Upcycling in the garden is really fun! When something new and beautiful is created from old, seemingly useless objects, it is not only pleasing to the eye, but also to the environment. This is how you can make one out of old woodBuild a cheap garden pathor transform the old doors into an original privacy screen. When it comes to protecting privacy, another great idea is to use recycled materials in the garden. A privacy screen made from wine bottles looks really cool and can effectively protect you from prying eyes. Read on to find out what you need for this exciting upcycling project!
New life for the old bottles
There are so many great things you can dofrom empty glass bottlescan make in the garden. From flower bed borders to wind chimes to atmospheric decoration – there really are no limits to your imagination. Glass is a material that does not change over many years and retains its own charm. It comes in different shapes and colors and looks very decorative. The old glass bottles are too good to throw away. Instead, you can reuse the bottles and give them new life in the garden.
Decorative and inexpensive privacy protection made from glass bottles
If we're talking about privacy screens for the garden or terrace, then you can go through itUpcycling old itemsreally save. One of the most beautiful and creative ideas is the privacy screen made from wine bottles. These glass bottles have a slim shape and can be found in different colors. They can be arranged to create a colorful wall that creates exciting lighting effects when exposed to sunlight. And the best thing is that the whole project doesn't cost much as long as you have enough bottles.
Build a privacy screen out of wine bottles: Here's how it works!
You don't need much to make a DIY privacy screen out of wine bottles, but it does require some craftsmanship. The principle behind the upcycling project is pretty simple: First, the bottoms of the bottles are drilled through and then pushed onto iron rods. The rods are mounted on a wooden frame in order to be able to stand stably. The closer the bars are to each other, the better the view is blocked.
Are you planning to build a similar privacy screen yourself from wine bottles? Below we will answer what you need to pay attention to.
How many bottles are necessary?
There is no clear answer to this question because the exact number depends on the project in question. A 3 meter high pole can hold approximately 7 wine bottles by leaving the ends free for installation of the pole into the wooden frame. So for a lower privacy wall you need fewer bottles per bar. The height of the wine bottles varies, but is usually between 300 and 375 mm. So that you can calculate the exact number of bottles you need, you still need to determine the width of the privacy screen. This will also help you determine how many iron bars are needed.
Remove bottle labels
Before pushing the bottles onto the rods, it would be advisable to remove the labels. Simply scrub each bottle with hot water and dish soap to remove label and adhesive. To delabel several bottles at once, place them in a hot water bath with dish soap. If this method doesn't quite work, try using nail polish remover.
For nicer, more expensive wine bottles, you may not want to remove the label, but be aware that this will happen sooner or later, partly due to the effects of the weather. The result is sometimes torn labels that are anything but beautiful.
Drilling glass bottles: This is what you have to pay attention to
The next thing you need to do to build a privacy screen out of wine bottles on iron bars is to drill through the bottles. To do this, you need a special drill attachment for drilling glass. For example, you can use a carbide drill bit, but the diamond drill bit is even more suitable.
While you are piercing a bottle, it must be stable. Place it upside down in a bag of grit or sand, for example, and then drill through the center of the ground with the diamond drill. Wear gloves and safety glasses as protection.
Important: When drilling glass, you shouldnotUse the full power of the drill to avoid breaking the glass. They try to remove the glass slowly instead of drilling into it quickly.
Privacy screens made from wine bottles without drilling: These alternatives are available
Drilling glass bottles is not for everyone. If you can't or don't want to handle the drill, you can use another method of attaching the bottles. Now we would like to look at two possible variants.
In the first, the wine bottles are tied to the bars instead of being placed on them. Wire is used for this. The bottles are arranged between the bars, with the lowest bottle sitting on the wooden frame. You then wrap the bottle with the wire around the iron rod and continue until all the glass bottles are tied. If the sticks pop out of the wooden frame, you can stick a bottle upside down (through the neck) on top to hide the sticks.
The second option doesn't work completely without drilling, but you drill wood instead of glass, which is much easier. This project requires a Forstner drill or hole saw and some wooden strips. The holes you drill in the wood must be large enough to fit the bottle necks.
Install wooden frame into the ground
What can you do to make the privacy screen made of glass bottles stable? The options are two – either install it in the ground or build supports. We will now explain how to install the privacy screen with concrete into the ground.
To set up the frame, dig a hole and insert the wooden frame post so that the start of the casing connection is slightly above the ground. Fill the hole with a few liters of water. Pour a quick-setting concrete mix. Then tap the concrete mix with a piece of wood. Use a spirit level to make sure the post is straight. Fill the rest of the hole with soil and tamp it down around the post with a piece of wood.
Put together the privacy wall
If the wooden frame is already upright, insert the iron rods into the previously drilled holes. Then slide the drilled bottles onto the rods in any order - some upright, some upside down, or however you like. You can create any pattern from the different colors. Finally, install the upper part of the wooden frame and the privacy screen made of wine bottles is ready.
Cool garden ideas with a privacy screen made from wine bottles
The privacy screen made of glass bottles is not only a practical addition to the garden, but also enhances it excellently. The colored bottles absorb the sunlight and create beautiful color effects. Here you will find some great ideas for garden design with a privacy screen made from old bottles.
Screen the patio
Nobody wants strangers looking at the terrace. With a beautiful and original privacy screen you can protect your privacy as well as spruce up your outdoor area. In the example above, the rods with glass bottles are mounted directly on the pergola - a simple and really original idea.
Set colorful accents in the garden
You can also make a small screen out of old wine bottles. No iron rods were used in this project. Instead, the bottles were glued together to create a completely tight privacy screen.
Hide unsightly areas in the garden
A privacy screen is not only necessary for terraces and balconies. If there are areas in the garden that you would rather hide, a privacy wall made of recycled material can be of good use. Behind it you can place a greenhouse, the outdoor unit of the air conditioning or theHide the garbage can.
Build a privacy wall for the gazebo
Everyone likes to relax in the gazebo in summer. Gazebos usually have no walls and are often exposed to the prying eyes of neighbors. With a privacy screen made of colored wine bottles, you can shield the area and at the same time give the arbor a decorative look. With such a privacy screen, the view is blocked without sacrificing the supply of fresh air.
Cheap garden fence made from wine bottles
Do you want to fence off an area in the garden such as the pool? Then you don't necessarily have to use the classic wooden fence. Instead, build a colorful privacy fence out of colored glass bottles and add a beautiful accent to the outdoor space.
Tip: If you want to build a colorful fence out of glass bottles but can't find any colorful bottles, you can simply paint them yourself. Glass paints are best suited for this.