When the first sunny spring days come, it is time to go into the garden, get the tools and prepare the strawberry bed for another season. With the right strawberries care in spring you can harvest many delicious fruits in summer.
Strawberries are resistant and bring a good harvest with a small effort. Spring is the best time to maintain it and eat delicious strawberries for years.
Remove the old mulch and apply a new one
The mulch of strawberries protects you from cold winters with icy temperatures. But if you leave the old, wet mulch layer too long, it can favor mold and diseases. Remove this protective layer in spring so that the plants get the required sun and fresh air. However, it is important not to do this too early, since the strawberries sometimes bloom shortly before the last frost.
Clean your plants after removing the old layer of mulch and cover them with fresh straw. Check your plants regularly and if you find that 25 % of which have new flowers, you can remove the straw.
Remove the dead leaves
In spring they should refresh the strawberry plants by cutting off the dead runners, the old, dead leaves and the larger leaves that already cover the floor. Make sure that you do not remove new growth.
By removing the dead leaves, the dwellings of snails and other pests are eliminated. This makes it easier to remove from the bed.
Pull out the older strawberry plants with a rake that do not bear fruits. Plants that are older than four years should be torn out and composted. Spring is the best time to replace it. As soon as you have a well -established bed, you will do this every year for some plants.
Strawberries care in spring: the bed weighing
Weighed the strawberry bed in spring as long as the weeds are still young. It is much easier to pull it out of the ground now because it has not yet settled and the floor is softer. Use a hand fork or a trowel to remove the weed before it has the chance to overgrow the strawberries.
How should you fertilize the strawberries in spring?
The once -carrying strawberries should not be fertilized in spring because this only stimulates leaf growth, leads to softer fruits and increases the risk of illness. These varieties should be fertilized immediately after the last harvest of the season.
The always -bearing strawberries are to be fertilized in spring and again in early August to supply them with the nutrients they need to produce strawberries all season. Use a small fork to ventilate the exposed earth around the plants, and then fertilize with an organic fertilizer or granulate fertilizer to promote growth and flower.
How to grow new strawberry plants in spring
Spring is the perfect time to newTo plant strawberries.
- The first step is to prepare the floor by enriching it with organic fabrics to promote fast growth.
- Buy foothills or small established strawberry plants in pots because they grow quickly and can be transplanted more easily.
- Lift the floor slightly so that the new plants are not covered with earth. By lifting the plant, it prevents the crown from rotting in the ground.
How often should you water the strawberries?
Strawberries regularly need water and damp soil in spring without being wet. Regular watering reduces the stress for the plant and helps to carry strawberries all summer.
When your strawberry plants grow and wear fruits, you need small amounts of water weekly. Rainwater is ideal for promoting growth. It is best to water the established plants with a drip irrigation or a drip hose to avoid wet fruits.
Test the floor with your finger in front of watering. If the upper 1-2 cm are dry, pour them.
When pouring, make sure that the crown of the plant or the fruits does not get wet, as this can lead to mushroom problems, in particular to grace capacity. It is best to pour the strawberries in the morning and not in the evening so that the fruits, if you get wet, have enough time to dry out.
Accompanying plants for strawberries
Like any other plant, strawberries can also benefit if they are planted in addition to accompanying plants.
Spring is a good time to surround your strawberries with flowering plants, attract pollinators and ward off pests. To the plants,that fit well with strawberries, belong to borage, catnip, yarrow, sage and thyme.