New flower pots for the garden and balcony – 26 cool upcycling ideas

Do you urgently need new flower pots for the garden? No problem, we'll show you 26 cool and pretty simple upcycling ideas with which you can make the plant pots yourself. Maybe you'll find a few ideas you'd like to implement!

Now is the right timeCellar and the garageclean up – and while you're at it, look around and collect old items. Have you discovered a pair of half-empty paint buckets, or perhaps a collection of handbags from your teenage years?Old wheels, Floppi disks and even milk cartons can be used. You simply need to paint them, fill them with soil / we recommend planting the flowers in plastic cups or cups and simply putting them in the empty and washed paint buckets /. Let your creativity run wild – and you willcertainly others tooCome up with variants!

Refresh and reuse the old plant pots

If you don't like thatThrow old plant potsIf you want to, you can simply repaint them or decorate them with colorful motifs using the napkin technique. If you wish, you can stick glitter stones or shards of glass on top - and you have created beautiful “new” pots!