Train the upper abdominal muscles: The best exercises for a tight belly!

Flat belly, slim legs andtight thigh- Who doesn't want that? A visible and defined six -pack has always been considered the epitome of fit and healthy and is also sought by men and women. A strong middle of the body not only looks optically beautiful, but also brings many advantages for health. Regular belly training strengthens the back and thus prevents back and neck pain and improves our posture, which leads to a relief of the joints and spine in everyday life. Unfortunately, next to the buttocks and thighs, the belly is one of the biggest problem areas of women where we most likely attach fat pads. So if you want to tighten your stomach, there is no way past a regular workout and for that we have to train upper abdominal muscles in addition to the lower abdomen. So that it works with the longed -for dream body, we have put together the best exercises for the lower abdominal muscles below. What else do we wait? Ran to the training!

Have you ever heard the saying “ABS ARE MADE in the Kitchen”? Now that is true, because no matter how hard and how often we train - without a healthy and balanced diet, the flat stomach is probably nothing. In order to finally melt the fat -handed stars, a small body fat percentage also plays a decisive role - the lower it is, the more clearly the abdominal muscles are evident. Even if every body is different, it can be roughly said that this is only possible for women between 16 and 18 percent in a body fat percentage and for men the value is between 11 and 13 percent. And now the bad news is coming - it is not possible to only lose weight at a certain part of the body and to tighten the stomach, we have to train the entire body. This works best with a combination of endurance training, healthy nutrition and training sessions for the different muscle groups. If you want to train the upper abdominal muscles, you do not need expensive equipment and fitness membership-this works wonderful even without devices and in your own four walls.

Train the upper abdominal muscles: What should you pay attention to when stomach training?

Make 100 crunches a day and one of themtight belly- Sounds okay, right? Unfortunately, we have to disappoint them. No matter how much crunches and sit-ups you do-these will shape your stomach a little, but the subcutaneous fat lying over it will not melt. Since we women usually have a slightly higher body fat percentage than men, we have to work particularly hard and regularly train our upper abdominal muscles. Stomach training regularly means performing at least three times and a maximum of five times a week. However, so that there are no injuries and the workout is really effective, there are some basic rules that you should consider.

  • Avoid hollow cross -The exact execution and the right attitude are the be -all and end -all during training and this is particularly important for the abdominal exercises. If the muscles are too weak, many tend to fall into the hollow back. To avoid this, try to pull in the navel and push the hip forward. If you run sit-ups, the lower back should be firmly on the floor.
  • Pay attention to breathing -So that the abdominal muscles do not cramp, you shouldn't stop the air during the exercises. The basic rule is - exhale when upgrading and inhale when lowering.
  • Make a change in training -The body quickly gets used to stress and always doing the same exercises is quite boring in the long run. The training effect no longer begins as a result. It is therefore important to vary the exercises and train as many muscle groups as possible.
  • Do not train every day -Logically, those who train regularly achieve the greatest and fastest success. However, the muscles need between 48 and 72 hours to regenerate. Something that very few know is that the muscles actually grow in the resting phase and not during training.
  • Listen to your body -If you have pain or complaints during training, then you should stop the workout immediately!

The best exercises for lower abdominal muscles that you should add to your training routine

Are you ready to train the lower abdominal muscles and reach the dream body? The following exercises are effective, can be carried out perfectly with its own weight and are ideally suited for beginners and professionals. Most of them are composite exercises, which at the same time the upper andThe lower abdominal musclesclaim at the same time. To achieve faster and visible results, choose 4 to 6 abdominal exercises and try to carry out the training 4 to 5 times a week.

