Have you ever grown a cornelian cherry in your own garden? These are shrub-like trees that can reach heights of up to 8 m if left unpruned. You may not be familiar with growing these trees. Read on to learn how to plant cornelian cherry and what care and growing conditions it requires.
What are cornelian cherries?
Cornelian cherries are early bloomers and bloom for a long time, with tiny flowers and edible fruits. The trees thrive in locations with full sun to partial shade and prefer fertile soil with good drainage and a pH of 5.5-7.5. The plant is winter hardy.
What are cornelian cherries used for?
Cornelian cherries are sweet and sour fruits. The trees have been cultivated for thousands of years and the fruits are used in the traditional cuisines of Eastern Europe, Greece and Turkey. They are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, gardeners are showing increasing interest in growing cornelian cherry trees as permaculture.
The trees can be grown from seeds or cuttings. About cornelian cherriesto grow from seeds, sow seeds of fresh fruits. Note that germination takes up to 12-15 months. If the trees are propagated via cuttings, they must be planted in moist soil. Here's how to do it: In spring, select a good-looking branch and cut it about 6 inches from the tip. Remove the lower leaves and place the branch in moist soil. In 4 to 6 weeks the plant will take root.
Care for the tree
Like any plant, the cornelian cherry requires specific care and attention to the right growing conditions. The tree is relatively easy to grow. Here you will find everything you need to know about the plant with the necessary tips and information.
When and how to water?
The plant needs a lot of water. Water the cornelian cherry 1-2 times a week. When it gets hot, you have to water more often. The leaves must remain dry when you water or pest infestation and disease may occur. It is best to water with a garden hose early in the morning when the weather is cool.
What kind of fertilizer does the plant need?
The cornelian cherry does not need much fertilizer. If you have poor soil, fertilize in spring with an organic fertilizer. The plant can benefit from additional fertilization in early autumn. It is not advisable to fertilize the plant in late spring and throughout the summer, because the cornelian cherry reacts negatively to fertilization in hot and dry weather.
How much sunlight is enough?
The cornelian cherry requires 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. If they don'tgets enough sun, it does not grow well and produces fewer flowers and fruits. Cornelian cherries can benefit from the bright morning sun, but the hot midday sun is not good for the plant.
Should you prune the tree?
You do not need to prune the cornelian cherry drastically. It is enough if you just cut off dead and injured branches and bring the tree into good shape. Cut before the plant enters the growth phase. The tree should be pruned between late winter and early spring. Use sharp pruning shears for cutting.
Appropriate temperature conditions
The cornelian cherry loves cool and moist locations. It can tolerate temperatures down to -20℃ but cannot tolerate excessive heat. Therefore, pay attention to the signs of heat damage, such as: B. brown leaves.
Which soil is suitable?
The cornelian cherry likes nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Mix in some sand if you have poor soil, as sand improves the soil's drainage properties.
Pests and diseases
One of the most common problems with the tree is brown spot. This is an infection that causes brown spots. Use organic treatment methods. Although organic agents do not kill the fungus, they do prevent it from spreading. Make a mixture of ½ teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap in 4 L of water. Spray the leaves with it.
Another disease is leaf spot.With this diseaseThe leaves dry out and turn brown at the tips. The disease comes from the roots if they do not develop healthily. You can help the plant by mulching the root zone with wood chips. In this way you contribute to healthy root development. Fertilizer burns can also lead to leaf spot. In this case, you should remove excess fertilizer residue.
The plant can also suffer from bacterial leaf spot and unfortunately there is no cure. An infected plant will likely die within ten years.