Pests in flower pots: which ones are the most common and how you can fight them, we'll show you!

Controlling pests in flower pots is a problem shared by many gardeners. The good news is that due to the greater accessibility of flower pots and the fact that we water them frequently, we can catch problems before they get out of control. Taking immediate action as soon as you notice a problem can save the plant or prevent the problem from spreading. If you move your houseplants outside over the summer, be sure to give them a good shower before bringing them back indoors in the fall to ensure you don't bring the potted plant problems into the house. We'll show you how to fight pests in flower pots. But for the first time we see which onesPests are most common.

  • Aphids
    They feed on tender shoot tips. Try our homemade recipe that we provide in this article and avoid insecticides that are harmful to plants, the environment, pets and people.
  • caterpillars
    The bestmethod of combatingis the picking of caterpillars.
  • Mealy bugs
    They look like patches of white mold. They are difficult to get rid of and should be treated regularly. You can use a mixture of water, vinegar and dish soap (mixing ratio: 4:2:1). The smell of vinegar is intended to keep the pests away.
  • Red spider mite
    It thrives in dry conditions. Look for fine webs and speckled leaves. Pick off the affected leaves and spray a mixture of 3 tablespoons of dish soap with 4 liters of water to kill spider mites. Spray the soap solution onto the affected plant leaves weekly as needed. The rubbing alcohol you have around the house can also kill spider mites.
  • snails
    They generally do not reach hanging baskets, but can infest wall baskets and flower boxes. They hide behind containers during the day and eat the plants at night. UmKeep snails out of your pots, apply a one- to two-inch-thick strip of Vaseline just below the rim of the container.
  • Weevils
    They initially appear as white larvae. They eat the roots of plants. Pour white vinegar into a bottle and label it for regular use.
  • Whitefly
    These tiny whiteflies flutter up in clouds when disturbed. They feed on the underside of leaves. Spray the leaves well with a hose. Try our homemade recipe provided below, applied with a sprayer.

Homemade solution against pests in flower boxes

If you want to combat pests in flower pots without chemicals, you should try this homemade solution. It's inexpensive and good for your plants and yourself. The recipe is suitable for most "soft-bodied" insects - especially aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies.

1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
1/4 teaspoon cooking oil
1 liter of warm water

To enhance the effect of the solution, you can add garlic or hot pepper. For hard-shelled bugs like beetles, add 2 teaspoons of citrus oil or peppermint extract. Look for small hiding places in the leaves. Continue spraying every 10 days or so until you are sure the problems with the container plants are gone.

Measures to prevent pests

Here we will show you some strategies and measures to keep pests away from your pots. With a little extra attention and regular care, you can tackle the problems with ease.

Do not reuse the potting soil

To avoid pests in flower pots, do not reuse potting soil, especially if it contained plants infected with fungi or bacteria. Even if the soil looks good, it may be contaminated with disease and contain insect eggs or larvae that cannot be seen. Discard such soil.

Clean containers to avoid pests in flower pots

To avoid problems with pests you needclean vessels. At the start of each new planting season, scrub your pots and containers with liquid detergent and water. Pots that have already been affected by pests and diseases should be soaked in a solution of one part household bleach to ten parts water for about an hour. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry before planting.

Keep your plants healthy

Make sure you give your plants the combination of sunlight, fertilizer and water they need. Healthy plants are better able to ward off pest infestations. Remove dead leaves and flowers and make sure the plants are spaced apart enough for air to circulate around them. Regular inspections of the plants will help prevent problems in the container garden. When watering, look at both sides of the leaves and also check the soil for burrowed pests.

Pests in flower pots: eliminate infected plants

If you find a plant affected by pests and diseases, isolate it or discard it. Don't let it infect your other plants. Keep the plant away from other containers while treating the problem and wash your hands and garden tools after work.

Be careful when choosing potted plants

Pests in flower pots are more common on certain plants. Keep this in mind when choosing plants for your container gardens. This is especially true for tropical plants or other plants that are not native to your region. They do not yet have any natural resistanceagainst verminand diseases acquired in your region and are therefore more susceptible. Don't avoid these plants, but check these plants regularly for pests and take action quickly.