Desserts with cherry coffee liqueur such as tarte, mousse, cupcakes and tiramisu cause a real taste explosion with which you can spoil not only yourself, but also your loved ones-both on a simple Sunday and on special occasions. Now that spring is approaching, we long for fruity desserts and cherries - typical spring fruits - are ideal. How about it? Would you like to try out a few new treats?
Tiramisu in a glass with cherry coffee liqueur without baking
This fruity alternative of the classic tiramisus, which is completed in a short time, is pleasantly light and perfect as a end of your dinner. Instead of Amaretto, use coffee liqueur or a variant with cherry aroma as you like.
You need that for 4 glasses:
- 8 spoon biscuits
- 100 ml Espresso
- 2 TheCoffee cherry or coffee liqueur
- 200 g Mascarpone
- 100 g Jogoons
- 2 tablespoons of honey (liquid or gently liquefied in a water bath at low temperature)
- 150 g gutted cherries (TK, from the glass or fresh)
- Cocoa powder for dusting
- Optional: cherries as topping
- Mix the liqueur and espresso to a deep plate.
- Briefly dip half of the biscuits into the liquid so that you can absorb a little.
- Spread the biscuits in the glasses immediately - 1 piece per glass.
- Mix the mascarpone with the yogurt and honey.
- Put half of the cream into the glasses.
- Spread the cherries over it.
- Repeat step 2 and 3 with the remaining biscuits.
- Put the rest of the cream in the glasses.
- Let the finished desserts with cherry coffee liqueur rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours and get firm.
- Remove from the fridge shortly before serving and dust with the cocoa and top them with cherries.
Bake coffee cherry tart
Baking with cherry sliking? Of course! A tart withCreamy cherry fillingSounds just as spring -like as you want, right?
For 8 portions:
- 200 g Mehl
- 100 g Butter
- 50 g of sugar
- 1 no
For cream filling:
- 150 g gutted cherries
- 2 tablespoons of cherry coffee.
- 100 g ground almonds (or alternatively splinters/slices as topping)
- 2 owner
- 100 g of sugar
- 200 ml Sahne
- Knead a shortcrust pastry from the flour, butter, sugar and egg.
- Put the finished dough cold for 30 minutes.
- After the time, heat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Put the dough in a tart form and press it well. Form an edge too.
- Prepare the cream by stirring the eggs with the sugar and cream.
- First lift the almonds and then the cherry coffee liqueur.
- Spread the cream evenly on the dough.
- Take dden cakes with the cherries.
- Bake the tart for about 30 minutes. The edge of the dough should be golden brown.
- Let the cake cool before serving it.
Tipp:Instead of a large tart form, you can also take mini forms. One is also suitable for toppinghomemade cherry sauce.
Coffee cherry mousse with chocolate crumble
The popular delicate mousse, combinedcrispy sprinklesAnd the fruity aroma of the coffee cherry-sounds really seductive, isn't it? If it is supposed to go particularly quickly, you can also leave out the crumble.
For 4 glasses:
- 200 ml Sahne
- 100 tender chocolate
- 3 tablespoons of coffee circles
- 2 egg yolks
- 50 g of sugar
For the sprinkles:
- 50 g Mehl
- 30 g Butter
- 30 g of sugar
- 1 tl cocoa powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- Cherries to top
- Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath.
- In the meantime, they beat the egg yolk foamy with the sugar.
- As soon as the chocolate is liquid, stir the liqueur under. Set the pot aside so that everything can cool down a little.
- Beat the cream stiff.
- Mix the egg mass with the chocolate.
- Carefully lift the cream under the mass.
- Fill the mousse into glasses and put them cold for at least 3 hours.
If you want to prepare crumble:
- Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Mix the flour, butter, cocoa, sugar and salt until a crumbly dough is created.
- Crumble it over a sheet of baking paper.
- Bake them for 10 minutes.
- After cooling and before serving, distribute them on the mousse. Top with a few cherries.
Chocolate cupcakes with coffee cherry frosting
The good old classics with an original aroma - the liqueur comes into that heredelicious frostingAnd adapts perfectly to the chocolate note.
For 12 pieces:
- 200 g Mehl
- 50 g of cocoa powder
- 2 TL baking powder
- 150 g of sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 2 owner
- 125 g melted butter
- 100 ml milk
- 100 g of dark chocolate, chopped
For frosting:
- 250 g cream cheese
- 100 g of powdered sugar
- 3 tablespoons of coffee circles
- 50 g soft butter
- Optional cherries for decorating
- Heat the oven to 180 degrees and lay out a muffin form with paper shapes.
- Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, sugar and salt.
- Mix eggs, butter and milk in a separate bowl.
- Lift the chopped chocolate.
- Spread the dough evenly on the molds.
- Bake the muffins for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Take the cake out of the oven and let them cool on a grid.
Prepare the frosting:
- Mix the cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter and coffee cherry.
- Pour the cream into a piping bag and spray onto the small cakes.
Did you know that ...
... have already been prepared in antiquity? HowDiageo Bar Academyexplained, they consisted of herbs at that time and served medicine. After the discovery of exotic countries and the import of new products, the liqueurs became more and more versatile.
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