When it comes to trying to lose weight according to the 20/80 principle, some simple rules in everyday life must be followed. According to nutritionists, you can add the so -called species -appropriate nutrition to your daily menu in order to become slim and fit. However, it is more about a attitude to life than abouta strict diet plan. Here are some of the most useful and important facts that could make it easier to get started.
Interesting facts about losing weight according to the 20/80 principle
This type of dietary change suggests 80 % of the timenutritious foodsto eat and relax with the remaining 20 %. The idea is based on the Pareto principle, an economic rule that says that 80 % of the episodes (or results) of 20 % of the causes (or input) come. As already mentioned, such a diet is not a strict diet plan, but a way of thinking that is open to individual interpretations. The rule approaches healthy diet with a message of moderation. The 80 percent are for healthy decisions, while 20 percent flexibility for less healthy options remain. Nutrition experts support this approach because it is feasible for everyone, allows a variety of food and avoids privation. How it is done and how it affects your weight can be different for everyone.
What you can eat according to the rule
Technically speaking, you can eat everything you want to lose weight according to the 80/20 principle as long as you adhere to the premise of eating healthy foods in 80 % of your meals and snacks. In order to pull the full benefit from this diet, you should make sure that your 80 % contain a variety of nutrient -rich foods. Concentrate primarily on full value food,including whole grain products. These foods are generally considered healthy. This can help you create a list of healthy meals.
The basic principle is to make half of your plate of fruit and vegetables and to change them frequently. The rest of your plate should be made of whole grains and lean protein with a portion of fat -low dairy products such as milk orConsist yogurt. Also try to limit saturated fatty acids and added sugar. Add fresh, preserved or frozen vegetables, or eat it as a side dish and even as a main course. Find various colored foods that contain sufficient nutrients. You can steam, sauté, roast or grill to change the taste and find what you like best. Just pay attention to the additional calories and the salt in oils and sauces. Most adults should consume about 2 ½ to 3 cups a day.
Take the right foods in moderation
Whole grain products offer carbohydrates for energy, together with fiber, vitamins, minerals and some protein. For example, brown rice, 100 % whole grain bread and pasta, oatmeal and quinoa are suitable for this. However, try snacks, cakes and cookies thatclever grainHow white flour were produced. These can drive up their blood sugar. Adults should consume about 85 grams of cereals a day. This makes up about 3 slices of bread or 1½ cups of rice.
Fruit and vegetables are also full -scale and therefore rich in important nutrients. In addition, such foods are goodSource for soluble fiberAnd inherently low in calories. Suitable examples of this are leafy vegetables, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, melons, berries, citrus fruits, apples or peaches.
Build your daily mealsalso around lean protein sources. Do your best to avoid trans fats. To do this, choose lean meat, low -fat dairy products, legumes, fish and seafood, or soy protein. As far as saturated fats are concerned, they could consume foods with higher fat content for 20 % of their calories. However, it is still important to control your portion size. Go with fat-free milk, yogurt, soy and nut milk to reduce saturated fats. If you have milk fat, keep it with low -fat versions of sour cream and cheese on a minimum. Most adults should strive for about 3 cups of dairy products a day. Beef, chicken and pork are okay, especially if they contain little fat, but it is better for your health to mix it a little. Fish, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, soy and eggs give your palate a variety of tastes and nutrients for your body.
Prepare for the diet for losing weight according to the 20/80 principle
In order to adhere to the rules described above, you should concentrate on nutritious whole foods during the week and treat yourself to your desire at the weekend. Some people may decide to eat a bit of forgone food or another combination every day. This change in diet enables you to enjoy indulgences regularly without you having the feeling of "cheating" during your diet. For many people, this can be a balanced approach for a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you follow this eating pattern to lose weight, you should also remember that you should enjoy your 20 % in moderation yourself. If you exaggerate it, you can quickly gain weight. Excessive healthy food can also lead to weight gain.
So after having fed healthy for most of the week, it is time to treat yourself to something. For example, you can enjoy onion rings for lunch, a glass of wine for dinner or an ice cream for dessert. However, if you find that you do not achieve satisfactory results when you lose weight according to the 20/80 principle, you should consider a personal adjustment. Adjustments can include additional training, counting calories to ensure a deficit, observe your portions more precisely or to go on a 90/10 diet plan instead. If you try to lose weight, you may be a little more precise and spend 20 % of the recommended number of daily calories. For example, if your goal is 1,800 calories a day, you may have 360 calories more than two days a week.
Advantages and disadvantages of the 80:20 rule
This type of food has a lot to be recommended, including some advantages. The 80/20 diet is not a restrictive plan, which is a gourmet or a famine. All of their meals and indulgences are included. The only thing that changes is the relative proportions. There is also no need to use apps for food intake or nutritional diaries to pursue your eating habits or count calories.
When losing weight according to the 20/80 principle, there is also no food taboo. You can enjoy everything you like, just not always. Since you consume nutritional foods in 80 % of cases, you also learn to use healthy cooking methods or such shopping strategies. Everyone can try this diet because no food is required or completely restricted. So if you want to eat gluten -free and vegan, or diabetics or allergy sufferers, this diet can work for you.
However, there are also a few disadvantages of this diet change, although it is quite modified. You may need to evaluate your calorie intake and adapt your energy balance to lose weight. In addition, the rule may not have enough structure. However, this is not an excuse for excessive food or excessive enjoyment. On your relaxed days, you should still practice in moderation. If you need stricter rules to stick to a nutrition plan, this type of diet may not be the right one for you.
The quintessence of losing weight according to the 20/80 principle
The diet described above can be a good introduction to moderation as well as a balanced and nutrient -rich change in diet. Learning to plan and assume indulgences without feelings of guilt can prevent a diet plan from being too strict. However, it may not be enough to make weight loss if this is your goal, as this does not necessarily lead to a calorie deficit. Some people enjoy a little freedom at the end of the week, while others prefer to treat themselves to something delicious every day.
It is best to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about your decision. Your age, gender, weight and activity level everyone plays a role in such a change in diet. Another reason to speak to your doctor is that this diet is not suitable for everyone. Certain diseases can worsen if they absorb too much salt, fat or sugar from time to time. For example, if you suffer from diabetes, high sugar levels can damage your eyes, kidneys, nerves or even your heart.