In late winter there is a lot of work to be done in the kitchen garden. This also includes rejuvenation pruning for fruit trees. It brings them into the desired shape so that the fruits can be picked more easily later and promotes flower and fruit formation. But what should you do when temperatures drop below 0° Celsius in January and February? Still theTrim bushes and treesor wait until there is frost?
Which trees should be cut in winter, even when there is frost?
Fruit trees in particular need caring pruning. The rule of thumb applies: pome fruit trees such as quince, apple, pear, nashi or medlar are cut in late winter, preferably in February and March. The time of carving is also good because the trees still have time to recover from the cut. Subzero temperatures are not a problem for them, but you should proceed very carefully. When there is frost, the wood is drier than usual. Individual branches may break, causing damage to the tree.
Most of them tooBerry bushes tolerate pruning without any problemsin the cold season. From the beginning of March, winter dormancy ends and the trees sprout again, first forming flowers and then bearing fruit. In this case too, the following applies: use sharp scissors or a saw so that the branches do not break.
Stone fruits are usually only cut in late summer, after the end of the harvest season. Peaches are an exception - they are cut back like pome fruit in February.
Cutting shrubs and trees: When should the trees in the ornamental garden be thinned out?
Ball trees are enjoying growing popularity. These are mostly ornamental trees such as robinias, maple trees and trumpet trees. In this case too, the cutting measures are legally permitted until March 1st. The evergreen ornamental trees tolerate pruning during frost, while deciduous trees are better cut on frost-free days.
Trim hedges in frost
Hedge plants can easily tolerate cutting at temperatures down to -8° Celsius. However, if it gets even colder, the interfaces can freeze. To prevent this, plan the pruning a few days in advance. It is best to complete this task on a dry day.
Pruning shrubs and trees: Until when is pruning allowed?
Pruning for fruit and ornamental trees is permitted until March 1st. From then on the breeding season of the birds begins and severe pruning is therefore not permitted.
Small pruning measures such as cutting off individual branches and removing diseased plant parts are also permitted after March 1st. However, you should always make sure that there are no nesting birds in that area.
Exceptional cases: If individual branches or the entire tree is no longer stable after a storm and is therefore considered dangerous, then you can have it felled later. It is important that a tree expert first checks the root area and the soil conditions and issues a tree removal permit.
Cutting down diseased or dangerous trees during frost: is that possible?
Sick or dangerous trees must be cut down. The best time for this is actually in winter, when there is frost. Because the trees are then in hibernation. They don't grow, the tree sap flows much more slowly and the wood is drier than in spring or summer. This makes the work much easier, and shredding the large pieces of wood is then very easy. In addition, when the ground is frozen, it is much easier to drive vehicles through the garden and transport the wood.
Pruning shrubs and trees when there is frost: What should you bear in mind?
Shrubs and trees usually recover quite well from pruning in spring. The right technique is crucial for the end result. First, the cut is planned in detail - which branches and twigs need to be cut off so that the tree has a pyramid shape? All ailing, inwardly growing branches are removed. The water shoots should also be removed in spring because they do not bear fruit but use up valuable nutrients. Old branches that bore little or no fruit last year should also be cut off. You can also align the tree crown so that all branches can receive sufficient sunlight. The dead wood is cut back as close as possible to the tree trunk.
Ailing branches and water shoots are cut back to just a ring of branches. Old wood is shortened above an outward-facing bud. The cuts do not need to be sealed.
This is how fruit bushes are cut back when temperatures are below zero
Raspberries need pruning every year. This usually takes place in autumn, before the first frost. However, if you missed the right time, you still have a second chance in February. The raspberries are cut back close to the ground, ideally on a frost-free day, but also at sub-zero temperatures.
The blueberries are very sensitive to frost, so you should only cut them back on frost-free days.
Currants grow in spring, around mid to late February. This maintenance cut is necessary so that all shoots receive sufficient sunlight.