How to get rid of wasps at the pool? Practical methods to combat the problem in a friendly way

Pools are an oasis in summer, especially for those who can enjoy their coolness from home. However, this relaxing experience can be completely spoiled by the appearance of wasps. Luckily, there are ways you can get rid of wasps around the pool in a friendly way! Find out what these are here!

Like most people, wasps want to cool down in the heat. For this reason, they look for water sources where they can quench their thirst and immerse themselves in. The presence of flowers and grass nearby is just another incentive for them. But how can you make your pool a less attractive place for wasps? Here you will find some effective tips and tricks!

Are wasps under nature protection in Germany

As temperatures rise in Europe, the number of insects also increases. One of the most common annoyances for people in the summer is wasps at the pool. But if your instinct is to kill the annoying insect, don't do it! In Germany this can be punished with a fine of up to 65,000 euros, and wasps also have a great benefit for the ecosystem.

Why are wasps protected?? The Federal Nature Conservation Act prohibits the intentional disturbance of wasps and their capture, injury or death without justifiable reason. The reason for this ban is that they help maintain ecological balance by killing mosquitoes, fruit flies and other pests and play an important role in pollinating flowers.

So, how can you get rid of wasps around the pool then? Don't worry, there are friendly ways to deal with the problem so that both the wasps stay intact and you can relax undisturbed.

  • Note: Wasps can transmit diseases? Fortunately, there is no evidence that they can transmit disease to humans. The only danger they pose is that the females can sting and that there are people who are allergic to their venom. Allergic reactions can vary from swelling and redness to anaphylactic shock.

To keep wasps out of the pool, use these tools and tips:

Make them believe that the area is already busy

Because wasps are very territorial, they will not build a nest in an area where one already exists. Your job is to simply deceive them. And that's how it works. Crumple up a large brown paper bag, then shape it into an imperfect oval. Twist the open end and hang it near the pool in a location (ex: an awning or overhang) where you already have itsaw a wasp nesthave.

Lure them away from the pool with a treat...

Wasps are strongly attracted to sugary drinks and foods, or more generally, anything that smells sweet. So to keep them away from your pool, lure them away from the pool with a sweet treat. A bowl filled with a mixture of water and sugar, syrup or honey will serve you well.

...or with a piece of raw meat

Wasps are extremely attracted to the smell and taste of raw meat. Therefore, it is another very effective lure that you can use to distract them from the pool. All you need to do is hang a small piece of raw meat, whether pork, beef or chicken, in a remote location in your garden.

  • Notice: However, do not leave the meat outside for too long or it will rot and attract other insects such as worms and flies.

Get rid of wasps at the pool – create an alternative habitat for them

Intentionally create an area outside the pool that is ideal for wasps. Flowers with white, purple, blue and yellow colors are very attractive to them. Also plant dill and mint, whose nectar they greatly value. Also, provide a water source for them to drink from and bathe in. This can be a bucket, a bowl or even a birdbath. If you choose a bird bath, be sure to add a sponge or two to provide a safe place for the wasps to stay.

Whatever water source you choose to place away from the pool, it is important that you do so before removing the pool cover. We'll also explain why! Because this will give the wasps time to get used to their new habitat and they will have no incentive to replace it with another once you open your pool for the season. If you combine this method with the one already mentioned above - how to imitate a wasp nest - then you have successfully coped with the task of keeping the insects away.

What can you do against earth wasps and what natural remedies can keep them away?Find out here!

Use essential oils and coffee powder against wasps

What smell do wasps not like? Clove oil and tea tree oil are the most commonly used essential oils against wasps. You can use them both in the form of scented candles and through a diffuser.

Another smell that strongly repels wasps is that of coffee. Use coffee powder against wasps in the following way: light a small amount of it in a fireproof container and let it smoke.

How can you get rid of wasps in the roof using natural means?You can find out here!