Cucumber diseases: What problems are typical with vegetables and how you can recognize them

Of course, if your cucumbers have diseases, it is extremely annoying. You have put so much time and effort into caring for it and now there is still a risk that your harvest will go down the drain. But don't despair right away, because in most cases you can still save the fruit if you act quickly and correctly. We have put together some typical cucumber diseases so that you can recognize and treat them.

Wilt diseases and fungal diseases

As the name suggests, these are cucumber diseases that cause certain parts of the plant to wilt. This can be the result of various causes, which we would like to list below.

Cucumber wilt is a fungal disease

It is the so-called Fusarium fungus that attacks the plant and causes its leaves to wilt. You first notice this during the day. Is your cucumber plant drooping its leaves even though you have watered it adequately? Then that could be the reason. During the night nothing seems to be missing from the leaves. Then the cucumber plant begins to die, with the leaves turning yellow and drying out after a relatively short time, while the roots turn brown and rot. Sometimes the fungus can be seen. It usually appears on the stem and is pink in color.

Typical cucumber diseases – black root rot

Here too, the name already suggests what it is about. The fungus primarily attacks the roots, which cause them to turn black and rot. Nevertheless, new roots develop, but the lower leaves die.Yellow leaves on cucumbersThis can be a sign if the yellowing only occurs on the lowest pairs of leaves.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew

Both powdery mildew and downy mildew on cucumbers are not uncommon and are caused by different conditions. Usually, the cucumber plant gets white leaves when it is caused by powdery mildew (also with gray mold), while when it is false, the cucumber leaves get yellow spots. Find out how you can fight powdery mildew on cucumbersin this article.

Cucumber Diseases – Other possible fungal diseases

  • Anthraknose –causes fruit to spoiland is characterized by red mold spores that cause the fruit to dry, make it watery and spotty (dark gray and brown) and then cause the plant to die
  • Gray mold – thick, gray coating on stems, leaves and fruit bases
  • Sclerotinia stem rot – the fungus develops at the base of the stem as well as on the fruit
  • stem root rot – plants wilt;stems become rotten; The greenish fungus then causes the plant to rot
  • Verticillium-Which– lower leaves become limp and brown, which, like cucumber wilt, changes at night

Viral diseases of cucumber plants

While plaque and spores can usually be seen in fungal diseases, viruses do not cause any such signs. However, they are extremely dangerous for plants because they can kill them. The following two cucumber diseases are virus-related and sometimes occur.

The plant gets yellow leaves – cucumber leaf spot virus

The disease can be recognized on the leaves and more precisely on the young leaves, while the fruits themselves show no signs of disease. They get green-yellow spots that first appear on the edge of the leaf and then spread further. There is also a brown spot in the middle of the leaf and bubble-like appearances around it. All you can do with this disease is to dispose of the plant as quickly as possible to avoid spreading it to other cucumber plants. There are no effective remedies against this virus.

Cucumber Diseases – The Cucumber Mosaic Virus

With this viral disease, which is transmitted by aphids, the chances are not much better, but you can at least prevent transmission by always fighting aphids immediately. The leaves and fruits develop spots of a light green color that are somewhat reminiscent of mosaics. The plant's growth is also affected: new leaves are deformed and the plant suddenly stops sprouting. If you don't act, the cucumber plant will wilt or die. Discard them as soon as you have identified the disease.

Bacteria can make cucumber plants sick

Yes, bacteria can also affect plants and in most cases this causes the fruit to rot and become inedible. Your harvest is therefore gone.Which bacterial diseases?are typical cucumber diseases?

Cucumber Diseases – Bacterial Soft Rot

These bacteria land on the plant through water splashes, where they can infect the plant through damaged areas. The flowers are affected or, at a later date, the fruits. They become mushy and rotten, which can quickly be recognized by their smell. It doesn't matter what stage of growth the cucumber fruit is in. Dispose of the infected fruits immediately because, in addition to being no longer edible, they can also infect other plants. There are no sprays for cucumbers against this disease.

Angular leaf spot

The cucumber leaves turn yellow and what is particularly noticeable is the glassy appearance. The resulting angular leaf spots grow over time and the spots on the cucumber leaves turn brown and they dry out. The fruits are also affected, which you can see by the mushy spots with a white dot in the middle and a dark border. Also check the undersides of the leaves. If you find a slimy coating there, you can assume that it is precisely this bacterial disease.

As a preventative measure, you can pay attention to high-quality and healthy seeds and choose varieties that are resistant. If there is an infestation, discard the plant. Remember that these bacteria can easily overwinter in the soil. Therefore, it should under no circumstances be planted in the next three years.