Admittedly, each of us wants a Christmas tree that loses few needles and stays fresh for an impressive four weeks. If it would also spread a nice scent in the room, then the pre-Christmas period would be even more beautiful. But the reality is different for many people: its needles often turn yellow after just a short time and the Christmas tree leaves its branches hanging. This year, however, things will be different because we are giving you several useful tips on how to keep the Christmas tree fresh!
Keeping the Christmas tree fresh: Important questions
Many people buy their Christmas tree long before Christmas. It's because they want to create a festive atmosphere at home. Or maybe because they can only buy the Christmas tree at a certain time. However, in order for it to last a long time, you should care for it properly.
How long does a freshly cut Christmas tree last?
How long a freshly cut Christmas tree really lasts depends on several factors. As a rule, Nordmann firs are considered to have a very long shelf life and can stay fresh for up to three weeks without further care. The Nobilist firs are the champions when it comes to durability - they stay beautiful for 5 weeks or more. The spruce trees shed their needles quickly and are usually very sensitive to themlow humidityand the high temperatures at home. The pines can last a long time if they first get used to the room conditions and needle significantly less than spruces.
Basically you can say that a freshly fallen Christmas tree stays beautiful for between 2 and 6 weeks. But you can extend its shelf life if you follow a few simple rules.
Which Christmas tree doesn't need needles?
The noble fir and the Nordmann fir do not needle as quickly. The two trees are therefore considered to be very robust and undemanding. The pine tree remains beautiful for weeks before shedding its needles. All species of spruce (e.g. blue spruce) last the shortest time among conifers.
How to recognize onefreshly fallen Christmas tree: It has a light cut edge.
Why does the Christmas tree let its branches hang?
If the Christmas tree loses its branches faster than expected, there are two possible reasons for this.
1. The tree was cut down a week or more ago and spent the next 7 days in storage. Of course, its shelf life is then significantly shorter than usual. The needles turn yellow, the tree dries out and the branches hang limp.
2. You stored the tree incorrectly until it was set up and then cared for it incorrectly afterwards.
Keeping the Christmas tree fresh: Useful tips
1. Store properly at home:So the treefresher for longerremains, you should acclimatize it before storing and setting it up. It is best to place it in a place in the garage, basement or winter garden immediately after purchase. The room should be unheated and have windows or doors for ventilation. If you have a covered terrace or a balcony protected from the wind, you can also leave the tree outside. The conifers feel comfortable in sub-zero temperatures, but at temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius they can dry out quickly. Remove thePackagingbefore storage. You don't have to remove the net.
2.Before storageCut the tree trunk freshlyand place it in a bucket full of cold to lukewarm water so that it can soak up. The principle is similar to that of cut flowers - the interface seals quickly and the tree can no longer absorb water properly. That's why you cut a slice out of the tree trunk so that you can supply it with water. By the way, you have to repeat this process a second time - before setting it up. Water the Christmas tree every few days to keep it nice and fresh.
3.The storage room (garage, basement, etc.)Ventilate well every day. Even later, when it has already been set up, the Christmas tree needs fresh air every day. Shock ventilation proves to be particularly effective.
4.The right oneSpace for the Christmas treefind home. The right place for the Christmas tree is ideally far away from the heating.
5.Provide the tree with water daily. But only with tap water. Do not add glycerin or sugar to the water. These home remedies often have the opposite effect of what you want. You also have to spray the tree with water every day to prevent the branches from needling.
6. No artificial snow:The more substances you apply to the needles, the less able the tree is to absorb moisture and sunlight through its branches.
How do I save my Christmas tree?
If the tree begins to dry and suddenly sheds its needles, then urgent measures must be taken. Spray it with water morning and evening. Place it in an unheated room to allow it to recover. If possible, you can increase the humidity around the tree. This can be achieved, for example, by placing round river stones in a bucket of water. They will first absorb the irrigation water and then gradually release it. Do you already have that?Christmas tree set up, then you can remove the garlands for the first time so that the branches can recover. You can also add flower freshening agent to the watering water or fill it directly into the spray bottle and spray the conifer with it.