Health through natural medicine and balanced nutrition

You are what you eat. This saying, which suggests that the food one consumes has a direct impact on a person's well-being, is an ancient one - and yet so true. Not only a person's figure, but also the complexion, fingernails and hair are a reflection of what he or she consumes. A healthy, balanced diet is one thing. But using the power of inconspicuous foods in a very targeted manner is the art that requires know-how. Natural medicine is the key to sustainable health success.

Balanced diet: These ten tips will help

A balanced diet is varied, includes vegetables, fruit and animal products and is enjoyed in peace. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) eV has defined ten rules that are important for a healthy diet. These are as follows:

1.) Go for whole grains. Hardly anyone wants to do without products made from flour. However, choosing the whole grain version is recommended. They have more nutrients and keep you full for longer. Also they come in someHigh Carb Low Fat Diätenbefore.

2.) Movement. Whether a person maintains, gains or loses weight depends on the difference between the calories consumed and the calories consumed. That's why regular exercise is necessary and important to keep the scales in balance.

3.) Five a day. Three servings of vegetables a day plus two servings of fruit a day ensure sufficient fiber, nutrients and plant substances.

4.)Healthy fats. It sounds a bit paradoxical, but vegetable fats (oils) contain a lot of healthy things in the form of vitamin E and fatty acids.

5.) No sugar. No salt. Sugar and foods and drinks containing sugar contain one thing above all else: calories. Anyone who consciously avoids this is doing a lot of good for their body. Avoiding salt also pays off. Consuming too much salt can have a negative effect on blood pressure.

6.) Gentle preparation. If you choose a gentle method of preparation when roasting, grilling, baking or deep-frying, you protect the nutrients in the food.

7.) Animals are healthy. Daily shouldDairy productsare on the menu. Fish is recommended two to three times a week. Meat consumption should not exceed 600 grams per week.

8.) Eat diversely. If you use the variety of foods available as seasonally as possible, you don't run the risk of eating an unbalanced diet.

9.) Drink water. 1.5 liters of water per day – this is the DGE’s drinking recommendation. Sweetened and alcoholic drinks, however, are taboo.

10.) Take your time. Anyone who just hastily swallows a bite will feel hungry again sooner than a connoisseur who consumes their food slowly and consciously.

Natural medicine: Food becomes something very special

Anyone who internalizes and follows the ten commandments of the DGE is already doing a lot of things right when it comes to nutrition. Anyone who has a higher need due to greater physical or psychological stress should also satisfy this need naturally - in keeping with a natural diet. This also means that the search begins for foods that eliminate specific deficiencies.

Example 1: Turmeric to prevent Alzheimer's and cancer

Professor Jan Frankexplained to the Apotheker-Umschau: “We know from laboratory tests, for example, that curcumin has anti-cancer properties.” This specialist article also states: “In other experiments, the plant substance prevented the deposition of certain protein complexes in the brain. These complexes may be involved in the development of Alzheimer's.” In addition to these large effect complexes, which are said to be present in the new superfood turmeric, the yellow root also has a positive effect on digestion. Turmeric encourages the liver to release more bile acid. The yellow root is also said to relieve feelings of fullness and flatulence. However, it can only develop its full effect if bioavailability is guaranteed, i.e. if the body is ready to let the good ingredients of turmeric work.Acurmin Plus, a special micellar turmeric, starts at exactly this point.

Natural medicine / Example 2: The sour cherry cures sleep disorders

Anyone who has worries, is exposed to high work or family stress, has a proven melatonin deficiency, works in artificial light or has a disturbed sleep rhythm due to shift work can benefit from the positive effects of sour cherries. Cherry Plus, the corresponding product in which the sour cherry is wrapped, has been convincing in studies: “Montmorency sour cherries not only improve the duration of sleep, but also the quality of sleep. Researchers at Northumbria University1 were able to show this in a study. They gave 20 volunteers either tart cherry juice or a placebo for 7 days. They were then able to observe that the subjects with the sour cherry juice not only slept longer, but also slept more deeply.” A look at the details shows that

– that sleep duration could be increased by 40 minutes.
– that disruptive short sleep phases could be reduced by 77 percent.

Further information about the Montmorency cherry can be found

Example 3: Ginger is a spicy all-rounder

The list of possible uses for ginger is extremely long. For colds, nausea, pain, bronchitis, osteoarthritis and even asDiet supportThe root, which looks a little like turmeric root, is a helpful product of nature. Just as impressive as the list of possible uses is the list of ingredients, which range from iron to calcium to potassium to various oils. In contrast to turmeric and sour cherry, ginger also helps in the do-it-yourself version. Ginger tea is made purely from ginger, lemon, water and possibly sugar.

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