Easy-care grave planting for the winter – ideas for seasonal or permanent design

Summer is finally over and the last late summer flowers are now hanging their heads. So it's time to replant the grave to make it beautiful for the coming cold months. Grave plants that are hardy and easy to care for are of course in demand. But which flowers and plants have these properties and are suitable? We would like to give you a few suggestions for easy-care grave plants for the winter that will beautify the grave from autumn onwards.

Two planting methods are suitablefor grave design: You can either choose plants that you plant once and then stay in your location permanently. Or you can opt for seasonal flowers and plants that you replace again and again (so-called alternating planting). Of course, this mainly depends on how much time you can invest in care. Some people also like a combination of both. You can choose permanent trees and perennials for the edges, while planting some areas with temporary specimens.

Either way, the advantage this season is that you only have to water when necessary, i.e. if there are longer dry periods. Otherwise, nature offers just the right conditions in autumn and winter through rainfall or thawing snow to produce flowers and green plants on their own.

Which specimens can you choose for winter planting now in autumn?

There are numerous plants to choose from for easy-care grave planting for the winter, although you should pay particular attention to the lighting conditions. For a shady location, not only shade-loving plants are recommended. If you choose them brightly, you will also make the grave visually friendlier and less dreary.

Plants that are very popular are:

  • Common heather – hardy depending on the variety
  • Christmas rose – blooms in winter
  • Eucalyptus – partially hardy depending on the variety and climate
  • Daisies – biennial; very hardy
  • Bell heather – blooms until winter, but is not hardy
  • Heuchera (Purple Bells) – hardy; Leaf decoration until the end of winter; Blooms in late spring to summer
  • Horned violet – bloomsfrom autumn; very hardy
  • Budding heathers – are hardy, but can dry out during long periods of drought; Brown plants in spring are not frozen, but dried out
  • Mockberries
  • Snow heather – hardy; Very popular on the grave, especially for Christmas
  • Silver leaf – partially hardy (covered with leaves)
  • Silver basket – conditionally hardy (covered with leaves)
  • Pansies – especially garden pansies; robust, but flowers are not very tolerant of rain
  • Forget-me-not – very hardy as it is native and biennial
  • Winter heather – very frost hardy

Pansies, horned violets, daisies or forget-me-nots planted in autumn, for example, decorate the grave “only” with their green leaves in the winter after the flowering period, but with colorful flowers early in the spring and thatwithout requiring much care.

The cyclamen is not hardy. Although it will delight you with flowers well into November, it won't last through the winter.

For example, the following are suitable for permanent winter planting for the grave:

  • Blue fescue
  • ivy
  • Fat man
  • Evergreen
  • Rosen
  • Sedges (and other ornamental grasses)
  • Spindle bush
  • Waldsteinia (Golderdbeere)
  • Cotoneaster
  • Zwergkonifere

Easy-care grave planting for the winter – this is how you can design it

Ivy, Muehlenbeckia, star moss, cotoneaster and other ground-covering species are very popular for grave borders. They give the grave site structure and texture and provide a beautiful frame for colorful flowers or plants with beautiful foliage decorations. You can decide for yourself how much space you leave free in the middle for alternate planting.

You can then plant this area using any system you like. For example, you can put together several groups of different plants or the same plants. Or create color stripes. The circular shape is also very popular. Choose a specific color (preferably in different shades) or combine colors in a colorful way.

You might also be interested in:These plants are perfect for grave planting in spring!

Before you decide on a composition, it is advisable to first place the purchased plants and pot on the grave. This gives you an overview and allows you to swap colors or try out other patterns. Only then do you plant everything.

Notice: Although you can plant colorful flowers in the fall, they will only provide a splash of color for a while and will soon fade. Therefore, planting with evergreen plants for decorative greenery is the better decision in winter so that the grave looks well-kept even in the cold months. The only way to add a splash of color through flowers in winter isare the Christmas roses, which come in white to purple. They easily withstand frost and produce flowers in winter. Alternatively, arrangements and/or dried flowers can be used to add color to the grave site.

What you can plant in August or fall for flowers well into winter, you canread here.