A Mediterranean balcony is not only a place of relaxation, but also a visual highlight. With the right plants, a sunny location, well permeable soil and some care, you can create a green retreat that inspires you all year round with its Mediterranean charm.
The most beautiful Mediterranean container plants, including care instructions,
Mediterranean plants are known for their sun love, drying tolerance and their ability to get by with little water. They not only bring the typical charm of the south to their home, but are also perfectly adapted to the conditions on a balcony. Here are some classics that are ideal for Mediterranean balconies and what needs to be considered when caring for.
Olilvenbaum (Olea europaea)
An olive tree (Olea Europaea) on the balcony is a wonderful way to enjoy Mediterranean flair! Olive trees need a lot of sun. So choose a sunny, wind -protected place on your balcony, ideally at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Olive trees prefer loose, well permeable soil. A mixture of potting soil and sand or special Mediterranean earth is ideal. They are adapted to dry, hot conditions. Only pour when the top layer of earth is dry. In the vegetation period (spring to autumn), you should supply the tree every 4-6 weeks with a special fertilizer for Mediterranean plants or a liquid fertilizer for fruit trees.Olive trees are only to a limited extentAnd should get protection at temperatures below -5 ° C in winter. So put the plant on a cool but frost -free place during the winter.
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a beautiful, Mediterranean plant that can be a real highlight on your balcony with its strong colors and fragrant flowers. Like the olive tree, he loves the sun and needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. A mixture of potting soil and some sand is ideal. Make sure that the earth is not too heavy to avoid waterlogging. Oleander needs regular watering, especially during the growth period in summer. The earth should be kept evenly moist, but no waterlogging.Fertilize in spring and summerYou every 4-6 weeks with a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants or a special fertilizer for Mediterranean plants. Oleander grows strongly and needs regular cuts. In spring, before the new shoot, you can cut the plant back vigorously to keep it in shape. Oleander is sensitive to frost and should be protected from the cold in winter. At temperatures below 0 ° C, the plant should be brought to the winter quarters.
LAVENDEL (laundering distress
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a wonderful plant that not only spreads a wonderful fragrance on the balcony, but also creates a Mediterranean atmosphere with its beautiful flowers. This beautiful plant should also be exposed to direct sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Lavender prefers dry, well permeable soil. A mixture of potting soil, sand and some gravel or lavagranulate ensures good drainage. It's about a relatively dry -tolerant plant.Pour them only thenwhen the earth is completely dry. Fertilization with a fertilizer for Mediterranean plants or with an organic fertilizer is sufficient every 6-8 weeks. Cut the lavender back in the early spring after the winter rest (before the new shoot). Shorten the plant by about a third to keep it compact and to promote flower formation. Lavender is hardy, but at very low temperatures below -10 ° C it is advisable to protect the plant. Place the plant in a wind -protected, frost -free winter quarters or protect it with fleece or leaves.
Rosmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary (rosemary officinalis) is an aromatic, Mediterranean plant that is ideal for the balcony. A sunny balcony is ideal for him. Rosemary prefers sandy, well permeable soil. It is important that the earth is well drained to avoid waterlogging. Rosemary is a dry -tolerant plant and does not tolerate waterlogging. Let the top layer of earth dry well between the water gifts before watering again. This plant does not need much fertilizer. Fertilize it in spring when growth begins, with a balanced fertilizer or a fertilizer for Mediterranean plants. Rosemary grows wellWith a regular cut. Cut the shoots back in spring to keep the plant compact and to promote the growth of new branches. When winter gets very cold (below -5 ° C), the rosemary should be placed in the house or in a frost -free, cool place.
With its bright flowers and lavish growth, Bougainvillea creates a Mediterranean atmosphere. It prefers warmth and lots of light. Make sure that the location is protected from the wind. Bougainvillea prefers well permeable, slightly sandy earth. A mixture of potting soil, sand and some perlite ensures good drainage and prevents waterlogging. Bougainvillea is relatively resistant to dryness and prefers to dry out somewhat between the water. Use a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants or a special fertilizer for Bougainvillea. Fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the vegetation period. In order to keep the plant in shape and to promote flowering, Bougainvillea should be cut back after flowering in late summer or autumn. Remove faded flowers and cut the shoots back to keep the plant compact.Bougainvillea ist frostempfindlichAnd should therefore be taken to a warmer, frost -free winter quarters in winter.