The merry Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer and you should think about how many Christmas cards you need in good time. Sometimes it takes a few weeks for the card to reach the recipient. Therefore, plan sending in good time. In any case, there is still enough time to be able to creatively design some unique and individual greeting cards and we have picked out 30 great and creative craft ideas and instructions for you. Be inspired by them or copy them!
In this article you will find great ideas for cards that you can easily make yourself for your loved ones. You can find all the useful supplies at home or in the craft store. Still, you don't need to invest very much in this DIY project, except perhaps a lot of imagination. To make the following cards you will of course also need suitable thick cardboard and pens. Stamps and stamp ink are also needed, but you can easily replace these with a little creativity. Use acrylic paint or watercolors instead of ink and make your own stamps.
You can apply stamps using self-adhesive foam about 2 mm thick and a piece of wood or other material that is easy to hold. Alternatively, get foam adhesive tape of the appropriate width from the hardware store. Another way to get oneMake your own stamps, some may know from their parents. It's very easy to carve a beautiful stamp out of a potato. Unfortunately, this is only suitable for one-time use and complicated, delicate shapes are very difficult to create. Nevertheless, it is worth carrying out some experiments. After all, the whole thing doesn't cost much.
Beautiful stamps with letters and numerous motifs can be found in every craft store. These can be used multiple times and for a long time. This creates great greeting cards and unique creations. Combine with cutouts from different decorative paper and decorate tastefully. Use accents made from other materials found in nature or at home, such as small, colorful buttons, natural wooden sticks, pine branches and cone scales. Design a personal card with a distinctive touch and give it to your loved ones during the Merry Christmas celebrations.
*a project by The Crafty Gentleman
*a project byLittle Button Diaries
*a project byKates Creative Space