Unhealthy drinks increase the risk of illness: which drinks should you avoid?

What you drink may contain more calories than an entire meal, not to mention a lot of sugar, artificial ingredients, and other unhealthy additives.
The best drink to consume is water. But we understand that sometimes water is really boring. If you're tired of plain water or just want something with more flavor, you should at least get into the habit of reading labels and identifying unhealthy drinks.

Recognize unhealthy drinks: harmful ingredients

Try to avoid drinks that contain large amounts of sugar, chemicals,artificial sweetenersand colorings as well as other additives such as high fructose corn syrup.
Below we will show you some popular but unhealthy drinks that you should avoid.

Soft drinks are very unhealthy because of the chemical content

It should come as no surprise that sodas, sodas, and diet sodas are some of the worst drinks you can offer your body, whether you drink a regular or diet drink. Both are associated with weight gain and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Diet soda is full of chemicals like artificial sweeteners. While it contains fewer calories than regular soda, recent research has linked consumption of artificial sweeteners to health risks such as stroke and dementia.

Regular sodas contain large onesAmounts in calories, sugar and corn syrup. Additionally, they have long been linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, weak bones, obesity and other weight-related diseases.
If you can't kick your habit, you should make an effort to limit consumption, find healthier alternatives, and eventually eliminate soda from your diet.

Liquid coffee creamer can cause digestive problems

Coffee creamers may taste delicious, but many of them contain nothing but chemicals like artificial flavors and sweeteners, preservatives and thickeners that can cause inflammation and digestive problems. They also often contain partially hydrogenated oils or trans fats, which have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease and that tooImpair memorycan.
Try flavoring your coffee with more natural alternatives. Look for creamers made with coconut or almond milk instead of oils and artificial ingredients—even when flavored, they often only contain 2 grams of sugar per serving. Or try unsweetened coconut milk and a few drops of flavored stevia.

Energy drinks are loaded with chemicals

Energy drinks are notorious for containing artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. Anythingcontaminated with chemicalswill not bring any health benefits to your body. One of the main ingredients in these drinks is often sucrose - simple sugar - so these drinks are no healthier than soda. They also often contain citric acid, which can attack tooth enamel.

Artificial substances in sports drinks and electrolyte replacement drinks

These drinks contain artificial colors and sweeteners that simply cannot be considered food. Non-athletes looking to replenish fluid levels after a strenuous fitness class should drink water or unflavored coconut water, which is a natural source of electrolytes and typically contains fewer additives.

Too much coffee can cause health problems

We love our coffee, and like alcohol, coffee offers some health benefits in moderation. Research results suggest that amoderate caffeine consumptioncan help protect brain cells and reduce the risk of neurological diseases such as stroke and dementia. However, too much of a good thing can also be harmful, and coffee is no exception. Too much caffeine can lead to negative effects such as increased heart rate, heartburn, nervousness, anxiety, gastrointestinal distress, muscle twitching, headaches, dehydration and insomnia.
This applies to caffeine from all sources. So if you drink coffee in the morning, a soda at lunch, and an energy drink in the afternoon, you are exposing yourself to numerous health problems.
And when you order a flavored latte with whipped cream, you're essentially drinking your dessert. A Grande Caramel Frappuccino contains 66 grams of sugar - that's like eating two pieces of chocolate cake.

Slushies are unhealthy drinks: find out why

You probably already know that slushies are sugar mines, but we bet you had no idea that they are often filled with mold! We know this is totally gross, but it's true! According to numerous fast food and convenience store employees, the machines that store and mix slushies are rarely, if ever, cleaned. “The amount of mold in these machines would grind your childhood to pulp,” admitted a former gas station employee. If the calorie count and high sugar content aren't enough to put you off the slushies, perhaps this information will.

Unhealthy Drinks: Be careful with Bloody Mary

While they're a brunch staple, beware! Like tomato juice, Bloody Marys are often soaked in sodium, which amounts to up to 1,000 milligrams per large glass. Since hangover symptoms are often exacerbated when you're dehydrated, consuming a drink that contains sodium isn't exactly doing your body any favors.

Bottled water gets BPA from the plastic bottle

The problem here is not the water, but the BPA in the bottle. BPA is a hormone-like chemical found in almost all food packaging plastics, and it is potentially harmful. According to some research, the chemical can promote cancer and make people infertile. Buy a BPA-free refillable bottle to stay hydrated on the go.

Unhealthy drinks: Cola is known to be harmful

Although Cola is a soft drink, we would also like to mention it separately. Not only does it contribute to weight gain and obesity-related diseases like diabetes, but its acidity is bad for your digestive system and tooth enamel. And there's more bad news to come: The caramel color in Cola contains a man-made phosphorus that can have long-term negative effects on bone health, experts warn. Additionally, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found that caramel coloring contains carcinogenic substances.

Iced tea can lead to cardiovascular problems

In our opinion, iced tea from fast food soaked with propylene glycol alginate is an absolute no-go! Propylene glycol alginate is a food thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier that may cause cardiovascular or neurotoxic problems. (It's also not too far removed, chemically speaking, from propylene glycol, also known as car antifreeze).