This is how you can make your own Medovik cake with condensed milk caramel cream

The Medovik cake, still known as the Russian honey cake, not only looks great, but also scores with a lot of taste and aroma. She will be happybaked at Christmas time, but is also ideal for other occasions such as a birthday. Today we are introducing you to two recipes that you absolutely have to try!

Medovik cake with chocolate flavor

Calories per 100 grams: 368 Kcal / Preparation time: 2 hours / Difficulty level: Medium

Ingredients for a cake for 8 people
For the dough:
150 g Honey
150g sugar
3 Owner
600 g Flour
30 g Cocoa powder
150 Butter
1 TL Backsoda
For the cream:
500 g high fat sour cream, at least 30%
1 can of sweetened condensed milk (milkmaid)

– Beat sugar and eggs with a whisk until foamy.
– Melt the butter in the microwave over low heat and then let it cool completely. Then add the butter to the egg-sugar mixture.
– Melt the honey in a saucepan over low heat to prevent it from boiling. Add the baking soda to the honey and stir vigorously with a whisk. *High foam will form, so it is desirable to use a casserole dish with high sides.

– Add the honey foam in small portions to the mixture of eggs, sugar and butter and stir with a whisk.
– Mix the flour with the cocoa powder and sift through a sieve.
– Add the flour mixture to the liquid ingredients.

– Knead the dough, shape it into a large ball and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
– Then divide the dough into 15 pieces. (One of the cake layers is made into crumbs and used for decoration.)
– Roll out the individual balls to a thickness of 2-3 mm. It's best to do this directly on lightly floured baking paper. While one layer of dough is baking, the next one is rolled out. Use a stencil, pot lid, or plate to cut equal-sized circles from the dough. Carefully remove the remaining dough and prick it several times with a fork.
– Bake all layers of dough in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 5-6 minutes until golden brown.
– Place the finished cake layers on top of each other in a stack and let them stand until they have cooled completely.

– To make the caramel cream, you can use a simple trick: the can of sweetened condensed milk is boiled unopened in a pot of water for 2 hours. To prevent the tin from rattling, place 2-3 pieces of baking paper in the pot. The longer you cook them, the thicker the consistency and the richer the flavor.
– Only open the cans when they have completely cooled down in the water.
– Add the cooked dulce de leche to a blender and blend until smooth. Then add the sour cream and mix until smooth.

To assemble the cake, first place a teaspoon of cream on the cake plate. Then place the first cake base on top and spread 2-3 tablespoons of cream on top. Place additional floors in exactly the same way until the Medovik is assembled. Chill the cake for 6-8 hours so that the cream softens the cake base a little.

Finally, spread the cream on the top and sides of the cake and decorate with dough crumbs. The choice of how you decorate the cake is up to you.

Medovik Torte für Faule

Even though the original recipe is quite simple, it takes a lot of time to prepare. Here is a good alternative for anyone who wants a Medovik cake but doesn't have forever to bake individual cake layers.

Ingredients for the dough (original recipe):
480 g Flour
230g sugar
4 EL Honig
4 Owner
1 tsp baking powder
Ingredients for the cream:
300 g sour cream
250g sugar
250 g Quark

Beat the eggs with the sugar until fluffy, then add the honey and mix until creamy. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder and add to the egg mixture. Stir with a spatula.

Divide the dough between 2 baking tins (about 18-20 cm in diameter) and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 25 minutes. Once cakes are completely cool, use a cutting tool to cut 8 cake layers of equal thickness.

And here is a nice idea for matching decoration

We usually associate the honey taste of the Medovik cake with bees. For this reason, a white chocolate honeycomb would be the perfect cake decoration! This is how you can make the decoration:

  • Cut out a circle of bubble wrap the same size as the cake and then spread it out on the work surface.
  • Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath and use a spatula to spread it over the bubble wrap. Then place the bubble wrap with the coated side on the cake and press it down. Chill for 2 hours.

To make the wings, stick two almond flakes into each bee's back

  • Carefully remove the bubble wrap. Cover the Medovik cake with the breading on all sides.
  • Pour liquid honey into a piping bag and fill the individual honeycombs. If desired, the whole thing with a fewFondant beesround off.

Medovik cake with winter charm

This wonderfully fragrant honey cake would be a real eye-catcher on the Christmas table. The caramel-sour cream cream can be refined with dried plums. For a wintery flair, you can decorate the cake with red pomegranate seeds and cranberries and dust it generously with powdered sugar.

The cake also looks great with fresh berries and is refreshing

Number cake made from Medovik cake bases

Number cakeare growing in popularity and are perfect as a birthday cake. You can decorate them wonderfully with sweets, cookies, fruits and macarons.