Winter is over! The warm season begins and with it summer life outdoors. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden, but if you have a balcony you can always take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, recharge your batteries or drink a coffee. It's worth conjuring up a balcony with flair from the outside area and the placeblooming and fragrantto stage. Hanging plants for the balcony – good idea, but which plants are suitable for my location? We introduce you to suitable plants for 3 different purposes. Plants that like to hang out in the blazing sun, plants that are easy to care for and perennial plants that come back every year without you doing anything.
Full sun – These plants like to live in sunlight
The petunia (Petunia) from the nightshade family is the fiery South American summer plant for outdoor use. With its large flowers in bright colors - white, pink, pink, violet, yellow and blue, it attracts everyone's attention. It loves a place in the sun and should be watered sufficiently so that it can shine in all its blooms. Not only does it bloom for a very long time, from May to October, but it also blooms very richly and magnificently. If you want a striking eye-catcher, you should choose the petunia. The petunia is happy with commercial potting soil. However, you should go straight to itFertilize at the beginning of the season, because the plant blooms very profusely and needs the strength.
Real verbena: flowers for the south side
Verbena (Verbena officinalis), also from South America, enriches your outdoor area with flowers in all colors. White, pink, hot pink, purple, brown, multi-colored, orange, green - it blooms in all colors, except yellow. Your verbena plants enjoy a sunny location and should be watered often, but be sure to avoid standing water. Weekly fertilization is also recommended; you could also use liquid fertilizer. You can plant the plants relatively early in the year, after the last frost, and enjoy their splendor of color from May to October. Verbena is an annual plant and must be planted every year.
Popular hanging plants for balconies: begonias
The begonias (Begonia), which come from tropical to subtropical areas, like sun and are available in several species. There are both standing and hanging (hanging begonia) variants of the plant. The hanging begonia blooms from May to October in picturesque, romantic shades of orange and red and is a real eye-catcher for any outdoor area. The begonia loves partially shaded and sunny to sunny places without strong midday sun and should be watered regularly, especially on hot days. However, avoid watering it too much at once, as waterlogging can be dangerous for the plant. Fertilize the plant lightly, about every three weeks and remove the faded and dried flowers and plant parts regularly. The begonia is oneperennial plant, so you don't have to replant them every year. To overwinter, you should cut the plants back heavily, take them out of the pot and store them in an airy container over the winter. Make sure to stop fertilizing early - so to speak, slowly drive the plant into its well-deserved hibernation. In the spring, after the last frost, you can replant them and let them bloom.
Strawberries in the flower box
How about a sweet home-grown strawberry harvest? The strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa) are also ideal for small outdoor areas - it should only be sunny to partially shaded. The soil should be kept moist, so don't forget to water regularly. From March you can use it for your outdoor areaHanging strawberriesplant. Not only do they bear sweet fruits, but they also bloom delicately and decoratively from March to April and then delight you with a harvest period from June to October. For the hanging varieties, please allow for a hanging height of up to 1.5 meters and even more depending on the variety. The advantage of hanging strawberries is that you can easily harvest the fruits and that they have no contact with the ground and are therefore less likely to rot or become dirty. Tasty hanging strawberry varieties include Albion, Superstar or the pink/pink-colored Pink Panda variety. Enjoy it and enjoy the smell and the sight.
Hanging plants for balconies: Perennial – not every year
Geraniums are beautiful balcony flowers
Geraniums are colorful, beautiful hanging plants that you don't have to replant every year, but can survive the annual ice age in their winter quarters. There are three types of plants from the storksbill family (the hanging variety), the fragrant and the standing ones. In our case we are interested in thehanging geranium(Pelargonium peltatum). The hanging geraniums bloom in many different colors and require a sunny spot that should, however, be protected from the wind. They show their splendor through long, hanging strands of plants that are densely covered with colorful flowers that bloom from May to October.
Hanging plants for balconies: Fuchsias prefer shade and partial shade
The fuchsia (Fuchsia x hybrida) is a popular ornamental plant that you can also keep on the balcony in a semi-shady to shady spot. The pot should not be too large, otherwise the fuchsia will not be able to grow firmly enough. The fuchsia needs some attention and care. You should water them a little in the morning and evening, as long as the soil is not damp. You should also remove dead leaves from the plant weekly and fertilize regularly. During hot periods it is necessary to mist your fuchsia with a spray bottle. Your attention will then be rewarded by the elegant flowers in white, pink, purple, orange or multi-colored variations.
Uncomplicated balcony plants for the container garden
Wood Sorrel, Floating Butterfly (Oxalis triangularis)
The red triangular clover (Oxalis triangularis) is a beautiful, delicate and uncomplicated plant. Their leaves resemble butterflies and because the stems are very thin, it appears as if the leaves are dancing in the wind. Anyone who takes a moment to sit down and look at the dark red plant has enjoyed a little wave eating moment in the stressful everyday life. The wood sorrel, also known as the floating butterfly, does not need much care to delight us all year round. The sorrel feels in theShade to partial shadeprobably. Fertilize it regularly from March to October.
Magic bells (Calibrachoa) are particularly easy to care for
The magic bells are similar to petunias and look like a mini version of the pretty colorful flowers. They don't need much care and we can enjoy their diverse colors from May to October. They have everything to offer from the color palette: white, yellow, orange, red, pink, violet, blue and even multi-colored. The colorful plants like a sunny location and should be watered regularly, but not too wet. They can grow down about 0.5 meters from the hanging pot or balcony pot and thus create a colorful and cheerful impression. Anyone who flowers so much also needs some fertilizer. Therefore, fertilize the plants lightly every week and cut them back slightly about every four weeks so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible. The ornamental bells are annual hanging plants for balconies and therefore have to be replanted every year.
Also read:Hanging plants for outside: These are our 5 favorites