Snowman soup recipe with cocoa or chocolate – a warming gift from the kitchen

Have you ever heard of snowman soup? Don't let the name fool you, because it's not a soup in the true sense, but rather cocoa in an interesting version. And who doesn't like to drink cocoa in the cold seasons? This applies to both children and adults. We are sure that you are now curious and would like to make snowman soup yourself. We will therefore briefly explain to you what it is all about and give you a snowman soup recipe with cocoa and one with chocolate to try. By the way, the snowman cocoa is also a great oneGift idea from the kitchenfor Christmas, Advent, St. Nicholas or even without a special occasion.

What is snowman soup?

As already mentioned, snowman soup is ahot cocoa. In addition to the cocoa itself, the snowman soup recipe also contains, among other things, marshmallows, which are supposed to represent the snowman balls, so to speak. You can then add any other treats to these two basic ingredients. Edible beads, sprinkles, chocolate chips, a candy cane for stirring, and Christmas spices like cinnamon. All of this is then arranged or packaged in an interesting way (e.g. in a cup, test tubes, etc.) and the snowman soup is ready to be given as a gift. Of course, you can now buy ready-made mixtures for snowman soup (e.g. Snowman Soup Depot), but homemade is always nicer, don't you think? Here is an interesting cocoa recipe with packaging idea that you can use:

We find the snowman soup in a test tube very original. That's why we're starting with a packaging idea in this variant. Of course you can also choose another oneType of packagingdecide, as you will find out below.

  • Marshmallows
  • edible felt-tip pen in black and red or orange
  • clear bag and ribbon
  • Taxes
  • Drinking chocolate powder (2 tbsp for 150 ml)
  • additional treats, in the example colored sugar (if unsweetened cocoa powder is used), chocolate chips and silver beads
  • Shish kebab skewers or toothpicks
  • 4 plastic test tubes

Snowman Soup Recipe – Instructions

The instructions for snowman soup are really simple: fill each test tube with one of the selected ingredients and seal. Then draw snowman faces on the marshmallows using the edible felt-tip pens. Then skewer the finished faces onto a shish kebab skewer. You can also make three marshmallowsa whole snowmancraft, instead of multiple faces as in the example. To keep the marshmallows from drying out and keeping them fresh, wrap them in foil and close them with a pretty ribbon. Now place the test tubes and snowmen in the cup and tie a pretty ribbon around the cup. The snowman soup recipe is now ready and the sweet soup is ready to be given as a gift.

Of course, you can also prepare the cocoa with this snowman soup recipe if it is not intended as a gift but you want to enjoy it yourself. In this case you don't need all the gift wrapping. Instead, you just have to boil the cocoa as usual or make your own hot chocolate and then the marshmallows (mini marshmallows are also suitable) and any othersSweets and edible decorationsadd to the hot drink.

Hot Chocolate Recipes

Would you like in addition to the cocoa toouse real chocolate, the delicious recipe for snowman soup from Food with Love is also suitable. For 500 ml of milk you need the following ingredients, which you can then distribute or mix in any container:

  • 50 g dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content
  • 1/4 TL Vanillepulver
  • 10 g unsweetened cocoa for baking
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cornstarch (to thicken)
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp chopped chocolate
  • Mini-Marshmallows
  • Candy cane
  • Packaging (bag, mason jar, Christmas tree ball, test tubes and cup etc.)

Chop and mix dark chocolate, vanilla, cocoa, sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon in a mixer and place the mixture in the selected packaging. Layer the chocolate on top and then the marshmallows. Later, add milk to this mix for cocoa (500 ml is necessary for these quantities).

Snowman soup in a glass

No matter which hot chocolate recipe you choose, you have different options for the snowman soup packaging to choose from, in addition to the test tubes in a cup. For example, one is also suitablesimple mason jar, in which you layer the snowman soup ingredients for the snowman soup recipe. Finally, close it and tie it with a pretty ribbon. How about instead of using a candy cane to stirhomemade chocolate spoonsthe forest?

Snowman soup in a bag

Transparent bags are just as suitable for packing the ingredients, no matter which snowman soup recipe you choose. Staple or weld the opening together after filling. To hide this side of the bag, you can tuck it into a folded label with sayings and preparation instructions (see below) and then staple it in place in the same way.

Snowman soup recipe – add sayings and poems

If you made and packaged the snowman soup yourself, you are welcome to add some to itnice or funny wordsprovided. This way you give the packaging the finishing touch. We have a few original ideas for snowman soup with sayings in both English and German for you below.

You may have provided the recipient with the delicious ingredients for snowman soup, but perhaps they don't know this type of hot chocolate recipe yet and aren't sure how to handle it. In this case, it is also worth writing short instructions or the snowman soup recipe on the label in addition to a snowman soup poem or saying. Hot milk must now be added to the ingredients. So write down how much milk is necessary for the amount of cocoa you have chosen and that all the other ingredients will be added after preparation.

Make Snowman Soup yourself and add a poem in English

Gifts from the kitchen with cocoa and marshmallows

Rhymes for the edible gift

Snowman soup recipe ideas and poems as a greeting

Prepare Christmas drinks – cocoa or hot chocolate

Make snowmen out of marshmallows

Creative craft idea with mason jars – snowmen with hats

Pack the cocoa mixture in bags

Prepare snow soup with cocoa and sugar or instant cocoa powder

Creative gift ideas for Christmas