Cheese makes the heart beat faster in most people. And if you look at all the dishes to which this ingredient simply belongs, you might think that you can no longer get by without it. It is actually clear why cheese is healthy: plenty of calcium, proteins and B vitamins. But although he undoubtedly brings some advantages for health, he is constantly criticized. Most types of cheese are not only very high in calories, but also contain saturated fatty acids that have an inflammatory effect, as well as a lot of salt. So is cheese healthy or not? Fortunately, the emphasis lies on “most”, because there are also types that can be snacked without hesitation. Which cheese is healthy and which should be avoided? We give you an overview of it.
As long as you do not overdo it with the amount, but consume this delicious milk product in normal dimensions, it is harmless. Nevertheless, there are varieties that are more advantageous - then cheese is healthy! We list the healthiest varieties:
The Harz cheese variety
If the cheese is to be healthy and for losing weight, the Harzer is without a question one of the best varieties. Why is Harz cheese healthy? With its 120 calories per 100 g, it is very calorie and low in fat and also offers many valuable nutrients. This includes not only a lot of calcium and proteins (a full 27 g per 100 g), but also phosphorus, potassium and folic acid. Although it has a very own taste and is therefore avoided by many, it is worth introducing it to the diet. Above allWho strives for a muscle building, will benefit from protein -rich foods like this.
Isn't he still for you? Then read on and learn: Which cheese is healthy and has a more neutral taste?
The darling “Mozzarella”
ItselfFor the MozzarellaIt is much easier to decide. There is hardly anyone who doesn't love him. In addition, it is not only ideal for salads, but also acts as a pizza tab and is used in cords. It is characterized by a high calcium and protein content (20 g/100 g) and only has about 20 g fat per 100 g- 7 g of which are unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. the healthy fats. In addition, this type of cheese scores with vitamin A and E as well as the minerals magnesium (for a healthy nervous system) and potassium.
Which cheese is healthy: cottage cheese as an all-round talent
As a spread, to the salad, combined with jam or simply spooned out of the cup - cottage cheese can be snacked in various forms, because it has a very neutral taste that makes it the perfect combination partner. But that's not the only great quality. It also supplies them per 100 g of around 13 g proteins. And if you want to lose weight, you can also calmPee for a cottage cheese, because this contains only a few calories. There are also magnesium and B vitamins.
Unhealthy types of cheese
Either way, too much cheese is unhealthy, but with some varieties you should pay particular attention to the crowd. The following include:
Consume any melting cheese in moderation
As tasty as the melting cheese may be, it is a heavily processed product. For example, artificial phosphate is added to him, which, in contrast to the natural phosphate salts, should be harmful to health in other cheese. They put a strain on the kidneys, which means that they deposit themselves on the vascular walls and thatfavored cardiovascular diseases. And although cheese contains a lot of calcium and promotes healthy bones, these phosphates have the property itself to see the body of calcium. This can lead to osteoporosis.
Sweetened cream cheese - why is this cheese not healthy?
As you can think, it is due to the sugar that these fresh cheeses contain. And don't let healthy sounds that sound healthy such as strawberries. Sugar has an inflammatory effect and damages the intestinal flora. The risk of developing certain diseases also increases. In this way, obesity, type 2 diabetes or fatty liver can be a result of excessive sugar consumption. If aspartame is also included in the cream cheese, this increasesRisk for cancer, because this sweetener is considered carcinogenic. A healthy cheese alternative would be natural cream cheese with spices or if you sweeten it yourself and only with fruits.
Paradoxically reduced and redium -reduced cheeses
You would therefore like to lose weight and use a fat -reduced variety of cheese - and you are calmed down becauseless fatAfter all, also means healthier. Well, not in this case. The missing fat must somehow be compensated for and usually sweet or artificial substances that are harmful to health are used. So instead of breastfeeding your cravings through much fat -reduced cheese, you should rather snack less, but normal cheese. This rule does not apply to curd or yogurt. You can also eat these in the light variant, which is actually the healthier.
Additives are also used as compensation for sodium -reduced cheeses, which is also harmful to health.
Which cheese is healthy for pregnant women?
Basicallymay pregnant womenEvery cheese thatnotFrom raw milk orwithConsuming heat treatment. The only raw milk cheese that is allowed is such thatlong maturedis (e.g. Parmesan). But you have to remove the bark. Avoid soft cheese, types of cheeses with mold or surface lubricating as well as prefabricated rubble cheese or inserted variants (Mozzarella, feta).