Which workout do in the heat? So you can stay healthy and fit in summer with suitable exercises

Could high temperatures actually be advantageous when training and which workout could help you lose weight in heat? Here are some useful information and tips that help you benefit from sweating sporty and health!

In midsummer, exercise can be challenging, whereby many people ask themselves which workout could be most effective in heat. Almost everyone is in a vacation mood, but if you want to stay in shape, the training would be important even at high temperatures. In addition, there are also those who relax through fitness and know that heat is actually a prerequisite for accelerated metabolism. Accordingly, this could contribute to the faster fat burning and formation of a well -kept body. Find out below how to train despite the heat and take some factors healthy.

What pay attention to sports in summer and which workout is best in the heat?

If it is hot outside and for the days, most people only think of itVacation by the sea. However, this can be a decline in the motivation of those who normally train regularly in winter and spring. In addition, sweaty heat waves are another factor for the declining wish to drive sports. However, there is also a certain number of people who don't want to stop going to the gym. This can be avoided that the results already achieved is not losing again. If you also belong to this tireless and determined group, there are some exercises that are also suitable for the summer heat. It is also important to pay attention to your own health to prevent any risks.

Why train despite the heat and how does this affect the body?

In the summer months it is indeed the case that the thyroid gland is more active and helps the body to give up more warmth to cool off. Fortunately, this heat generation arises in favor of fat burning, whereby this natural process is most pronounced after puberty. Unfortunately, however, it subsides with age and is completely weakened in the middle of life. In addition, the metabolism is largely dependent on other factors. In order to promote it in hot weather and to accelerate it, you can take the following measures by doing sports:

  • Stay in shape with fitness exercises and keep your muscle mass upright by not just lazy to laze on during summer vacation.
  • Try to avoid drastic diet plans and sudden changes in diet, or changes in your eating habits. If you want to do this anyway, you should make sure that such changes run smoothly.
  • In order to support the processes in the body, you should also consume enough liquids such as water in the heat.
  • Consider also taking nutritional supplements and extracts with which you can positively influence the metabolic processes. Some good examples of this such as green tea, birch bark and synephrin, which can be surprisingly effective when losing weight. However, pay attention to synephrine-containing products not to exaggerate with caffeine.

By taking these simple steps, make sure that your body stays fit. Accordingly, this can also be a favorable time for it, even thatto get rid of the stubborn fat really. However, you should proceed carefully, since exercise also harbors certain health risks at high temperatures. Here are some important factors that must be taken into account.

What are the risks in summer to make effective workout in the heat?

For example, if you choose to jog outside at high temperatures, you could quickly overheat. In this case, after only one kilometer, her body could feel as if it were exploding with heat. If you continue, your body temperature can increase by 1 degree in 15 minutes. At this point, your speed and pace will slow down. At the same time, the tiredness and the feeling of exhaustion are increasing, which would force them to end their training.

So that you can prevent all of these effects on your body, you must be well prepared for it. Do this by always supplying cool water. In addition, you should not experiment with your body at summer temperatures above 33 degrees. Only a few endurance athletes and athletes can remain powerful enough above such temperature values ​​to achieve the desired results. It also has a great danger to the so -called heat cramps at outside temperatures between 33 and 40 degrees. If the temperatures still rise above 40 degrees, the likelihood for a heat stroke would also be high.

How do temperature differences affect the body?

So you should pay attention to the temperature differences if you do not want to do without regular training in summer. As a rule, the body maintains a temperature level of about 36 degrees or something above the ambient temperatures. The processes of thermoregulation that run therein enable everyone to live normally not only with pleasant, but also at more extreme temperatures. In addition, the temperature in fitness rooms in summer should normally be around 20 degrees. However, if you come from outside and before your workout has been in the heat, the moment of entering can be a shock for your body. In such cases, a strong temperature drop can be a real blow to the body.

If the body cools down quickly, this also disturbs peripheral blood supply, which has a negative impact on the nervous system. In order for the body temperature to compensate for, it begins to quickly produce heat. However, this increases the risk of hypothermia or for an annoyingCold or flu in summer. Therefore, give your body time for acclimatization when visiting the gym. You should not start intensive training immediately and get used to the area first. Do this by warming up your limbs and shorten your cardio training from 10 to 5 minutes. In this case, too, do not forget the rule of thumb to drink enough water to supply your body with liquid.

