a drainage layer to the tray. This can consist of pebbles or shards of pottery.
  • Add potting soil.
  • Plant one or two of the larger selected plants.
  • Glue moss to a small clay pot (there is special florist glue) and put the earth in it.
  • Plant the remaining plants and also choose a place for moss, which makes the whole thing look even more natural.
  • Stick three crosses into the moss. You can make these yourself by tying two sticks together.
  • Fill in any vacant spaces with gravel.

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Homemade Easter decorations in the garden from a branch or trunk

Those:@vinskatrta/ Instagram

Take a look at your firewood pile, maybe you'll find a suitable piece of wood for such a cute bunny. To make an Easter decoration for outside in the garden, simply cut the end of a piece of beam, trunk or thick branch diagonally downwards. You then paint the resulting surface with varnish or acrylic paints (which you can seal with clear varnish at the end).

Design an Easter bunny like in the example or other Easter motifs as you wish. Paint colorful Easter eggson the wooden surface, a chick or even a lamb. You can make Easter decorations with birch logs, which are so fashionable these days, or with any others that you have on hand.

Easter decorations for hanging - Easter bunny wreaths

Those:@barnatthewillow/ Instagram

It doesn't matter whether it's for the entrance door, a wall, a bare wall or the entrance gate, because these Easter bunnies will make any area an eye-catcher. What looks complicated at first turns out to be really simple to make. What you need:

  • 2 wreath blanks made from willow branches or vines (same size or two different sizes for head and body)
  • Willow branches or vines
  • Any additional decoration (e.g. oversized bows or flowers)
  • Paper wire or floral wire
  • String for hanging
Those:@barnatthewillow/ Instagram

Tie the two rings together with the wire. Make ears out of the elastic branches and tie them to your head. Decorate the bunny as you wish and tie the string to hang it. The Easter decoration for the garden is now ready.

Also read:Making Easter cards with children: Creative ideas to put a smile on people's faces!