Garden in summer: How do I protect lawn and plants from heat and drought? 5 useful care tips

For many, the garden is a perfect place to relax in summer. However, in order for your own oasis to survive long periods of heat, good care is crucial. We explain how to protect the lawn and plants from heat and dryness and strong sun rays.

How to protect lawns, potted flowers and plants from heat: This is what you can do!

Most garden plants feel particularly comfortable at temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius. However, heat waves are no longer uncommon in summer. In order to survive this, the garden should be properly prepared for the high temperatures. We declare,what you do against heatcan do in the garden.

Water properly in hot weather and save water

When it's hot, plants in tubs, pots and planters are particularly at risk. Mainly because the small volume of earth can store smaller amounts of water. Plants that prefer full sun locations but have large fleshy leaves could also die in dry conditions. The same applies to everyoneFlowers, shrubs and perennialsthat are currently blooming. Vegetables in raised beds or herbs in the herb spiral also need a lot of water to stay healthy during the heat wave.

The heat itself, i.e. the high temperatures, doesn't bother most plants. However, direct sunlight is problematic. The midday sun in particular could burn the plants and accelerate the evaporation of the water.

Watering plants in raised beds in the heat:

  • Better once, but extensively, than several times a day, but not enough. It is best to water the plants in the late afternoon. This way you can prevent the water from evaporating quickly.
  • Do not water the plants from above, as wet leaves can quickly burn under the strong rays of the sun the next morning. Water directly around the root area.

Water potted flowers and potted plants correctly:

  • It is best to use decalcified, lukewarm tap water or rainwater.
  • Water twice a day – early in the morning and late in the evening.
  • Pour directly from below, always making sure that the water does not run out. Especially in pots, the nutrients are gradually flushed out with leaking irrigation water. This could lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Water vegetables properly in summer:

  • To save water in the kitchen garden, you can opt for a pearl hose. This has the advantage that it distributes the water evenly over a larger area.

Humus-rich soil stores water:Supply the soil with horn shavings or other organic humus-rich fertilizers. In summer it is very important that the plants get enough water. A humus-rich soil prevents rapid evaporation and has excellent storage capacity.

Mulching in summer prevents evaporation:It is also a good idea to mulch the flower bed. A 1 cm thick layer of mulch prevents the water from evaporating too quickly on hot summer days.

This will prevent the plants from burning in the heat

Plants in heat:Young plants in particular should be protected from strong sunlight. Before you put them in thePlant garden, even true sun worshipers should first put it in a sunny place. Young plants need a lot of water anyway, so you should water them extensively in hot weather.

Move potted plants in the afternoon:If these are planted in containers or pots, you can move them to a shady or semi-shady place in the afternoon.

Fleece or shade net as sun protection:Outdoor plants can be protected from strong sunlight by fleece. What is particularly important is that the plants are ventilated several times a day.

Lawn care in summer

When temperatures rise above 25 degrees Celsius in summer, the growth of grass slows down significantly. If the heat continues, the lawn can even temporarily go into retirement.

Mow the lawn less often in hot weather:You should therefore mow the lawn less often when it is hot because it also grows much more slowly. Also let the lawn grow a little higher, around 7 cm is optimal. This protects the soil from drying out.

Which plants are heat resistant?

Summer is the right time to create a garden sketch and mark the different areas on it. Where does the sun shine for eight hours a day? Which corners are in the shadows? This means the planting of new species can be planned for next spring. A tip: choose plants with small leaves. Plants are also well suited for rock gardens because they come with youdirect sunlightand nutrient-poor soil. Deep-rooted plants are better suited to long dry periods because they can reach underwater and moisture from the lower layer of soil.

The summer garden delights the eye with its splendor of flowers. But so that the plants thrive even in the heat, you should pay attention to a few things when caring for them. Proper watering, regular mulching, and sun protection can protect flowers and crops from burning.