Green Smoothies Recipes – Lose weight healthily through a low-calorie diet

In recent years, green smoothie recipes have become extremely popular. The turning point in vegan cuisine was reached by eating raw food. The natural energy drink quickly became a hit throughout the wellness culture world and has established itself as a symbol of the healthy lifestyle. We can supplement an incomplete vegan diet with enough greens to achieve the desired results through a balanced diet.

Green Smoothies – Benefits

Green smoothies have enough benefits - they are easy to digest, keep you hydrated, increase your energy, nourish your skin and much more. You can prepare the superfood with spinach, lettuce leaves, kale, etc. Asadvanced smoothie drinkerYou can also use parsley, dandelion, cress and numerous other green variations for the creamy mixture. Smoothies are most often combined with fruit. The common ones are bananas, apples, pears, kiwi, avocado and mango. The ratio between fruit and vegetables varies. Here we have collected some recipe ideas for healthy and low-calorie smoothies that you can drink on a daily basis.

Feel free to improvise when choosing ingredients for green smoothies. Coconut flakes, nuts, seeds – anything that tastes good to you and is good for your body. To obtain a tasty ratio, the preparation must use approximately 30% leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, rocket, chard, kohlrabi, etc.) with 20% liquid (coconut milk, almond milk juice, etc.) and 50% fruit. When juicing you can combine 60% greens with 40% fruit.

Drinks with spinach and avocado for weight loss

First of all, we have an effective recipe forgreen smoothiesprovided for weight loss. It contains products rich in iron and those that protect against inflammation. It is a balanced combination for weight loss, detox and alkalinity of the body. Surprisingly, it contains avocado, which is mostly fats but rich in healthy fatty acids. In fact, to burn fat we sometimes have to consume it.

The first recipe is healthy and tasty. This will give you energy and provide your body with valuable nutrients. Take a glass and a half of almond milk, a handful of spinach leaves, half a cucumber, half an avocado, three quarters of pineapple in pieces, a pinch of cinnamon, freshly squeezed lemon juice and a cup of ice. Put all the ingredients in a stand mixer and mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Fill your glass with it and drink it for breakfast.

Green smoothies for flatulence

This is a perfect option after drinking alcohol. The ingredients not only eliminate bloating but also recharge the body with energy. The ingredients you need are a banana, a handful of strawberries, a cup of chopped pineapple, a handful of spinach leaves and a glass of coconut milk. The potassium in the banana, the vitamin C in the strawberries and the specific enzymes in the pineapple accelerate metabolism. The combination of the fibers in spinach and coconut milk acts as a natural laxative.

Tropischer Mojito-Smoothie

This non-alcoholic drink will change the way you think about green smoothies. It doesn't have all the ingredients like the original, but unlike it, it can be a valuable treat for breakfast.

Simply mix in a blender a cup of ice, a cup of coconut milk or water, the juice of two limes, a handful of mint leaves, and a teaspoon of honey. Use the device to make a creamy mixture and that's it - you get refreshment and tropical taste in one. You can also use pineapple, kale or ginger.

Vanilla and lime

This recipe owes its pleasant aroma to vanilla. You can enjoy the smoothie throughout the day. With its tangy citrus and sweet vanilla flavor, this nutrient-packed drink is a real creamy temptation.

For this you need half a cup of vanilla yogurt, a cup of spinach leaves, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, half a glass of milk and ice as desired. Simply add all the ingredients except the ice cream to a blender and puree. Then pour into a glass and serve with a straw.

Cucumber, apple and spinach

The ingredients for these variants are easily available. You can always keep a package of spinach in the freezer. You can make multiple versions depending on availability. To make the smoothie sweeter, add apples or kiwi. These fruits can be found almost all year round. The combination with pears tastes just as excellent.

For the base you need half a cucumber, a handful of spinach leaves, an apple half and a peeled kiwi. The remaining ingredients may vary, as described above. Simply puree everything with the blender and dilute with lemon juice, water or ice as needed.


Now there are chia seedsa popular superfoodespecially for their high protein content and essential omega-3 fatty acids. They are also a good plant-based source of calcium. The chia seeds have a mild, slightly nutty taste. A tablespoon or two can make your green smoothies go a long way. They are prepared in two ways:

  1. Soak 1-2 tbsp of it in water for about 5 minutes. The soaked seeds become gelatinous and mix well in a blender. This means the chia seeds remain whole and do not oxidize. In addition, soaking improves digestibility and increases moisture content.
  2. If you use ground chia seeds, add an additional splash of liquid to your recipe. The seeds quickly absorb moisture, preventing your drinks from turning into gel.

Detox smoothie with chia seeds

Here we have found a healthy and long-term solution on how you can make your figure suitable for the summer season. You don't need any magic pills or expensive ingredients, just natural fruits and vegetables. GreensSmoothies my Detox Effectare rich in fiber, digestive enzymes and vital nutrients that will fuel your strength throughout the day.

Good digestion and detoxification are important if you want to have a flat stomach. Detox smoothies are a healthy way to get rid of all the toxins accumulated in the body. When our digestion doesn't function properly, these toxins are absorbed into the blood, which can lead to fatigue, heaviness, and swelling.

The required ingredients are:

  • 1.5 cups kale or spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cucumber, sliced
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 small lemon, peeled
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup mango pieces
  • 2 THE Chiasamen
  • 1 TLSpirulina powder (algae)
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup filtered cold water
  • Handful of ice cream (optional)

To prepare it, use a high-speed blender to obtain a homogeneous creamy mixture. You can add a small piece of ginger to aid digestion.

All of these ingredients provide your body with energy and are low in calories. Regular consumption of fruit and vegetables will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on your general condition in the morning, evening and at any time of the year.