Clean up your wardrobe in autumn and organize it properly: simple tips that will make your task easier

Autumn is just around the corner. The weather is getting colder and you have to think about the right clothing for the season. How can you clean up and properly organize your closet this fall?

Ideally, you should organize your closet by season and store out-of-season clothes for the long term. We give tips to make the transition to the cold months easier. Read on!

Benefits of proper closet organization

Having the right clothes for the season will save you from spending hours rummaging through your closet looking for the right clothes for the colder season. And when your wardrobeorganize properly, create a feeling of coziness and you can also be proud of your tidy wardrobe.

Sort all the clothes

First you need to sort out your clothes and decide what you will wear. If you have clothes that no longer fit you or that you no longer want to wear, put them away so they don't make a mess in your closet. Sort the clothes as follows:

  • Pieces of clothing I want to wear in the fall
  • What I don’t like anymore – as a gift
  • Clothes that don't fit the season

Organize the clothes you will wear in the fall in your closet. Put away any items of clothing that don't fit the season.

Take away your summer clothes

You won't need your summer clothes until next summer. Take everything warm weather-appropriate from your closet and place it in a pile on your bed.

Take some time to sift through your summer clothes and decide what you want to keep for next year and what is taking up too much space in your closet before moving the clothes to the overflowing closet, packing them away, or simply to another room bring.

It's time to sort through last season's clothes beforeTidy up your closet. Store clothing in an airtight garment bag or container to protect it from climate changes.

Divide your fall clothing into categories

You need to sort your fall clothes, which you have already stored separately, so that you have easy access to all the items. It's very simple. Separate pants, shirts, dresses, skirts, sweaters, jackets, etc. to avoid creating a mess in your closet. All fall items need to be placed in front so that they are easily accessible.

How to sort your fall clothes

You can sort by several characteristics:

  • First, organize by type. Separate pants, skirts, short-sleeved and long-sleeved tops, blouses, cardigans and more. Also, separate your work clothes to make it easier to put on your professional look in the morning.
  • You can also sort by color. This makes it easy to search your closet based on your color preferences.

Clean your closet before organizing it

Clean your closet before organizing your clothes. You can line your dresser or drawers with fabric or heavy paper to prevent mold and damage.

Tidying up your wardrobe in autumn and organizing it properly: effective tips

SomeTips to help youTo properly organize your closet:

  • Store winter accessories such as scarves, gloves and hats in a separate area, preferably next to the door, so you can have them quickly to hand. We recommend hanging them on individual hooks or getting an accessory organizer.
  • Hang heavy coats and jackets closer to the door in a separate closet or on wall hooks. This frees up space in your closet.
  • Sweaters and other knitwear are best stored folded on shelves. Even better are compartments that are wide and deep enough for your clothes.
  • Use a shoe organizer, either a shelf or special compartments. For boots, you can use shoe clips to hang them in the closet so that they keep their shape and don't sit on the bottom of the closet.
  • Depending on the size of your closet, you should consider which items of clothing you will hang up again. You may even want to consider items of clothing that you won't wear in the fall and winter, such as: B. Hang spring dresses and tops for summer weather in a different location.
  • Avoid overstuffing your closet as much as possible - this will only make it harder to find something.

Add to your fall wardrobe

The next step is to add to your wardrobe. Make a list of all the necessary items and see if there is anything you don't have yet that you need to purchase for fall. Then check if you have enough pieces in each category. You may end up with a small number ofShare in your closetstart and have to add to them little by little. Now take your list and write down the missing parts in order of priority.