Parquet beetles in the apartment: This is how you can successfully identify and combat the pest!

The larvae cause the most damage. These small worms burrow into the wood and eat it from the inside, leaving behind their characteristic passages and tunnels. As adults, they bore through tiny, spherical openings in the wood. It is important to be able to recognize and combat parquet beetles in your home: this way you can successfully prevent major damage at home. Read on to learn more about the topic and find pictures of the pests!

Detecting parquet beetles successfully – size and characteristics

Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz/ Shutterstock

The adult parquet beetle can be any shade of brown, from pale to deep reddish brown, and is typically 2.5 to 5 millimeters long. This species not only has a unique head, but also club-shaped antennae that are almost as long as the thorax. The wing coverts are often lighter colored. As a rule, the adult beetles drill tiny holes a few millimeters in diameter into the infected wood and hatch between April and August. As wood ages, the amount of scratches in the wood decreases. Therefore, the beetles prefer to lay their eggs on relatively young wood.

Note the following:These pests are nocturnal and can be attracted to artificial light sources.


The process begins with the adult wood-boring beetles laying their eggs in the pores of the wood. They transform into larvae, which eat their way out of the wood as they develop into adults, which they then leave through tiny needle holes. From egg to adult, their life cycle can take 1 year (or more), which is quite sluggish. The adults have a short lifespan, just enough to produce eggs before the vicious cycle begins again. The good news is that it often takes a long time for parquet beetles to cause significant damage. The bad news is that you probably won't notice them until it's too late because they develop and feed so slowly.

Is there a danger to people from the pest?

Photo: Henrik Larsson/Shutterstock

Although parquet beetles cannot physically harm you, they can damage the structure of your home. Their favorite targets are floors, frames, books, toys and furniture, but they can attack most types of wood. To avoid significant damage to your property, it is important to...Detect beetles early.

Cherry, walnut, oak, ash, etc. are among the hardest woods that parquet beetles like to feed on.

Cause of beetle infestation

Your home is likely infested with these beetles because you have untreated or damp wood, which is an attractive food source for the beetles. This could be a food source for the beetles and their main attraction.

Also interesting:Small brown beetle in the apartment: Is the speedy runner dangerous?

Foto: Sergey/ Shutterstock

If there is a confirmed infestation of wood-boring beetles, it is best to eliminate the infestation by removing, destroying and replacing all infested wood. This is especially important when it comes to lumber. Be sure to examine the wood surrounding the affected area for possible holes. Burning or disposing of infected wood are two options. Before bringing loose firewood or building materials into the home for inspection, you should inspect them for damage and replace the wood.

Thermal process

These pests perish in either extreme heat or cold. To treat small pieces of wood, you need hot air of 105 to 120 degrees Celsius. Another option is to place the item in a freezer and leave it there at minus 20 degrees for at least 1 week.

Prevention is very important

  • Because wood-boring beetles are difficult to see and much more difficult to control once an infestation has begun, prevention is key when it comes to wood-boring beetlesfighting the beetlesgoes. Preventing a parquet beetle problem depends heavily on hygiene.
  • Inspect raw or rough-sawn wood for signs of pests, such as holes or carved tunnels, before taking it home.
  • Make sure any roughly cut or raw wood is dry before taking it home.
  • Apply a permanent wood protectant to wooden structures such as fences, patios, furniture and garden boxes.
  • Protect wooden items from wind and weather and keep them away from outbuildings and barns.
  • Parquet beetles and other wood-boring insects find most wood unsightly after it has been sanded and varnished.

Also read:Small black beetles in the apartment: Find out how to recognize and combat the pests

Cover photo: Tomasz Klejdysz/ Shutterstock