Pet owners struggle to prevent their four-legged friends from escaping, which is especially difficult when you have to keep cats in the garden. This species can often roam instinctively, although the garden area can sometimes be dangerous for it. Fencing off the outside areas would of course be a sensible solution to the problem, but there are also other options. In addition, such outdoor areas can be made cat-friendly so that pets can stay outside in a safe environment. Such measures also ensure that strange cats do not enter your garden area and prevent possible conflicts between animals. The steps and tips described below can help you make your garden escape-proof for your feline friends.
Why should you keep your cats in the garden?
So that your domestic cat can explore the open space without obstacles and threats, it is important to protect this areaSecure interior spaces. This gives your pets an enriched place to play in which they can also feel protected. Not only does this provide benefits for their well-being, but it can also help prevent them from straying too far from your home. Since cats also like to escape, urban areas such as streets, where most pet owners live these days, could also pose a danger. But why do animals try to leave their home environment in the first place?
Like most wild cats, domestic cats also naturally have an innate hunting instinct, although they are also partly nocturnal animals. For this reason, many of them tend to control and protect their territory. Another reason for their urge to go outside could be their reproductive drive, depending on their period. These factors can do thatInfluence pet behaviorand force them to go beyond the boundaries of their own home. So, to prevent this, you should make sure that your kittens feel comfortable in the garden and do not leave it. Here are some of the most common methods you can use to do this.
How to make your garden escape-proof with a cat fence
First and foremost, you should choose cat-safe options when fencing your garden. If you have a new cat or have moved to a new home, it is also important not to let the animal outside until it gets used to the new environment. This gives the cat a chance to spread its scent and find its own way home, which can usually take about a month. The cat should not leave the garden, even if it is looking for food. This ensures that she will return to eating. Therefore, it is advisable to find a suitable cat fence or enclosure.
The approach to fencing if you need to keep cats in the garden,depends accordingly on the outside areaand the restrictions. The latter could arise from currently existing fences or hedges, buildings or neighbors. There are products on the market specifically developed for this purpose, which also include inwardly curved and more flexible fences. Cats don't like to climb on them, which is why you should choose fences with an inward-facing overhang. This prevents a cat from climbing out over the top. Additionally, there are some suitable variants you can consider such as:
- Cat enclosures – These are free-standing structures that you can use to keep cats escape-proof in the garden.
- Barriers for fences - You can adjust these precisely over your garden fences or use them to secure existing boundaries. This means you can create a barrier without having to redesign your garden area.
However, if you limit the garden area for your cat, you should also provide the animal with entertainment options. Therefore, make sure that your cat can bathe in the sun as well as climb, sit high, hide and play. You should also provide a private and easy-to-clean litter box if you keep cats in the garden.
Keep cats in the garden and protect them from dangerous plants
If you keep your cat in the garden and surrounding areas, you still need to be aware of the potential dangers. Although they are usually careful about their food, you should keep kittens away from plants that could be poisonous to them. Often, young and curious pets chew on potentially dangerous garden plants while exploring the outdoor area. Therefore, try to plant safe plant varieties in a flower bed created specifically for your pet. Choose cat-friendly plants and pay attention to poisonous plants. For example, common flowers such as poppies and lilies can be dangerous for cats. Otherwise, you can consider the following varieties:
- Catsoften eat grass, as it is believed to aid in digestion. Therefore canCat grassbe a perfect type of grass to eat.
- Catnipand other members of the familyMint familyare other types of plants that can be attractive and stimulating for your cat.
- honeysucklehas a similar effect on these animals as catnip, although only about 30% of cats respond to it.
- Depending on the amount of exposure may bevalerianhave either a stimulating or calming effect on cats. So this could be another very welcome addition to your cat-friendly garden.
How do you distract your cat outside so he doesn't leave?
Time spent in the garden with your pet can also encourage them to stay closer to home. This means the cat will not wander as far when it is outside, which contributes to its safety. Additionally, playing with your cat in the garden area can potentially distract him from his instincts to hunt or protect his territory. At the same time, using the right cat toys could stimulate their predatory instincts and keep them away from conflicts with other cats or with wild animals. You can also try the methods described below if you want to change your pet's hunting behavior:
- Try to keep your cat in the living area at night and at dawn and dusk.
- Provide them with lots of interactive play sessions and enrichment toys
- If you have birds in the garden and they come from yourKeep cat awayIf you want to, you should also make feeding places inaccessible.
- Plant a fearful cat plant or curry plant near feeding stations to deter cats
- Also try not to feed wildlife on the ground.
- Keep bird feeders away from fences or areas that cats can easily climb.