  • Criss Cross/KäferIs one of the most effective exercises to train the abdominal muscles and not only trains the upper muscles, but also the weird muscles - a real all -rounder! Place on your back and stretch your legs straight forward. Bend your arms and position them on the back of the head, showing the elbows to the right and left. Now slightly lift the legs and shoulder blades from the floor. Cycle the upper body and lead the left breast area towards the right knee as you bend your right leg and bring it towards the chest. Inhale and lower the body again and stretch the bent leg forward. Repeat the execution with the other leg and complete a total of 3 sets with 12-15 repetitions each.
  • Reverse Crunchesare a great variant of the classic and a must for everyone who wants to train upper abdominal muscles. Place on your back with your legs outstretched. Either put your hands on the side or bring it to the head. Tense the belly and pull your legs slightly bent towards the stomach. Hold for 2-3 seconds and slowly lead back to the floor, but do not take off. When executing, make sure that the lower back stays firmly on the floor and you do not make a hollow cross. It gets even more intense when you run the exercise with stretched legs. Make 3 sentences with 15 repetitions each.

Train the upper abdominal muscles: make a change during training

  • Folding knifeIs a more strenuous version of sit-ups and aims at the upper abdominal muscles. Place on your back and position your arms stretched out along the body. Bend the legs, lift and keep from the floor in a 45-degree angle. Tilt the upper body back and stretch the legs and arms completely forward. Then slowly lower the legs and the fuselage and return to the starting position. Make a total of 3 sets with 15 repetitions.
  • CRUNCHES MIT ARRESTED ARIMSmay seem pretty easy at first glance, but burden the entire abdominal muscles and are more suitable for advanced users. Place on your back with slightly bent legs and stretched hands. The upper arms should be right next to the ears and the view of the upwards should remain. Now exhale and take off the chest from the floor and lead towards the knee. Inhale and lower the upper body backwards. So that you train the upper muscles, you should make sure that the upper body is not fully stored.
  • Slow liftingis the perfect addition to an effective belly leg Po workout for home. Place on your back and put your arms off the body. Keep your legs closed and raise stretching out towards the ceiling. Hold briefly and slowly lower again, but do not put it completely. It is important when executing is that the back stays firmly on the floor and does not work with momentum, but only with the traction from the abdominal muscles.
  • Scissorsis another classic exercise for the upper abdominal muscles andThe fuselage muscles. Lay on your back and lift your legs stretched out of the floor. Put your hands on the side of the body and lighten your head slightly. Tense the belly and quickly cross the feet on top of each other. Make sure that the back remains straight and does not form a hollow cross. Perform a total of 40 seconds each.
  • Russian Twist with dumbbells -While the weird muscles are particularly addressed during this exercise, it becomes even more strenuous by adding dumbbells. Hold a dumbbell in every hand and sit on the floor. Bend your legs and lift it slightly into the air. Tilt the upper body back and tense the stomach. Then bring the arms from one side to another and make sure that the upper body stays straight. 3 sets perform 15 repetitions per side.
  • Standing crunchis a dynamic exercise with which you can train the upper abdominal muscles and increase the heart rate. To increase the level of difficulty, you can use a medicine ball or a 6-7 kilogram dumbbell. Fit your feet apart with hip widthuprightAnd hold the dumbbell directly in front of your chest. Tense the stomach and crouch slightly. Now upset yourself with the exhalation and lead your left leg to the right elbow and screw your upper body diagonally. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Make 3 sets with 15 repetitions per leg.
  • Gymnastikball Crunches –Even with oneGymnasticsThe upper abdominal muscles can be trained perfectly at home. Position your feet on the ball and roll forward to the classic push -up position, with the lower legs stay on the ball. Put the arms below the shoulders and tense the stomach. Exhale, bend your knees and bring the gymnastics ball towards Ellbogen. Hold down briefly and stretch your legs again with the inhalation to return to the starting position.
  • Plank to Toe Touch –And what would a belly training be without a greatPlank variantAt the end? Start in the high plank position and activate the abdominal muscles. Raise the hips and put the body into an inverted V form. Now touch your left foot with your right hand and slowly return to the starting point. Repeat on the other side and carry out a total of 3 sets with 15 repetitions each.