Fight maggots in the garbage can: Get rid of the nasty fly larvae with home remedies

During warm weather, flies are attracted to the rotting trash in your trash can and they tend to lay their eggs there. If you don't eliminate them, they will multiply and make the situation worse. This can happen with both outdoor garbage cans and indoor kitchen waste. Fortunately, there are effective methods to combat maggots in trash cans.

Effective and simple methods to combat maggots in the garbage can

While maggots can be a problem at any time of year, they are more common in the spring and summer when flies are more active. A maggot infestation in the garbage can is not unusual, but it is unpleasant. Find out here how you can get rid of maggots quickly and safely and avoid them in the future.

Pour boiling water over it

Pouring boiling water directly on the maggots will kill them quickly, but you want to be sure you get them all. Therefore, this method is only effective if the maggots are concentrated in a few small areas. The downside to this method is that you cannot prevent future infestations and you may want to repeat it a few times to completely kill all the maggots.

Fight maggots in the garbage can with vinegar and water

Vinegar is an effective remedy against maggots that you can use very easily.

Mix one part vinegar with two parts hot water and spray wherever the maggots are. Then scrub all of the inside walls of the trash can with the solution. Leave it on for at least half an hour before rinsing the trash can completely.

Not only will you kill the maggots with this method, but you will also clean and disinfect the trash can.

Use bleach against fly larvae

You can also make a bleach solution by mixing equal parts bleach and warm water. Make sure beforehand that this product is suitable for your garbage can so as not to damage it.

Spray the trash can with this solution and let it sit for 30 minutes. The smell will suffocate and kill the maggots. Make sure to rinse the trash can thoroughly afterwards.

Can you remove the maggots in the garbage can with table salt?

Salt is an effective home remedy for maggots because it dries them out. And it is even more effective when mixed with lime. Use equal parts of both remedies and sprinkle a thick layer of the mixture directly onto the grub. Once they are killed, discard them and wash the trash can thoroughly.

Get rid of fly larvae in the trash can with diatomaceous earth

If you happen to have some diatomaceous earth at home, this is another method to get rid of maggots. Just like the salt and lime mixture, it dries out the maggots and kills them.

Sprinkle enough diatomaceous earth over the grubs to completely cover them, then discard them in a plastic bag. Clean the trash can thoroughly.

Diatomaceous earth is also ideal for combating other insects,such as B. Ants.

How can you prevent maggots in the garbage can?

After you have removed all the maggots, you should prevent flies from getting to your trash to avoid another maggot infestation.

  • Take your trash bags outside once they are full, making sure they are not too full so they don't break.
  • Make sure the lids on your garbage cans close completely, both outdoors and indoors, to prevent ingressto prevent flies.
  • If you put leftover food in the trash can, make sure it is tightly sealed, especially raw meat.
  • Seal holes in windows or cracks in frames to prevent flies from entering.
  • In summer, move the trash can to a cooler location or at least out of direct sunlight. As food waste warms, it tends to smell more strongly, which attracts flies.
  • After each emptying, spray the bin thoroughly with the garden hose and clean it with a disinfectant to prevent mud from forming inside the bin.
  • Treat the trash can with essential oil, such as bay leaf oil or peppermint oil, to repel flies. Add a few drops of the oil to a spray bottle and fill it with water. Spray the inside surface of the container or moisten a clean cloth with the solution and wipe down the trash can.
  • Opt for a compost pile to remove the organic waste from your trash can. If the maggots are in the right place, they can be very helpful. And over time, you can transform what was once trash into an asset to the soil.