What are cats not allowed to eat in the garden? Plants, fruits and vegetables that are poisonous to cats!

There are plants in the garden, as well as fruits and vegetables, that are poisonous to pets. What are cats not allowed to eat in the garden and what can you do to protect your cat's health?

Anyone who has a cat probably knows that cats are curious, and this curiosity extends to just about everything in your home and garden, including your plants. However, many plants are dangerous for cats. Which plants are poisonous to cats and how you can protect your cat from dangerous onesPlants and flowers in the gardenprotect? It is important to know which plants are potentially harmful and to what extent. Having this information can help you protect your cat. Below are some of the most common plants that cause poisoning in cats:

Narcissus cause cardiac arrhythmias

WhichPlants poisonous to catsare? Although daffodils are some of the most popular spring flowers in the garden, they are poisonous to cats. What problems do flowers cause in cats? The spring flowers contain a toxic alkaloid that can cause vomiting in cats. The onion is the most toxic to cats and if your cat has consumed Nazzisse, in addition to vomiting, it can also cause diarrhea, cramps, low blood pressure, tremors and cardiac arrhythmias.

What cats are not allowed to eat in the garden: hydrangeas

Who doesn't love hydrangeas? But do you know that these ornamental flowers are toxic to cats? The toxic substance is called cyanogenic glycoside and is found in flowers, leaves, buds and stems. If a cat consumes flower heads, it can cause stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.

Azalea is moderately toxic to cats

All azalea varieties are moderately toxic to cats and can cause heart problems. Other problems include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness. Although this member of the rhododendron family is only moderately toxic to cats, it is still advisable to keep your cats away.

Lily is one of the dangerous flowers

You may not be aware of how deadly these pretty plants can be to a cat. Lilies are on cats' list of undesirable plants in the garden because swallowing parts of the plant can lead to kidney failure and ultimately death. The entire lily plant is poisonous: the stem, the leaves, the flowers, the pollen, and even the water in a vase where you have soaked lilies. Even ingesting small amounts can be fatal for a cat. If your cat has consumed lilies, he may die of kidney failure within a few days. If you treat them quickly, your pet can survive.

Chrysanthemums are not allowed to be consumed by cats

There are several types of chrysanthemums, all of which are toxic to cats, especially the leaves and stems. The plants cause vomiting or diarrhea when ingested by cats. Other symptoms include lethargy, staggering, loss of appetite or skin irritation.

Ivy can cause breathing problems in cats

Ivy is very popular as a ground cover, but be careful! Many species of ivy - including thePopular English ivy are moderately toxic to catsand cause gastrointestinal symptoms, burning or irritation in the mouth. Difficulty breathing, coma, or even death can also occur if your cat consumes a large amount of leaves.

Bulbs of irises cause stomach problems

Iris bulbs can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in cats. When dividing the irises, do not allow your cat access to the plants, especially the bulbs.

Monkshood is deadly to animals and people

Monkshood is commonplanted in borders, but it is very dangerous and can lead to poisoning. The plants contain the alkaloid aconitine, which is fatal to animals and humans.

Keep wisteria away from cats

All parts of the wisteria plant are considered poisonous, primarily the pods and seeds, which can cause severe dehydration to severe central nervous system damage if consumed by a cat.

Amaryllis causes seizures

The stems, flowers, and bulbs of the popular amaryllis plant contain phenanthridine alkaloids, which are toxic to cats. The onions are mostly poisonous. Eating amaryllis can cause vomiting, blood pressure fluctuations, tremors, and seizures in cats.

Oleander is life-threatening

All parts of oleander, such as leaves, flowers and seeds, contain toxic compounds known as cardiac glycosides. If these parts are swallowed by a cat, the toxins affect the electrical activity of the heart and can be life-threatening.

Autumn crocus is highly toxic to cats

The autumn crocus is a common ornamental plant that blooms in autumn. The plant is particularly toxic to cats due to its content of the alkaloid colchicine. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous. Cats that ingest fall crocus can experience drooling, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea, as well as difficulty breathing, seizures, kidney and liver damage, and even death. Symptoms may appear shortly after ingestion or may take days to become noticeable.

Also read:Are tulips poisonous to cats? What you should know!

Which vegetables and fruits are poisonous to cats

It's hard to believe, but some vegetables and fruits can also be dangerous for cats, so you don't need to give your pets access to certain vegetables and fruits. Here are the most common types that you need to be careful with.

Garlic and onion cause poisoning in cats

Onion and garlic poisoning leads to nausea, mouth irritation, drooling, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea in cats and oxidative damage to red blood cells and as a result there are symptoms of anemia such as lethargy, pale gums, increased heart rate, increased respiratory rate, weakness, exercise intolerance, Collapse and even death. Garlic is considered to be about five times more toxic to cats and dogs than onions.

These foods are typically toxic when consumed in large quantities, but concentrated forms of onions or garlic, such as onion soup mixes or garlic powder, can also be toxic to cats.

Potatoes are poisonous when raw

Potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to cats and humans. It can be removed by cooking. For this reason, cats can eat cooked potatoes, but only in small quantities.

Tomatoes are harmful to cats

Tomatoes also contain solanine when not fully ripe and can be harmful to cats. The leaves and stems also contain solanine and cats should not swallow them.

Grapes and raisins are forbidden for cats

Even a small amount of grapes and raisins can make your cat sick and even lead to the rapid development of kidney failure. Vomiting sometimes occurs within 12 hours of ingestion. Other signs that may appear within 24 hours include lethargy, diarrhea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, decreased urination, and abdominal pain.

Apples are not good for cats

The apple pulp is not toxic to cats, but the seeds contain substances that can produce cyanide. In particular, cyanide inhibits an enzyme that is necessary for the transport of oxygen between cells. Therefore, when offering it to cats, we must ensure that there are no seeds or even apple leaves present.

Signs of poisoning after swallowing poisonous plants

Different plants can pose different health risks to cats, and some are much more dangerous than others. What symptoms can occur if a cat swallows poisonous plants? Symptoms of plant poisoning in cats can range from mild skin irritation to serious kidney or heart problems.

My cat ate poisonous plants – what should I do?

What to do if your cat has eaten poisonous plants? It is very important that you seek immediate veterinary care if your cat acts ill. The sooner you take your cat to a vet for treatment, the better the outcome. Of course the vet will help, but there are some measures you can take before visiting the vet. Do the following:

  • Remove any plant matter from your cat's mouth, paws, or fur, then move your pet to a safe location.
  • Try to identify the plant your cat ate, then call your veterinarian. Tell the vet what happened and that you will be bringing your cat in for an examination.
  • You will also need to provide information about the amount ingested and the time since exposure, if you know it.
  • Bring a sample of the plant and show it to the vet. You can also bring a sample of your cat's vomit because that is where the plant material is contained and the vet needs this information so that he can better help by making the diagnosis easier.
  • Can't identify the plant and don't have a sample of the plant material? No panic! Then your vet will perform a series of tests to determine the type of poison ingested.