Swollen legs, a bloated stomach or thick fingers – do you know that too? We've all had those annoying moments when we look in the mirror and think, "That's not my body." We feel sluggish, our favorite jeans literally pinch overnight and the scales show 2-3 kilos more - water retention is one of the most common problems for men and women alike. How does this happen? What are the most common causes of water retention? These are all questions that we have all asked ourselves a hundred times. But don't panic! So that you can feel good in your skin again, we've done some research for you and we'll give you the best tips on how to get rid of water retention and dehydrate your body once and for all!
What is water retention and what are the most common causes?
As you probably already know, our body is made up of 50-60% water. Water retention is generally water that is stored in the tissue and thus leads to visible swelling. Legs, fingers, ankles or the stomach are most commonly affected. As a result, the shoes are tight, the pants are tighter and the scales suddenly show significantly more weight. To get rid of water retention, you first need to know the cause and in some cases even medical treatment is necessary. Here you will find an overview of some of the most common causes of water retention.
- You eat too much salt –Are you one of those people who really add plenty of salt to everything? Have you noticed that you get particularly thirsty after a pizza? If your answer is “yes,” then you should change your eating habits and reduce your salt consumption. Although salt is healthy in large quantities, it binds water in the body and can therefore lead to flatulence. Here are somefoods rich in sodium, which you should avoid.
- Temperatures too high –You sweat in this heat, right? Yes, that's right. However, the high summer temperatures also cause our feet and legs to swell. The reason for this is that the blood vessels expand further in the heat in order to be able to release it. This slows down blood circulation and prevents fluid from being transported properly through the veins.
- Too little movement –Especially people who sit in the office all day and don't do any exercise often suffer from water retention. When there is a lack of exercise, some of the blood actually remains in the feet and is not pumped back to the heart. In some cases, severe circulatory problems can even occur.
- Hormonal changes or pregnancyare another common cause of water retention in women. So next time you feel heavier and more bloated than usual, don't worry - it's justWater weight in the body.
- medication –Taking antihypertensive or anti-inflammatory medications, diabetes medications, or antidepressants can also lead to water retention.
Luckily, there are lots of great tips and tricks on how you can get rid of water retention quickly. However, every body is different and what works wonders for one may not work for another. So try different methods and find out what works best for you.
More sport and exercise in everyday life
Okay, we know – not everyone has the time or desire to stay at the gym after work. But you don't have to, because after all, little exercise is much better than none at all. Leave the car behind and walk to work or take regular walks in the fresh air. Or how about you take 20-30 minutes for onequick workout at hometake? Sport and exercise not only help you lose weight, but also keep your blood circulation and veins going, making it one of the best ways to get rid of water retention.
Drink more water
Get rid of water retention by drinking more water? It may sound strange and paradoxical at first glance, but our body needs enough fluid to function properly and to transport lymph and blood through the vessels without any problems. If you drink too little water, it is stored in the tissue and as a result we feel bloated and sluggish. So make sure you always drink enough.
Get rid of water retention with suitable foods
Did you know that just 8 grams of salt bind up to one liter of water in the body? Changing your diet is one of the easiest ways to get rid of water retention. Ready meals from the refrigerated section in particular contain a lot of salt and have no place in a balanced diet. Also try to drink less coffee and alcohol. To dehydrate the body, there are some dehydrating foods that you should incorporate into your diet. These include potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, potatoes, dates and dried apricots. Other foods that have a diuretic effect include avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, berries, asparagus, watermelon, artichoke and pineapple.
There are also plenty of herbs that are known for their diuretic and diuretic effects. To get rid of water retention on your legs or stomach, drink two to three cups of herbal tea a day and reduce your coffee consumption. Green tea, ginger tea, dandelion or nettle taste wonderful in winter and are perfect for dehydrating the body in a gentle way.
Do a rice cleanse
Excess carbohydrates are usually stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscle cells and can also lead to water retention. But things are different with rice because it contains a lot of potassium and can therefore promote dehydration in the body. A short rice treatment for 1-2 days is ideal for getting rid of water retention. However, you should prepare it without salt and fat. But since this is pretty bland, you can try using vegetable stock for more flavor.
Less stress
Is your everyday life too hectic and does everyone in the office annoy you? High cortisol levels can actually lead to water retention, and people who are constantly exposed to mental or physical stress are more likely to suffer from this. So take it easy and don't let yourself get unnecessarily stressed.
Get rid of water retention with massages
When was the last time you treated yourself to a relaxing massage? We thought so too. Various massage techniques or lymphatic drainage are ideal for stimulating lymph flow and getting rid of water retention. To do this, stroke the affected areas from bottom to top with a dry brush or your hands and the results will be visible after just a few weeks. Alternating showers or fascia rollers also promote blood circulation and help drain the body.