When should you start planting on your balcony and which flowers, herbs and vegetables are suitable for your outdoor area?

When designing a balcony garden, it can be difficult to find inspiration and know where to start due to limited space. But with a little know-how and imagination, creating such a garden can be a truly rewarding experience. Below you will find out when to start planting on the balcony and which plants are suitable for an outdoor garden!

How to Create a Balcony Garden

Sometimes being confined to a small space makes you think more creatively. From the best plants depending on your orientation to maximizing space, our guide to balcony garden ideas has all the advice to help you transform your balcony into a leafy oasis.

The best time for planting on the balcony is early spring. This allows you to take advantage of the excellent soil temperatures and mild weather to promote vigorous, healthy growth.

Important conditions to note

Exposure to sun and wind
Many balconies do not have a roof or covering, making them highly exposed to the elements such as sun and wind. If you have a lot of wind exposure, you should look for hardy plants, ones with waxy leaves likeFatsia japonica– they are very good when it is windy and the sun is shining.Another plant, which grows well in the wind, is the oneMeerfenchel, which grows on beaches. It can be grown in a pot, you just need to add sea salt when watering to recreate its natural environment. If it is very windy, try to create as much shelter as possible.

Watering outdoor gardens
Due to the sometimes rougherElements on balconiesand the fact that vessels dry out more quickly, you need to make sure your watering routine is correct. You need to water quite a bit, especially when it is very sunny and windy. In mid-summer you will need to water at least once, probably twice a day, morning and evening, before the sun rises and after it sets. Do it at the coolest time, otherwise the water will completely evaporate when watering.

What can you plant outdoors?

Luckily, you can grow a variety of plants on your balcony. Not just flowers, but also herbs and vegetables. Here we will show you which plants are suitable for outdoor use. It is better to plant not seeds, but rather seedlings. The only real requirement for a garden like this is that you don't grow anything that will completely take up the space.

Which flowers for the balcony

Flowers that thrive in alpine gardens or rock gardens are also ideal for balcony gardens. As in alpine environments, balconies are also exposed to winds. Alpine flowers also require less water,which makes them easy to care forand reduces the risk of them dripping onto the neighbors below. PutArmeria sea pinkto get a cushion of bright pink flowers in late spring.Delosperma, the hardy ice plant, produces daisy-like flowers over a long period of time.Dianthusblütencheer you up with their spicy scent.Penstemcan attract bees and butterflies.

If you're not ready to commit to perennials, choose drought-tolerant annuals that don't require much care to thrive.Vincaare self-cleaning plants that do not need to be removed.Million bellslook like miniature petunias and hold up well even after a rain shower. For sunny outdoor areas, you can choose a variety of flowers that you would typically plant in the garden. Succulents are also perfect!

Types of vegetables for growing outdoors

Balcony gardens are great for smaller vegetables. Avoid planting heavier vegetables such as melons or large squash plants that require more space. Good plants for balcony vegetable gardens include:

  • Green leafy vegetables: Vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and kale are particularly well-suited to urban gardens in small spaces. You can plant them in rows in reused gutters attached to a wall or railing.
  • Bush vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and certain types of beans grow well in potson a balconyor a terrace. Use tomato cages to give plants shape.
  • Vines: If you want to utilize the vertical space on a tiny balcony, you can use a trellis or even the railing to plant vines. Peas, runner beans and even passion fruit are perfect for a small outdoor garden.

Herbs for growing on the balcony

If you are wondering how to start an herb gardenon your balconyAll you need is a few plants, potting soil and some containers for planting. When should you start planting herbs on your balcony? Start in early spring! Balcony garden herbs come in many colors, sizes and flavors. Once the herbs are established, they can grow virtually all year round. Although small balcony garden ideas often come down to personal preference, some of the most popular herbs you can plant include:

  • Basil
  • Coriander
  • Dill
  • mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Thymian
  • Rosemary
  • sage
  • fennel
  • chives
  • laurel