Make an Advent calendar out of wood: 20 original Christmas trees

The Advent calendar is a great tradition that is a lot of fun for young and old. If you can't find the right design among the ready-made variants that can be found on the market, you can make something original yourself. A wooden Advent calendar, for example, is worth the effort because it would stay for years to come. We'll show you a few great examples of how you can put together a wooden Christmas tree and decorate it with various small gifts.

To do this, you first need a stable structure on which you can hang your gifts. And what could be better for this purpose than a Christmas tree shape made from old wooden boards? You can even take apart old wooden pallets, cut the boards, sand them, and paint them a desired color. For a medium-sized Christmas tree you need about 6 wooden boards of different sizes, which you assemble with nails and a hammer as shown in the picture.

Once the wooden Christmas tree is finished, you need to position your 24 nails. Make sure there is enough space for each hanging bag. Wrap your small giftswith nice wrapping paperand use gold thread to hang these on the tree.

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Another great gift storage idea! These mini buckets were embellished with white spray paint and gold adhesive numbers.

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Instead of using nails, you can attach your gift bags to the tree using small decorative clothespins. Whether with wood glue or hot glue, the clothespins can easily hold sweets and small gifts.

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