How can you best train despite heat?

In order to avoid a workout outdoors, you should not take unnecessary risks. It is therefore best to plan your training in the early morning or late in the evening. It is cooler at these times of the day, although they could also try to train in an air -conditioned room. It would make a big difference in fat burning if you do sports all day at temperatures below 20 degrees. In such cases, the body does not recognize that it is summer, although the metabolism most likely remains the same as in winter.

However, it could also have a negative impact if you stay in a closed fitness room with air conditioning. Although this happens more when sitting, fever could occur, which would be just as harmful during training. In the 1960s it was reported in New York about such a condition, with doctors found that climate systems transported pathogens with the outside air into the rooms. This led to chronic diseases with symptoms such as headaches, eye irritation, runny nose, as well as tiredness and even vomiting. So stay cool when exercising, but also try to spend the rest of the day outside to protect yourself from illnesses.

What kind of workout would be recommended?

Fitness studios naturally allow you to escape heat waves. Of course, it is more fun to train with pleasant temperatures and music. Accordingly, it is advisable in summer to concentrate on full body training and not to overdo it. You can strengthen your upper and lower muscles, but try to particularlyto concentrate on their abdominal muscles. This season is suitable for this, because thanks to the large selection of fruit and vegetables and the natural need for water, you eat healthier.

In addition, you can also do strength training if you mainly train in the evening and possibly have more time for it after work. However, try to carry out Cardio in the morning when it is even cooler. This is particularly recommended if you prefer to train outdoors, but want to avoid a workout in the heat. The summer time can be disadvantageous and advantageous at the same time. In pleasantly warm weather, for example, you can also complete part of your training outside the gym. You can effectively concentrate on exercises with your own body weight. You can try this out in the park or in your own garden by making 5 sentences with 10–12 repetitions of push -up jumps and hull bends.

Choose the right exercises instead of workout in the heat

If you are on a beach vacation, the resistance of the sand will help you to make your performance more difficult and intensify. So that you get tight and shaped thighs, you can also try it out with rash and squats in the water. And for the early risers among them, morning cross -country skiing is ideal in the sand if it has not yet gotten unbearably hot there. However, if you are stuck in the city and a beach vacation is still afraid, you can join group activities outdoors, as you are both effective and entertaining. Such a workout is identical to that in the fitness room, although you can burn more calories if you feel more motivated outdoors.

In addition, you can visit the outdoor poolConcentrate on water aerobics. Such group activities are just as healthy and effective to tighten the body. As in the sea, the resistance of the pool water makes body movements more difficult and more intense. After surgery or joint pain, water aerobics would be the perfect workout in heat because such exercises are not stressful. If you also fight for cellulite, this sport can help you like swimming. The best thing is that you tighten your body and stay fit without sweating.

Consider more common sports and exercises for the summer

Other training sessions that can be more varied and entertaining are also suitable as alternatives to fitness training. For example, try to take part in various group courses or to invest more time more intensive summer sports. Here are some of the most popular and efficient of them:

  • To swimOf course, one of the best sports for summer time is of course, but it can also be practiced in other years. Short swimming sessions can also help you burn up to 500 calories. In addition, this is an extremely useful aerobic exercise with which you can quickly get into shape, fight cellulite, protect your limbs and reduce fat accumulation in the abdominal area, on the thighs or on the hips.
  • Ride a bikeCan also be an effective aerobic training for nature lovers or in the city. Already 30 minutes to 1 hour are enough to burn almost 450 calories. In this case too, it is advisable to choose the early morning hours or the late evening hours. As a result, you are getting an intensive workout in the heat and can enjoy it to the fullest. It is also advisable to ride a bike at least three times a week to achieve optimal results.
  • Volleyball Oder Beach Volley- This is another popular sport that is even more fun on the beach and is more efficient. However, it is also important to think of sufficient sun protection and a cap to prevent sunburning and heat struggle.

At high summer temperatures there are some alternatives that help you to continue training to keep your shape. Decide for at least one of them and you will quickly find that an effective workout is also possible in heat or on vacation.