Have been for several thousand yearsYoga exercisesdesigned to help us stay fit and healthy. Yoga is part of traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, and it is not for nothing that it has experienced a real boom in Europe and America in recent years. Since exercises are quite complex and therefore difficult for inexperienced people to access, we have put together some simple yoga exercises for stomach, legs and bottom for beginners so that you can try them out.
The small workout yoga for stomach legs buttocks is just right for those whoTone bodyand want to show off your abdominal muscles. Please remember that you should not make any painful movements and only go as far as your body currently allows. Before you try the exercises, you should warm up a bit. They could do this by running in place for a few minutes, then circling their arms a little or simply turning on the radio and dancing around to their favorite music.
Yoga Abs: How to train abs with yoga
Plank Pose (Phalakasana)
The plank pose is a basic exercise that not only...Effective abdominal training, but also the shoulders, the small muscles in the back and also the will. Yes, you got it right, dear ladies – will and discipline are required, which then manifest themselves in a beautiful midsection. How is it prepared? Lie face down on the mat. Pull your elbows under your shoulders and lift your body off the floor. Imagine you are a stick and keep your body tense. Make sure your elbows are positioned right under your shoulders and don't let your hips sag downwards. Hold this position for 20 seconds and work up to a minute. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times, leaving a 1 minute break in between.
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)
This exercise targets the obliques and creates anice waist. Lie stretched out on your side. Position your elbow (or hand for a higher level of difficulty) under your shoulder and lift your body off the floor. Here too, create and maintain good body tension so that your body remains straight. Don't sag! Make sure you breathe evenly. Hold 10 to 30 seconds on each side. Repeat the oblique yoga exercise 3 times on each side.
Krieger 2 Pose – Warrior Pose II, (Virabhadrasana II)
This exercise strengthensThighand stabilizes the hip. Stand on the mat so that you form a capital A with your legs. Now rotate your front foot, hip, torso and head to the right side. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your upper body upright and lift your arms to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat accordingly for the left side of your body. You can slowly increase the time up to a minute. Here too, 3 repetitions are advisable.
Yoga Butt: Workout for the tight bottom
The Grasshopper – (Salabhasana)
This exercise has it all. Lie flat on the mat, face down. Your feet and thighs touch each other, your arms are next to your body. With the next exhalationtense your bottomand lift your legs and upper body off the floor. Start with 10 seconds and work up to a minute. Make sure you breathe evenly.
Die Schulterbrücke (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
For this yoga exercise, stomach, legs, buttocks, lie on the mat with your face facing upwards. Bend your knees so that you can hold your ankles with your hands. With the next exhalation, lift your pelvis vertically upwards towards the ceiling. Pull your chin towards your chest. Make sure your weight is on your shoulders and never on your neck. To start, hold the position for about 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times, resting up to a minute between exercises.
Warrior three exercise – Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III)
This exercise trains the entire body and creates stability, posture and balance. Stand upright on the mat. Fix your gaze on a solid object in front of you. Transfer your body weight to your right leg and lift your left leg back and at the same time your upper body forward until you reach aStandwaage image. Leave the weighted knee slightly bent. Keep your balance and breathe calmly.
Try out these yoga exercises for your stomach, legs and bottom with lots of fun, don't overexert yourself - it shouldn't hurt and consult your doctor, as exercises are contraindicated in certain pre-existing conditions.