Create a small garden pond – great ideas for fresh decoration

A small water garden is a great addition to any outdoor space these days. It looks inviting, brings in a lot of freshness and creates a relaxed atmosphere. Although many people prefer wider and larger areas forCreate a garden ponda small water garden in a corner of your outdoor area is also a great option to enjoy the freshness and sound of the water.

But maybe your garden space is limited, or you don't have enough time and energy, or your budget doesn't allow it at all, yes - in such cases we still have a solution for you! The answer is a water garden in a container or in a suitable container. You can even place a similar type of mini garden pond on the balcony of your apartment. Small ponds in containers are an alternative to ponds in nature, just as potted plants in our homes are an alternative to the beautiful flower beds outside in the garden.

A simple and effective way is to use large glass pots. Another option is to cut a barrel in half and then place the plastic containers of the appropriate size. Fill the wooden container with water to see if it has any holes. These are of course undesirable for your purpose. You can also use clay pots, but this material is porous, it absorbs water and that could be a problem. Metal containers are also not recommended because they get very hot in the summer. Vessels with darker interiors reflect less light into the water and will appear visually deeper. However, a small amount of reflected light means less light for algae development. Darker containers absorb more heat, which speeds up plant development in spring. As you can see, just when choosing containers you are already faced with many options. Which of these you choose depends only on your own taste, budget and preferences. Like a small oneCreate a garden pond- Hercontainerdoesn't necessarily have to look like a pot. Old buckets or copper vessels, children's tubs, basins, watering cans, feeders for animals, old rubber boots and a number of already unusable household appliances can be used for this purpose. You just have to let your imagination run wild and you will create your small water garden easily and successfully.

Creating a small garden pond – preparation

Fill the container halfway with water. There is no need to place a pump because the container only has a small amount of water that you need to replenish at regular intervals. Depending on the plants you choose for your mini water garden, you will also need to get stones of different sizes; they will serve as a stand and ensure the necessary level of height for each potted plant. The easiest way to do this is to use stone blocks or tiles.

Create a small garden pond and...Plant– Selection

Most plants for your small water garden actually thrive in individual small pots. When choosing them, try to combine them really well. You can choose those types of plants with upright stems to give height, others to provide more blooms, and you still need to find small free-floating plants to fill the spaces in between. When purchasing plants, it is better to pay attention to what size these plants will be in an advanced state. The water lily, for example, can cover an area of ​​one square meter. But there are also mini versions that you can also use.

Not all typical water garden plants are well suited to growing in a container due to limitations of space and depth of the container. It is better to choose plants with compact and vertical growth. Some of the plants that thrive in a water garden container include water hyacinth, water lettuce, common swimming fern, common water buttercup, clover fern, etc.

Creating a small garden pond – care

Before you have a small oneCreate a garden pond, you should know that there are different types of plants suitable for water gardens. When making your choice, it is desirable to plan at least one plant from each group in advance. These groups include plants that are on the surface of the water (water lettuce), underwater plants (dense-leaved dew leaf), floating plants (water lily) and coastal plants (arrowwort).

A small water garden is a great option

Once you have chosen plants for your garden, you can lay down bricks or stones to insert them into the container to the desired depth. Then fill the container with water. Your water garden is just waiting to be placed on the balcony or terrace, in the garden or even at home.

Ideas for limited garden space

The most important thing when caring for your garden pond is to know that it needs at least 6 hours of solar lighting daily and regular additions of new, fresh water, as a lot of water is lost from the container through evaporation. If algae has formed there, you must first remove all plants from the container, empty it thoroughly and clean it, only then can you fill the container again with clean water and put the plants back there.

Helpful tips on how to design a small garden pond

The temperature in this environment is also important. For the normal development of most aquatic plants, the temperature should not fall below 12. Plant species such as water hyacinths and water lettuce require 14 hours of sunshine and temperatures around 20 degrees in the winter months. Due to the large amount of light they require, these plants are often treated as annuals and each year they are replaced with new ones.

Old containers are perfect

Refresh your outdoor area!

A little oasis in your own garden

Creative ideas for small garden ponds

The small water garden fits any garden, terrace or balcony