Abdominal training while standing – 6 exercises suitable for beginners with and without accessories

Who hisTrain abdominal musclesand oneget a flat stomachIf you want, you can choose between a wide variety of abdominal exercises. Sit-ups in particular are used here and are very effective alongside planks. But since you have to lie down to do this, it's not necessarily suitable for every situation. For example, if you want to do something for your stomach in the office, it's better to avoid training. What if we told you that there are also plenty of abdominal exercises that you can do while standing and try out. These are not only a great change from the classic, but also prove to be more effective. We'll show you a few examples of how you can integrate standing abdominal training into your everyday life - whether at home, in the office, in the park or on vacation at the beach!

You can do standing abdominal exercises without equipment or supplement your standing abdominal workout with equipment. We'll start with a few ideas for which you don't need any additional onesDevices and accessoriesneed. They are perfect for spontaneous abdominal exercises while standing in the office, for example.

Standing abdominal training – straight leg crunches

To do this standing abdominal exercise, stand up and then lift one leg straight out in front of you. At the same time, bring the opposite arm to the tips of your toes and touch them. Do 10 reps and then switch sides. Don't worry if you can't stretch your leg completely straight at the beginning of this standing abdominal workout. With time and a little practice, this will eventually work.

Or:Stand up straight again and then bend your right leg up. At the same time, keep your right arm bent and bring your elbow towards your knee until you touch it. Do several repetitions and then do the abdominal training while standing on the other side. You can also do it crosswise, so your right knee and left elbow touch in front of your upper body. Always tense your abdominal muscles well.

Sumo squat with or without dumbbells

You also do this abdominal workout standing, but squatting. Put your legs wide apart, then lower themcrouch downgo. Make sure you have a 90 degree angle and that your knees don't extend past your feet. Now hold your arms to your head, as if you were doing sit-ups, and alternately bend your upper body towards your knees - ideally so low that your elbows touch your thighs (left elbow to left leg and vice versa).

Touching the floor as an abdominal exercise while standing

For thelateral abdominal musclesThis abdominal training is suitable while standing. Stand upright with your legs a little further apart. Raise your arms in the air. You should now be in the typical jumping jack position. Slowly bend your upper body forward and move your left arm towards your right foot. Your arms and legs must be stretched and your stomach tense. Go back and repeat with the other side. Do not let your head sag downwards.

To make this exercise more challenging after you get fitter, you can also add dumbbells.

Abdominal muscle training while standing with aids

Dumbbells and medicine balls can also be used to do some abdominal training while standingmore intense and demandingto design. Always make sure to keep your spine and head straight and keep your gaze forward. Here are a few ideas:

Side bends with dumbbells for the hips

Stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in your hands (beginners should start with a lighter one) and stretch your arms up over your head. From this starting position, alternately bend your upper body to the right and left, as deeply as you can. The arms remain stretched out above the head. Perform the movements slowly.

Want to make this standing ab workout a little more challenging? Then always lift the leg towards which you lower your upper body.

Standing abdominal training with a medicine ball

Grab a medicine ball or other weight. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees a little and extend the medicine ball forward. In this position, write the letters of the alphabet one after the other in the air. Of course, you can also come up with any other movements you liketo train different muscle groups.

For example, you can hold the ball over your head and then lower it in circular movements, first to the right and then to the left. Also keep in mind that the bigger the movements, the greater the effort.

Abdominal exercises while standing - wood chipper

If you would like to do alternative abdominal exercises at home, this standing abdominal workout is also suitable for youneed a Theraband(alternatively, a kettle ball or a simple dumbbell also works). What's practical is that you can also train your arms alongside your abdominal muscles at the same time. Take the band twice, stand up straight with your legs spread and first place your left foot in the loop. Hold the ends firmly with your hands and then pull them to the opposite side (the band runs along the front of your body). Also make sure that you take the strength from your stomach and arms and do not help with other parts of your body. You should maintain a stable footing.