Dragon trees, also called dracaena, are popular houseplants and although they are easy to care for, they are not immune to problems. However, like all other plants, they can respond to changes in seasons and care habits. This stress can cause falling leaves. But don't worry! Is your dragon tree losing leaves? In this article we explain what the most common causes are and what you can do about it.
The dragon tree's long, thin leaves, which in some species are decorated with a bright pink leaf edge, have made them a popular choice for bringing a piece of nature into the home. Like most plants, dracaena naturally sheds older leaves over time. But if you notice some leaf loss, it's likely a sign that your houseplant is under stress. Below are the most common causes of this problem and how to fix it.
Incorrect watering
One of the most common causes of dracaena leaf loss is incorrect watering. Failure to water adequately will result in dried out, brown leaves and shedding cannot be prevented. Therefore, you should check the soil moisture regularly and water the plant thoroughly whenever the top centimeter of soil is dry.
However, be careful that overwatering also has a negative effect on the plant as it leads to root rot. Try to adapt your watering schedule to your plant's needs for the best results. Use well-drained soil and a pot with drainage holes to allow excess water to drain away.
Tipp:If your plant has brown leaf tips, the tap water in your area may contain too much chlorine or fluorine. It is therefore best to leave it overnight before watering the dragon tree.
Dragon tree loses leaves: light stress
Dragon trees can suffer from too little or too much light, which can cause the leaves to turn pale and eventually fall off. They grow best in a bright location without direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. Remember to turn the plant occasionally to ensure even exposure. Regularly remove dust from the leaves to improve light absorption. Also avoid temperature fluctuations and keep them away from cold or hot drafts.
Nutrient deficiency
Although dragon trees are not heavy feeders, a mature, beautiful plant sometimes needs additional nutrients to thrive. If theLeaves turn yellowand eventually fall off, this may be because it needs more nutrients to maintain all of its foliage. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer 1 to 2 times per month in spring and summer to encourage new growth.
Pests and diseases
Pests such as spider mites and mealybugs can weaken the plant, causing leaf drop. Diseases such as root rot can also lead to this. That's why it's particularly important to inspect the dragon tree regularly and if you find sticky residue or tiny insects, treat them as quickly as possible. Also be sure to isolate the plant to prevent it from spreading.
Control pests with home remedies like neem oil and avoid overwatering to keep your plant healthy.
How can you prevent leaf loss?
Provide your dragon tree with the optimal care and conditions to prevent it from losing its beautiful, dark green leaves.
- Water only when the top layer of soil is dry and avoid underwatering or overwatering.
- Avoid cold or hot temperatures and maintain a warm and humid environment.
- Place the plant in a bright location with indirect sunlight.
- Fertilize regularly and watch for signs of over- or under-fertilization.
- Inspect regularly for pests and diseases and treat them promptly.
Also read:Cutting the dragon tree: When to cut and what do you achieve?