Now that the weather is getting warmer again, people are always looking for new ideas to have more fruit and vegetables on their plate. When you're at the supermarket, be sure to pick up some of the fruits and vegetables that are in season. If you know when shopping which fresh products can be eaten according to the seasonal calendar, you can not only save money, but also enjoy fruits and vegetables at their best. Planning meals with fresh, seasonal produce is one of the easiest ways to eat healthy.
Asparagus is in season in April
The asparagus season in Germany usually starts in mid-April and lasts until June 24th (June 24th is St. John's Day). The mild April weather favors the ripening of one of thenoblest sproutsof the season. There are threeVarieties of this cold-resistant vegetable, which are green, white and purple. Its slightly bitter but tasty taste is prevalent in many traditional recipes. Asparagus and its wild varieties are rich in iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, C and vitamins of group B. They have diuretic properties and contain toxic substances (purines) and oxalic acid, which are not recommended for kidney patients.
The fresher asparagus is, the better it tastes. To tell if it is fresh, you can do the following: Bend a spear of asparagus, if it breaks, the local spring vegetable is not fresh. Chefs recommend not cooking the asparagus for too long - for example, the cooking time for white asparagus is 12 to 15 minutes and for green ones it is around 8 minutes. Tie the asparagus with a string before placing it upright in a pot half filled with water so that the tips stick out of the water and cook through steaming.The seasonal vegetablesis easily digestible when seasoned with extra virgin olive oil.
Seasonal rhubarb this month
The rhubarb season begins between March and April and ends on June 24th. The later you harvest the rhubarb, the more sour it tastes. Make sure only the red stems are edible. The seasonal vegetables contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B2, A and C, proteins and carbohydrates. Rhubarb is a laxative and wormer, so it should be consumed in moderation as it can cause heartburn and constipation.
Fruit and vegetables in April: wild garlic
You can harvest the harbinger of spring – wild garlic – as early as March or early April. From April onwards it can be found even more frequently. Various useful properties have made it popular in Europe - wild garlic stimulates the appetite and is used as a medicine due to its rich structural formula. In every respect it can be described as a “superfood”. So it's time to pay attention to these vegetables that are in season in April.
Wild garlic is rich in vegetable protein, useful amino acids and various vitamins that are equally important for men and women. Due to the high content of vitamin C, about 100 mg per 100 g of fresh leaves, and phytoncides (natural antibiotics), wild garlic is considered an antiviral plant. It also contains B vitamins, provitamin A (beta-carotene) and mineral salts, which maintain acid-base balance in the body, normalize water-salt metabolism and are useful for the hormonal, nervous and digestive systems. The vegetable is also rich in potassium, iron, iodine, copper, fluoride, boron and fiber. It can cleanse blood vessels, dissolve cholesterol deposits and normalize blood pressure.
Fruits and vegetables are healthy - apples
The apple is a crisp, colorful fruit, one of the most popular in Europe. This delicious, local fruit that you can eat in April is a type of fruit that is not freshly harvested. Unfortunately, there are hardly any fruits that are seasonal in April. However, you can find locally grown apples for storage until May because these fruits are usually in season from August to November.
You've probably heard the age-old saying, "An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor." Although eating apples isn't a panacea, it is good for your health. Apples can do a lot for you thanks to plant chemicals called flavonoids. They also contain pectin, a fiber that is broken down in the intestines. If you remove the apple's peel before eating it, you won't get as much fiber and flavonoids. The fiber found in seasonal fruit can also help with diarrhea and constipation.
Some studies show that plant chemicals and the fiber in apple peel protect against blood vessel and heart damage. You can tooto lower cholesterol levelscontribute and protect the DNA of the cells from so-called oxidative damage, which can lead, among other things, to cancer.
* Note: Seasonal calendar – April
According to the seasonal calendarthere are many fruitand vegetables (outdoor products, those from greenhouses and stored products) that are in season in April. Here we show a small list that can help you shop:
Apple, leek, rhubarb, spinach, asparagus, onions, spring onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, lamb's lettuce, Asian lettuce, lettuce, rocket, potatoes, carrots, Chinese cabbage, chicory, parsnips, beetroot, radish, red cabbage, white cabbage , pointed cabbage, savoy cabbage, celeriac, mushrooms, endive, lamb's lettuce