Sorting your wardrobe: These 5 typical mistakes are preventing you from being perfectly organized!

Has it been some time since you last cleaned out your closet and it looks completely chaotic again? Has the time come when you want to sort out your closet? What things do many people do wrong?

Simply clearing things out and then putting them back together won't help you stay organized in the long term. Instead, this and similar mistakes should be avoided. You are probably not doing at least one of the following things correctly!

Sorting your wardrobe: 5 things you're definitely doing wrong!

It's actually the little things that are sometimes important, even with tasks like cleaning out and organizing your closet. These are typical mistakes that many people make when sorting their wardrobe:

1. You are in a hurry

Most people collect huge amounts of clothing in a very short period of time and sorting them and cleaning out the wardrobe to free it from everything unnecessary takes a lot of time. Nothing that you do on the side and do a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow. Instead, plan a specific day on which you want to keep your closet tidy and think about the sorting system you want for the closet in advance.

2. Sorting your wardrobe without a sensible system

When sorting, a good system is very important so that things stay organized for a long time and you can use your cupboard sensibly.

  • Consider your closet. Which part do you want to use for what? Which compartment is for sweaters, which is for pants, which is for shirts? Or do you have ideas for a different system and layout?
  • What additional supplies (e.g. boxes or hangers) will you need? Obtain and label them in advance if necessary!
  • Clean it out properly. What items of clothing have you not worn in a long time and will you not wear again in the future?Here you will finda few helpful tips.
  • Would you like to sort the dresses by color?
  • You should also sort your wardrobe by season and, ideally, rearrange it depending on the season. In summer you needno winter clothing. Accordingly, it can be stored higher up or in the back areas during this time.
  • The variant in which the wardrobe is sorted according to outfits is also very popular.

3. They stash things that have no place there

The lack of storage space often leads us to put things where they don't belong. In the bedroom, towels, bed linen or even duvets and pillows quickly end up in the wardrobe that should actually be reserved for clothes. Avoid this if possible. Where should everything go then, you might be asking yourself.

If there is no space available in other closets, have you considered other options? There are various niches and corners that you can use, including, for example, the free space under the bed that you can provide with boxes. Those toosmall nicheThe space between the ceiling and the wardrobe can be used to store items that are rarely used in boxes.

  • Are there even shoes in your closet? See if you can find space for a separate shoe cabinet.
  • The towels would be much more practical in the bathroom, where you have them to hand when needed.
  • Clothes that you need for outside should best be placed in the hallway closet.
  • Small items such as socks, underwear, lingerie, bathing suits, etc. are usually stored in boxes in the chest of drawers.

4. The aids appear chaotic

When you organize your closet, you shouldn't just focus on itthe right organization systembut also pay attention to all the accessories that help you sort and tidy up your closet. Yes, even these inconspicuous things are important!

  • Use the same hangers when hanging your clothes. Different materials, colors and designs appear chaotic and ruin even the most sophisticated organization system you have come up with.
  • Boxes and other organizational aids should fit together according to a specific system. This means that you either use the same model throughout the entire wardrobe or use the same sizes and colors in every wardrobe compartment. There should be no confusion in this regard either.

5. Hang clothes on the rack in a jumbled manner

You have invested so much time in organizing and systematizing the closet compartments. Now, don’t neglect this in the clothes you hang. What could you do wrong, you may now ask yourself. After all, you now know that the hangers should all be the same.

Well, even with the same hangers it can quickly become chaotic if you don't pay a little attention when sorting. What is the best way to sort my wardrobe in the part with the clothes rail?

  • A color-ordered system looks quite stylish, clear and visually appealing. For example, start with red dresses, then gradually fade into orange and yellow, then green, and so on.
  • If you don't have such a large selection of colors at your disposal (after all, you've decluttered), just take the main colors that are left and group them together.
  • Another variant would be to choose the dress length for the organization system. Start with the shortest ones on one side and gradually increase the length of the dresses towards the other side. Or how about something a little more unusual: the longest dresses in the middle and shorter and shorter on both sides?

The same applies to trousers and shirts.