Harmful exhaust fumes, smoking, stress, little exercise – our bodies are exposed to this every day. A balanced diet ensures a healthy life and can even lead to weight loss. But which foods are actually healthy for the human organism – a new theory provides the answer. The so-calledalkaline dietdeals thoroughly with the topic. The goal – acid-formingGroceriesto avoid and instead consume mainly alkaline foods. As Hippocrates himself said, “Let your diet be your medicine.”
Alkaline nutrition is said to be fundamental for healthy living
I am what I eat. Anyone who eats healthily provides the body with the necessary nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, water, fats and minerals every day. In our hectic everyday lives, where there is hardly any time to prepare food and the fast food culture is widespread, most people tend to eat unhealthy foods. Sooner or later the body begins to suffer from it. This can be avoided with a balanced diet with natural alkaline foods.
Alkaline diet – which nutrients are really necessary?
Carbohydrates, also called saccharides, are among the most important energy suppliers and building materials in the human body /supply the muscles with glycogen and the brain with glucose/. However, if too many carbohydrates are consumed, the excess amount is converted into fats. Depending on the structure, the carbohydrates are divided into three groups - the first are the monosaccharides /fructose and glucose/, the fruits andVegetablescontain. Basic carbohydrate-rich foods include beans and chickpeas. Lactose has a complicated structure – it belongs to the group of disaccharides. The third group – fiber is found in plants and vegetables (for example legumes and grains). They play an important role – namely, they stimulate intestinal activity. However, excess intake can lead to flatulence.
Alkaline diet – fats are one of the most important sources of energy
Fats are the most important source of energy. However, they are only processed with difficulty by the body. These nutrients can be of plant or animal origin. Vegetable fats are supposedly healthier (they are also high in calories!) with the only exception – fish. A healthy eating plan means eating a small amount of nuts / approx. Consume 50-70 grams / and avoid pork if possible. By the way, the human body can convert carbohydrates into fats.
Alkaline diet – Proteins are basic nutrients
The proteins/also known as proteins/ are made up of 22 molecules /amino acids/. Eight amino acids are considered basic, meaning the human body cannot produce them itself. These are provided by grains, milk, low-fat meat. Proteins of animal origin (high-fat meat) are also healthy, but basically contain more fat and can lead to weight gain. Experts recommend consuming around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. This means that for a body weight of 50 kilos, 4 grams of protein per day is enough.
Alkaline diet – how much water should you drink per day?
The human body consists of 70-80% water. For a balanced diet, adults need to drink between 1.5 liters and 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, a maximum of 1 cup of coffee should be drunk per day. Alcohol consumption is also not recommended - this activates the kidneys and ultimately causes the body to lose water.
In addition to water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, vitamins and minerals play an important role in health. For a balanced diet, these should be supplied to the body every day. To ensure that the organism is supplied with energy, the menu can consist of 80%-90% carbohydrates and 10%-20% proteins. Apparently the reason for weight gain is not the carbohydrates themselves (as previously thought) but rather the excessive consumption of fats and salt. So if you want to lose weight healthily, you have to avoid sunflower oil, fatty meat and eggs. Regular consumption of small amounts of nuts is also crucial for a balanced diet. When it comes to preparing the food, the rule of thumb applies here - baking and steaming instead of grilling and frying. Even more so - the theory of alkaline nutrition states that acid-forming foods (eggs and meat mainly) should be avoided. This prevents the body from becoming too acidic.
Alkaline nutrition is healthy and delicious
Because people who eat almost exclusively fruit, beans, peas, vegetables and nuts have chosen a balanced diet. Combined with exercise two or three times a week, he can lose weight healthily and then maintain his dream figure. Japan, China, India, Peru and Tibet mainly consume rice, potatoes, corn, peas and beans. This is why the population in these countries does not suffer from obesity. In addition, the Japanese are said to suffer from Alzheimer's much less often than the Europeans and are active and fit even at the age of eighty.
The experts recommend that you:
– Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Smoothies, juices without added sugar and salads are also delicious and healthy.
– Whole grain foods – whole grain bread, rice, millet, rye, barley
– Beans, lentils, chickpeas
– Approx. 50 grams of nuts and green leafy vegetables