Spring is coming! The emerging warmth will allow you to run around the city not in short sprints, but with pleasure. For gardeners, the time for the first plantings and outdoor work begins. Many vegetables, trees and flowers can be planted in the first month of spring. The planting begins! We'll show you what to plant outdoors in March.
Dill and parsley.Where can you go without fresh herbs from your own bed! If you see that the air temperature does not drop below 3 ° C for a few days, you can plant dill and parsley. These are undemanding plants that suit any soil. Sow the greens in furrows about 3 cm deep. The distance between them should be 10 cm.
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Radish.Treat and disinfect the seeds in advance, and in early March you can already plant them in open ground. For this vegetable you need furrows 2 cm deep and 15 cm apart. If there is suddenly frost, simply cover the sowing with foil. You can remove them when the first leaves appear.
carrots.Choose early carrots that can be sown as early as mid-March. It will be good if you sow the seeds in a soil that has previously been fertilized with humus. Carrots need deep furrows 20 cm apart, which are sprinkled with ash.
Peas. Pay attention to the air temperature. If it does not fall below 6°C for several days in a row, you can sow peas. You need furrows 4 cm deep and 20 cm apart.
Beetroot. Beetroot can be sown at the end of March when the soil has warmed up to 10 °C. First, soak the seeds in a thermos and leave them for a day, then dry them and start sowing.
Also read:Plant flowers in March: These permanent bloomers are ideal for the balcony!
Which trees to plant in March?
Plant fruit trees in your garden when the temperatures are no longer below zero. The ground should be free of frozen clods. In March you canPlum, cherry, apple, apricot, peach and early pear varietiesplant. AlsoRaspberriescan be planted outdoors in spring.
Trees and shrubs are planted in the ground in the same way. Dig a large hole, water it, place the seedling in it and bury the roots well. If desired, fertilize the hole with compost. Do not use fresh fertilizer for this.
Also interesting:Which trees still need to be cut in March? These shrubs and trees need pruning and maintenance
What to plant in March: Flowers
Most summer-blooming flowers are not planted until April, but some can be safely sown in March.
Verbena.Take time to plant verbena on March 20th. After sowing, do not cover the seeds with soil.
Löwenmaul. It's simple: the sooner you sow snapdragon seeds in the ground, the sooner you will enjoy the flowers.
Bells. These delicate flowers can be planted all month long. As with verbena, the seeds do not need to be covered with soil.
Lobelia and vanilla flower.These flowers can be planted even in February. If you don't have time, feel free to sow the seeds in the first month of spring.
Tulips. These flowers are most often planted in the fall. If you didn't plant them last year, do so in March.
Rittersporn.If you purchased an annual variety, you can plant it in the ground in March.
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