Of lactose intoleranceEveryone has probably heard of gluten intolerance and similar health problems these days. But did you know that fructose intolerance also exists? Eating fruit and drinking pure fruit juices leads to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. If you have already noticed such a connection, this could be the reason for it. Then it's time to change your diet. Today we will explain more to you about the topic. Read on if you are tormented by the question “What to eat with fructose intolerance?”, because we have not only put together some important information, but also a few lists of suitable and unsuitable foods.
Fructose intolerance what to eat and what not to eat – general information
The well-known fact thatfruit and vegetablesare healthy does not apply to around 30 percent of the population. More specifically, this part of the population suffers from fructose intolerance. The body and more precisely the digestive organs cannot tolerate fructose, i.e. fruit sugar. In mild cases, this can lead to digestive problems, but in severe cases it can even lead to more severe problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
The reason for this is that the intestines do not transport the fructose properly and it cannot or only partially be absorbed by the body. The result is that the fructose is not processed and remains in the intestines, where it causes not only flatulence but even diarrhea and cramps. So it's no wonder that people are concerned with thisunpleasant digestive problemsask the question “Fructose intolerance what to eat?”. This type of fructose intolerance, more commonly referred to as fructose malabsorption or fructose intolerance, is theintestinaland we will also refer to these in this article.
But there is also the so-calledhereditary fructose intolerance. This type of intolerance is a metabolic disorder. In contrast to intestinal intolerance, in hereditary intolerance fructose can be transported and absorbed, but cannot be broken down again afterwards. That's what the enzyme is forFructose-1-Phosphat-Aldolaseresponsible and that is what those affected are missing. Anyone who suffers from this type of fructose intolerance must avoid fructose for their entire life, as consumption can have serious health consequences as it damages both the liver and kidneys.
What is fructose?
Fructose is found in numerous everyday foods. It is a so-called simple sugar, which, interestingly enough, is one of the two components of our household sugar (disaccharide), along with glucose. And precisely because fructose is not only contained in fruit, changing the diet is such a difficult task for those affected. On the one hand, you usually don't know which oneFood fructosecontain. On the other hand, there is the question of how exactly the diet should be designed and what you can eat or drink, in what quantities and how often. So, let's now come to the question - what to eat and what not to eat fructose intolerance?
Intestinal fructose intolerance – diet in three phases
Fructose intolerance what to eat - Fortunately, intestinal intolerance does not mean, like hereditary intolerance, that you have to avoid fructose for the rest of your life. Instead, the intestines pass througha change in diet, which consists of three phases, is accustomed to certain amounts of fructose in order to improve absorption. The three phases are called the waiting phase, the test phase and the long-term nutrition phase. We will explain to you below what these three phases look like:
- During theWaiting periodThose affected have to avoid fructose completely, i.e. drink and eat without fructose. There is also a long-term waiverlead to deficiency symptoms(e.g. zinc or folic acid), this phase usually lasts no longer than 6 weeks, but also no less than 2. The aim of the phase is to cleanse and relieve the intestines. So he is offered the opportunity to recover. During this time, those affected can already feel that the symptoms are subsiding.
- After the recovery comes theTest phase. Now, as the name suggests, it is tested to see which foods the affected person can tolerate and which they cannot. The individual quantities are also determined. It's no surprise that this phase lasts several months because it takes time to test the many foods and determine the body's reactions to them. It is important to keep a food diary during this time.
- Dielong-term nutritionis based on the individual results determinedchanged diet, which is maintained permanently. It is determined which foods and quantities can be eaten or drunk by each person.
During the maternity leave phase, it is important to know which foods are particularly high in fructose so that you can avoid them. You might be surprised to learn that it's not just fruit. Below we will give you a brief overview of fructose intolerancegive a nutrition list. So, what shouldn't you eat if you're fructose intolerant?
Which fruit should you avoid if you are fructose intolerant?
- Apples
- Pears
- Figs
- Feet
- Mango
- Sweet cherries
- grapes
- Dried fruits
- Canned fruit
Fructose intolerance – what not to eat with vegetables?
- Artichokes
- eggplant
- Beans
- Broccoli
- fennel
- Carrots
- Kohlrabi
- pumpkin
- Leek
- Rotkohl
- Tomatoes
- White cabbage
- Onion
- Alcohol (exceptions include clear schnapps and beer in accordance with the German purity law and malt beer, fruit and herbal liqueurs, sparkling wine and dry wines in small quantities.)
- iced tea
- fruit juice
- Compote
- Lemonade
- Smoothies
- Soft drinks
Fructose intolerance what to eat – Other products to avoid:
- jam
- Marmalade
- ready-made muesli mixes and muesli bars
- Sweeteners, including honey and sugar as well as syrups and foods containing them
- Sausage, meat and fish salad
- zwieback
Fructose intolerance what to eat
Despite the list above, you should not despair, because there is still a sufficiently large selection of products that you can use for a diverse andbalanced dietcan eat because they are low in frutose. So, what to eat if you have fructose intolerance?
Fructose intolerance – what can I eat summarized in a table
Water can be drunk unlimitedly, as can tea and coffee, provided they are unsweetened.
For theSweetening dishesor drinks you have to avoid many sweeteners. These include the products mentioned above, but also isomalt, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol, as they further hinder fructose absorption and can cause even greater discomfort. Instead, grab it betterRice syrup, stevia or glucose.
Spicesare harmless as long as they are fresh or pure. You should either avoid spice mixtures or take a close look at the ingredients. Onions, garlic and sweeteners must not be included if you suffer from fructose intolerance.
A notice!Of course, all of the foods listed are just a rough summary that is only intended to give you an overview.
Pay attention to the information on the label
Some unsuitable substances such as sweeteners are not always indicated by their name. These include, for example, sorbitol and sorbitol, which can also be labeled E420, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436. The same applies to xylitol (E976, E967), isomalt (E953) and mannitol (E421).
Corn syrup, which is used for sweetening in many products and is a fructose-glucose syrup, should also be avoided if you have a fructose intolerance. This is sometimes noted on the label as isoglucose or with the abbreviation HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).
Fructose intolerance – what can I eat and drink?
What to eat fructose intolerance - As you now know, this ultimately depends on your individual tolerance, which is determined after a waiting and testing phase. Then you can change your diet according to the results and continue to consume fructose in moderation. In addition, to improve recording, you should also follow the following rules:
- You can improve your body's absorption by always consuming foods containing fructose with others. Accordingly, it is also disadvantageous if you consume fructose on an empty stomach. Avoid this at all costs!
- Better eatseveral small amountsfructose-containing foods throughout the day than a few large ones.
- Always have glucose on hand as it is said to improve the absorption of fructose. If you suddenly feel discomfort, you can help yourself with a little glucose.
Fructose intolerance what to eat in consultation with a nutritionist
If you suspect that you are suffering from fructose intolerance, you should first clarify this with your doctor before deciding to change your diet.Complaints with the gastrointestinal tractcan have numerous other causes. A so-called breath test that your doctor carries out shows whether your intestinal problems are really the result of such a food intolerance.
If this turns out to be the case, the diet will be changed together with a nutritionist after a waiting and testing phase, as described above. Since this diet change is done step by step, you will quickly get an overview of exactly what you are allowed to eat and what you are not allowed to eat. So your question “Fructose intolerance – what can I eat” will be answered quickly. So the long lists and tables of forbidden and suitable foods shouldn't scare you.